It's been about a year since I last played this game and, god help me, I'm playing it again!

It all started because a guy I'm following is Let's Playing it but that's no excuse. This game is terrible.
The few characters that get development have it done poorly.
Most of the party gets absolutely no development at all.
To make them even more unnecessary, they're all mechanically the same so they're useless both in and out of combat.
The worldbuilding is awful and makes no sense.
Most every major plot point will implode your brain if you try to think about it and many of said plot points are just forgotten about after they're done with.

But i still like playing it... I still care about the characters. Well, some of them. I still have fun in spite of every logical part of my brain telling me not to. I have repeated that FFVIII is the worst game in the series for many years now and, objectively, that's true. But I'd still rather play this than FFXIII. (which had better characters. Like, infinitely better)

Clearly I am deranged and in need of some electroshock or something.