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Thread: Record Keeper Megathread

  1. #61
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Still playing, currently rocking a full FFIV party of Kain, Child Rydia, Paladin Cecil, Tellah, and Dark Knight Cecil while doing the Golbez event. Picked up Firion, Edward and Squall from the forbidden treasure event but I'm kicking myself for missing the chance to recruit Mog.

    Wish I had more Five Star weapon drops for my fave characters. Hoping Terra and Celes will get another recruitment event as well. I've dropped Tyro completely from my party and I'm mainly using my fave FF characters.

  2. #62
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    I need to moan more because since I made that post I got Balthier's gun, Golbez's axe (incredible) and Y'shtola's robe!

    I think Terra and Celes are coming later, yeah. Beyond the XIV event today, up next is Zack, then Auron, then I think maybe Vaan.

    I used to use Tyro all the time and he's good as a utility, but his stats are just too weak. He's like a really really really extreme Red Mage: Jack of all, master of none. I usually go for a Cloud - Sazh - Garnet* - Yuna - Golbez party. Golbez recently usurped Vivi when I got his axe. Garnet is kind of floating - the other four are all staples, whereas her role can sometimes be given to Wakka, Tidus, Vivi (depending on if I need more Support/Attack/Black Magic) or someone from the realm I'm in, but she's the most common option. It works pretty well.

  3. #63
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I wish I had a chance to get Vivi as well, I always forget how much I love FFIX, I was so excited when I picked up Steiner.

    My usual party is Cloud, Cyan, Child Rydia, D.K. Cecil, and the last shifts to whoever I feel like at the moment. Just recruited Golbez so he may take that permanent spot or replace Rydia. I should probably use Selphie more since she's currently the only character I have their 5 Star Weapon and her skills are healing/support based but whatever. I usually use Yuna if I need a dedicated healer. What I really need to do is stop being stingy with Growth eggs and just max out some levels so I can stand a chance to get the level cap breaking items.

  4. #64
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Orbfest is incredible! I have 8 million gil and up to my eyeballs in orbs. No luck on the smurfing lucky draw though, all silvers!

  5. #65
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    So who is enjoying the new interface after the recent update? Been pretty cool so far. Collected all of the available VI characters and about to sweep the last of VII's with the current event. I also finally got Unique Gear for two characters. I got the White Mage Robe for Y'shtola and last night I got the Sasuke for Shadow, which made him a new fave. Wish I could get back to playing the main game instead of doing the Events but they just give better rewards and I'm addicted to collecting all the characters that I like.

  6. #66
    *permanent smite* Spuuky's Avatar
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    I just downloaded this last week because the sprites look cool for all the post-FFVI characters. It's kind of fun, every single fight ends the same way though (summoning a laughably overpowered "friend" to instantly kill the boss from full health).

  7. #67


    I am ashamed to admit this but I've spent a lot of in-game money on this game. A lot. Probably in the hundreds....but only during FF8 and sometimes FF7 banners (like that's an excuse).

    My main party is:
    Squall with cutting trigger and SeeD uniform (lvl 75)
    Rinoa with Valkyrie and mystery veil (lvl 61)
    Y'shtola with light staff and healers robe (lvl 60)
    Thancred with betrayal sword/thief blade and ninja chainmail (lvl 62)
    Seifer with hyperion and esthar bracers (lvl 60)

    although I often switch in:
    Tifa with grand glove (lvl 55)
    Sephiroth with masamune (lvl 64)
    Cecil with dark sword (lvl 51)
    Zell with metal knuckle (lvl 55)
    Aeris with metal rod(I forget) (lvl 60)

    Heroics+ is really challenging but if you hone your abilities, not dying is a lot easier xD

  8. #68
    Free-range Human Recognized Member Lawr's Avatar
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    FF Record Keeper: Pay 2 Win!

    Quote Originally Posted by Spuuky View Post
    I just downloaded this last week because the sprites look cool for all the post-FFVI characters. It's kind of fun, every single fight ends the same way though (summoning a laughably overpowered "friend" to instantly kill the boss from full health).
    It gets fun later on when you can just play with your favorites or get to an interesting boss. You probably already guessed it but eventually you won't be able to nuke everything, and the superbosses in the events will give you that feeling of nostalgia/anguish like a true FF superboss should.

