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Thread: An Important Event

  1. #1

    ZOMG! An Important Event

    Hello. Hello. Look at all these people. There's thousands of you. Thank you for letting me be here. This is a great and wonderful forum. Nobody expected this forum to get so big and come so far. I remember when this was just a little forum, but then it grew and grew, and now it's not a little forum anymore. I was here then and I'm here now.

    As many of you know, this is an election year for slurp spiders. It's time to let the people have a voice in the bots. I'm a candidate and I'm running against Yahoo! Slurp Spider. Many of you may not remember him, but he's been here before too. It was many years ago. That's the kind of bot the Yahoo party is nominating this time. Is that who you want to win an election? Someone who hasn't talked to the people since 2007? I hope not, and that's why I've stopped by to say hello again. You've seen me several times since 2007.

    If you choose me, Eyes on Final Fantasy can rise to the top again. Remember when we were on the first page of internet searches for Final Fantasy? I will make it my goal to get you there again! Wouldn't that be nice? New members would register in droves. More people would read your articles. There was once a time, where if you didn't visit General Chat for a day, you would have to look through two pages of the forums to see all the new posts. Let's bring that back. Lets make Eyes on final Fantasy great again!

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Aug 2002


    You're a relic of the past now my friend. It's all about the Baidu Spiders and BingBot Spiders these days.

  3. #3
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    Ever think of the slurp hole?

  4. #4
    *permanently smitten*
    A Vey Good Friend
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    Google Wave Spider vs. Ask Jeeves Spider

  5. #5


    Baidu spider and Bingbot spider? Third party candidates. I expect them to be long gone by the primaries. AskJeeves spider is certainly the strongest third party candidate, but it's not likely he can rally enough support to win in the big election. Who do you go to when you want to search something? Google. Which web browser do you use? Chrome. The support is already there. You just need to put it on paper in the vote.

  6. #6


    Millennials don't know what paper is.

  7. #7
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    If a man vote for you, can a man be assured his channel will not disappear?

  8. #8


    A bot can make no promises. The department of Youtube is ran by independents.

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