Has like one F bomb in the whole thing, thought I'd play it safe

I was watching this video by Its Just Some Random Guy the other day (btw if you haven't heard of him you should check out his stuff, they're pretty good) and it presented an AU story where Superman and Wolverine go back in time to make sure Bryan Singer was signed on to do X-Men 3 for Fox. The resulting time shift caused the WB to renegotiate a contract with Michael Bay to do a Superman movie. The movie performed well at the box office and became a staple for the DC movies. When Warner Bros. asked Nolan to take on a similar approach with his movies he left and The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises never got made.

Over on the Marvel side of things, the lack of missteps by Fox never led to Marvel making their own studio so Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Avengers, and the whole Marvel Cinematic Universe never came into being and that honor went to DC. But X-Men was doing pretty well for itself. Oh, and Deadpool was on his third movie with Robert Rodriguez and bowler hats were back in style.

While you have your obvious stuff played for laughs, I like how well thought out the alternate universe was and could see it happening if Bryan really did stay on for X-Men 3. What do you think would have happened if Bryan Singer never went to direct Superman Returns? Do you agree? Disagree? Would you prefer this alternate universe to the one we're in now? Do you like bowler hats? I think I'll stay in this universe.
