So, in my youth, I have had my arm cut open on Barb wire, and when getting stiched shut the numbing wore off there times, so ended up getting sticked up without any numbing in effect by the end of it, as they'd already pumped a lot into my arm.

That pain was nothing to when my smurfing wisdom tooth started hurting today. So much so that my boss let me stop working, and she got me a dentist appointment set up in the afternoon when both got pulled.

Seriously, what the smurf? Why does the god damn tooth pain hurt so much! (Maybe the tooth in particular, growing in almost entirely vertical, was almost directly on a nerve, so I had been warned in particular I had a higher risk of nerve damage then most, but whatever.)

I have seriously never been in more pain then when that smurfing Wisdom Tooth started hurting today.

So, what is the most physically painful experiences you guys have ever had!