    Also if you don't plan on spending any of your actual money good luck beating the Ultimates. What causes me heartburn is that I'm completely free to play and I'm almost, kinda getting to that point, since RNGesus has shown me no mercy.

  9. #69
    *permanent smite* Spuuky's Avatar
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    Yeah I haven't advanced past the point of my summon-buddies destroying everything, I'm sure it will happen though. My party is level 30-40 or so now depending on who I bring along.

  10. #70
    Free-range Human Recognized Member Lawr's Avatar
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    A quick sermon for the choir:
    3★++ w/Synergy > 5★ with no Synergy!

    No Synergy: couldn't even master the level 60 dungeon in the FFVI event with a full party. (I have no good RES armor so that didn't help either)

    Character Synergy + Equipment Synergy: Gilgamesh one-man show all the way to the level 75 dungeon in FFV event.

    The mistake I made on my first playthrough was getting rid of my 3★ equipment. It's better to just upgrade it to max when you have spare materials, and combine it with a duplicate. I think when a character has Synergy they gain 10 levels and equipment synergy is 1.5x to all of its stats. Definitely worth exploiting when you can!

  11. #71
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Yeah, Record Keeper never used to have friend summons and so early game content was designed without them in mind. Early friend summons also had weak Soul Breaks as SSBs did not exist. Because there's now such a gulf between someone who has just started and a Day 1 player they're doing a lot more to help bridge the gap so you'll find it easy for a time.

    I'm working on getting everyone to max level which is of course a losing battle. I now have 50 characters at a level at or higher than 65. I don't care, I love this game.

    Also while we're talking about Ultimates smurf Beatrix I got her eventually but god damn. Most of the others have been fairly straightforward. Challenging, but not unfairly so like she was.

  12. #72
    *permanent smite* Spuuky's Avatar
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    My highest level character is Main Character Guy at level 43 now. I finally have run into some bosses that Summon Pals can't just wipe out, trying some random Elite dungeons. This "difficulty 41" dungeon is WAY harder than all of the 45-50 difficulty ones I have cleared, I don't really get it, but whatever.

    I have climbed to a mighty 84 stamina and actually have five 5-star weapons now if I really want to field a team full of them.

  13. #73
    Free-range Human Recognized Member Lawr's Avatar
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    Tyro is a Swiss Army Knife and Gilgamesh is a Swiss Army Knife with a flamethrower attached to it. Gilgamesh is another good character to level up this weekend if you have him, because Tyro's stats start to suck once you get into the 40's+ but good to have as a filler when you need him.

    As much as I hate Cloud outside of FFVII, you should get him high too - this game is not exempt from Cloud favoritism and the physical attack meta*, and there's an Advent Children event coming up that you'll want Synergy for.

    * Yeah, elite bosses are bulltrout so I had to start using Tauntaliate to beat them:
    Advance (Friend Summon) + Retaliate + 2 Dbl. Cut's (Highly Recommended) + Draw Fire (Optional)

    Thanks to Reddit, I found at least 15 Luneth's with Advance and added them to my friend's list. Advance will double the ATK of the user, so I have Gilgamesh (or Cloud) summon Advance, then Retaliate (all physical attacks will miss him and the user will counter) and the other characters Double Cut him and he attacks the creeps for 8,000 to 9,999 damage. I sometimes put Draw Fire on Greg so the creeps will attack him and make him counter, but I'd rather use that extra turn to just Attack and clear the wave. Only a handful of Samurais can use Draw Fire but Cloud can at least use Retaliate and that's really all you need. In fact, Advance and Crushing Blow (Lightning) are the only Roaming Warriors I've needed with very few exceptions.

    Like all Final Fantasies, multi-hits and physical attacks will always outshine single-hit magical attacks. Go forth with the Tauntaliate meta and prosper.

    Yes I called Gilgamesh Greg.

  14. #74
    Free-range Human Recognized Member Lawr's Avatar
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    Lulu's cleavage made for a nice distraction while I waited for Yojimbo++ stamina!


  15. #75
    *permanent smite* Spuuky's Avatar
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    I kind of just use whatever skills Optimize gives me, but with some elemental weaknesses swapped in. And switch my team randomly to whatever realm it is. I don't know, nothing has really presented that much of a challenge unless it's a weird condition like "inflict silence, inflict silence, inflict silence" which really is hard to ignore and still Master.

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