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Thread: FFIX Mafia Game Thread - Day 3 - The Final Day

  1. #151


    Whoever killed Steiner obviously did so with the idea that I would investigate him, effectively making my investigation null... AGAIN. Seriously, I've had no luck this game.

    We have a bussing situation, here. I know I am innocent. Either Quina or Vivi bussed their fellow Mafia on Day Two.

  2. #152
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Gaius's Avatar
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    Oct 2007


    Well... I think this one is going to be fairly simple from my point of view.

    Eiko has claimed to be the cop along with Zidane. Either she was lying about that as well as well as Zidane, or she actually is the cop.

    That makes the last vanilla town me or Vivi. Even if Vivi claimed cop at this point I don't think there's anyway I could believe him over Eiko so:

    ​##Vote: Vivi

  3. #153


    It makes this vote for me easy as Eiko was the one I trust in this game. Eiko is also known town.

    ##Vote: Quina

  4. #154
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Gaius's Avatar
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    No pressure Eiko, but your vote decides the game xD

  5. #155


    Yes. Take your time as I am locked in.

  6. #156


    WHY ME

    I'll collect my thoughts and post in a few hours with a verdict. Lemme just lose myself in Dragon Age for a bit and take a breather.

  7. #157


    Firstly, I should say this now: if I end up choosing wrongly, I accept all responsibility for Town's defeat. I was so certain that Steiner was likely Zidane's Mafia partner, I didn't consider investigating someone else instead of Steiner. They ended up using that to their advantage, killing Steiner and effectively making my investigation null for the second time; the first investigation was luckily blocked.

    In my defence, it wasn't as if Steiner was acting angelic. Some very peculiar posts accusing several members of rather benign motivations (how dare they want to live! how dare he want to know the mafia's motivations!) seemed like an attempt to start a bandwagon. I would like to say with hindsight I would've been able to see through this had I another chance, but... unlikely.

    But let's get on with this. First, I'll summarise my thoughts on both Quina and Vivi.

    The Case against Quina

    Quina was always at a moderate level of suspicion, never falling, but never quite rising, either. Let's look at each day in turn:

    Day One

    Quina initially voted for Steiner, which isn't terribly suspicious, as like Steiner and Beatrix, it sounded like a role-play vote.

    Much of the suspicion centred around Quina focused on this one post, quoted below:

    My vote for Steiner was because he was the first one to vote for a lynch today. ...not exactly much of a reason but it's slightly less scattershot than completely random.
    Steiner's main argument for voting Quina was based on the theory that this was unsolicited. On reviewing the posts before this one, this is partially unsubstantiated. Before Quina's post, I stated: "We could at least make an attempt at Day One conversation before concluding we don't know anything and stab blindly."

    It can be inferred that Quina might have been responding indirectly to my assertion that we should hold back from lynching. Quina then states why they have decided to lynch Steiner. I say partially, primarily because this is the only real evidence I could find, and it does come across as slightly forward. Still, it could be seen as helpful, laying all the cards out.

    No other posts on Day One really give anything away. Quina eventually voted for Beatrix under pain of death, which doesn't give much away.

    Day Two

    From the beginning, Quina has been relatively suspicious of Vivi. Disregarding introductory posts, Quina's first major post in Day Two was questioning Vivi's first major post, quoted below:

    How do you come to the conclusion that that one player in particular was the one we were waiting for? Night moves are all secret, and 4 of the remaining 5 players have one available.
    Quina never quite let this one go.

    That post about "we were waiting for Zidane to play his night role" just doesn't sit right with me. It doesn't make any sense at all which is more of a red flag than I get from anyone else.
    Other posts during this day centred around the Eiko vs. Zidane debate. Quina also theorised that Zidane was suspicious, "The other would be Zidane, who is looking to turn my speculation on why Kuja may have been targeted into something incriminating." Quina then had IRL issues, and then resurfaced to vote against Zidane.

    The Case against Vivi

    Vivi always appeared helpful throughout both days, but this should be viewed objectively and without bias. So, let's review:

    Day One

    Not much to mention to be honest. After some light role-play, Vivi's first real post was:

    I too have been waiting for people to discuss things and begin conversation. Don't want to jump an innocent on nothing. Let’s not just kill to kill, but let's get a Mafia
    However Beatrix is acting suspicious really pushing for a quick lynch and jumping on to coat tails to do it.
    That pretty much sums it up. Nothing here particularly clunks, but it is notable that Vivi does not add anything to the table. All of the posts is Vivi agreeing with others, as opposed to any real original thought behind them. Still, it is Day One, so it isn't something to beat him with. It was something I had in my notes for that day.

