Ever since I was young I have considered this one of the best parts of VII. I really enjoy Barret's backstory as it does a great job of showing why he hated the Shinr aso much. (while also not justifying his actions, as he himself later admits) The confrontation with Dyne was also really poignant Just seeing this utter wreck of a human being, so tormented by grief and loss that he doesn't care about anything. And when he finds out Marlene is alive and his reaction is:
Dyne "So...... she's still alive... All right, Barret. I guess that means you and I gotta fight." [...] Eleanor's alone all by herself. I've got to take Marlene to her."

It's one of the great underrated segments of FFVII's story and Dyne is one of my favorite minor NPCs in all Final Fantasy.