2016 was supposed to be my year of naps. Sadly i've been far too busy for them. I enjoy naps! I'm normally eternally tired due to my busy-ness and my allergies kicking my butt all the time. I usually fight going to bed at night because I have little personal time in the evenings and I hate that. Then I stay up too late, and get too sleepy in the morning because I have to get up early for work.

So the entire day is me just wanting sleep because I screwed myself over by staying up too late. Then I just do it again haha. My mood is horrible when I'm tired. I get self destructive and hate everything. Usually it takes a few days of lack of sleep before I get depressed but sleep definitely affects me that way! So my advice to a lot of people when they're upset is to sleep haha.

How's your sleeping? Do you keep a schedule? Do you nap? Need a new bed? I need a new bed, someone buy me one.