    Day Two

    After a relatively quiet Day One, Vivi comes back with a vengeance in Day Two. I noted this to be odd in my log: I always found sudden changes in activity (that isn't due to IRL) to be unusual. it suggests game strategy, which is something Town players shouldn't think of. As Town, you post and suss it out. Only if you have a power role should you choose to limit your posting, and I am the detective, and our doctor is dead. I might be overthinking this, but it clunked in my thinking.

    Anyway, regardless of motive, Vivi really pressed forward in Day Two, even causing me to fall under his suspicion. This also seemed odd. I was accused of blocking conversation, when all I really said was we shouldn't cast undue suspicion on those absent an hour into the day. Vivi's gusto to getting the day moving seemed at odds with Day One. Vivi claimed " I have been quit due to game inactivity." Day Two was even more inactive at first, yet Vivi didn't make an attempt to stir the 'inactive' Day One conversation further.

    The most important point to make about Vivi during the early stages of Day Two was this:

    Zidane however I am way more sure of and that is coming from him not posting. I know it sounds odd but I am positive Zidane is played by Scruff. We were waiting on Scruff to play a night move earlier. A roll of the dice is what I think killed Kuja.
    Replace Scruff for Zidane in this quote. Why would Vivi suspect Scruff had a night role? Quina pointed this out, and I can't dispel it. Vivi later try to claim nothing of it, stating: "It may have been me over thinking the game. This is why I really want to talk it out." It doesn't seem like a fairly strong counter. It's basically saying "I was confused!" We must also consider that Zidane is Mafia. it didn't seem terribly bad at the time, but with Zidane as Mafia, it becomes more so.

    Later on, Steiner becomes suspicious of Vivi. While much of Steiner's accusations seem... fairly weak, it is surprising because Qwerty is a pretty good player of Mafia. He mentions Vivi's posts as being "off-putting." Steiner is Town, not a Mafia trying to throw around nonsense posts. What was it about Vivi's posts that were so off-putting? If only Steiner posted more often.

    The latter stage of Day Two centred on the whole cop business. Vivi ended up being lynchmaker. Central to Vivi voting for Zidane was the lack of suspicion Vivi had over me. While I'm glad of it, no reason was given as to why. At the start of the day, i was suspicious. Then something changed. It might've been my post against Zidane, but then why would Vivi take my word over Zidane? It's a question I still can't answer.

    At the end, after some umming and ahhing, Vivi voted for Zidane.


    Ugh, I'm going to be wrong, aren't I?

    ##VOTE: Vivi

    After everything, having summarised all the suspicious posts and interesting quirks, Vivi just has... more. There's the night role post, or the way I'm suddenly Vivi's best friend in the game, or the sudden mini-gun of posts on Day Two. When I look at Quina, there just isn't as much questionable behaviour.

    So yes, I'm going to go for Vivi. If I'm wrong, then I'm sorry, and that's a well played game of Mafia, there, Quina.

  8. #158
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Gaius's Avatar
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    Oct 2007


  9. #159
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Vivi stood with his staff pointed at Quina, and Quina pointed its staff right back at him. Eiko stood between them. She was unsure who to believe. Round and round in circles the arguments went. Was it Vivi? Was it Quina? No, surely it must be Vivi. Ah, but then why did Quina...?
    "No," she said. "No." The two foes turned. "As the cop of this here town, I know who the mafia is." She pointed at a disbelieving Vivi.
    "No hard feelings," he whispered as the noose was tied around his neck. Did I do the right thing? wondered Eiko.

    Vivi was a Vanilla Townie played by the exuberant FFNut!

    Eiko let out a little noise of terror. "YOU?!" she wheeled around to Quina, who gave a non committal shrug. "B-but how?" Eiko spluttered. "Why?"
    "I do what I want," replied Quina, thrusting its frog fork into Eiko's chest, killing her instantly. "You have problem?"

    Eiko was a Cop played by the steadfast and determined Formalhaut.

    That of course leaves our winner Quina, who was a Mafia Goon played by the absolutely majestic Fox.

    Thanks for playing, everyone!

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