Let's talk Mass Effect.

I was introduced to this series through 2 and then went back to play 1, took a bit adjusting to the controls and everything to 1. Then I had to adjust all over again when I went back to playing 2. I had a lot of fun! I played a spacer, war hero, soldier for my canon play-through of the trilogy. Paragon for the most part, but I focused more on answering the way I thought the character would to try to make her more three-dimensional. Cmd Tori Shepard reporting for duty

Tori Shepard.png
Tori Shepard 2.png
Tori Shepard 3.png

I love the Alliance Navy uniform. Too bad most of the Alliance are unlikeable bigots that can go die in a fire. Ooh, in addition to the game let's talk about the choices we made while playing:

I always went after Liara first after taking command of the Normandy then went after her mother and the colony.

Left Kaidan with the bomb, figured he deserved to go out like a hero for a change.

Romanced Liara and remained loyal to Liara despite how incredibly hard it was to resist the awesomeness of Garrus in the second one. Then the third game kept throwing lesbians at me. Stop it!

Kept Wrex alive and remained loyal to the krogan during that mission in 3. Also kept the Collectors base in tact at the end of 2, though it didn't seem to matter all that much going into 3.
