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Thread: Black Panther

  1. #1
    Depression Moon's Avatar
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    Default Black Panther

    Just wanted to let y'all know that it's lit!

  2. #2
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    It was! I loved how vibrant the colors were. So many movies, superhero movies included, are all dark and edgy colors. Not this! This was like "BAM purples! bam oranges!"

  3. #3
    Yes homo Mr. Carnelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    It was! I loved how vibrant the colors were. So many movies, superhero movies included, are all dark and edgy colors. Not this! This was like "BAM purples! bam oranges!"
    It was definitely a visual triumph. To be honest, I thought the story was maybe a bit on the thin side, but that was more than made up for by engaging characters and the well-realised setting of Wakanda.

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     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Spoiler time!

    (SPOILER) I kind of wish they had a redemption arch for Killmonger. He was a very good and relatable villain. I was hoping for a vegeta-esque redemption.

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    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Spoiler time!

    (SPOILER) I kind of wish they had a redemption arch for killmonger. He was a very good and relatable villain. I was hoping for a vegeta-esque redemption.
    Yeah. (SPOILER)It really is hard to reconcile Killmonger choosing death when you consider what he represents, but his wham line makes up for that in many ways. Still: a redeemed Killmonger would have been incredibly inspirational.

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  6. #6
    Depression Moon's Avatar
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    So I've seen this film three times now. I still love it. The first time I watched it was an amazing experience. I saw it on the 15th at the first showing and the crowds were full of black people dressed in either all black or in African clothes. it was legit! They even had a backdrop where people were taking pictures with someone in a Black panther costume. I didn't though because I thought I wasn't going to get a good seat if I waited.

    When I got in and sat down I was two seats away from this cute girl and talked to her for a little bit. She didn't seem that interested so I had stopped. After some time passed I saw my friend from college come in with some other guy and I shouted out to him "I thought you said your black ass couldn't make it?" He made an awkward face and was like "yeaaaah" and sat down. I have to admit I was kind of mad because I asked him like a week or so ago to go see it with him but he said we would be too busy during that week. There was a mom in the row in front of me with her three little children and I apologized to her for cussing in front of her children.

    Anyway, the movie came on and I was amazed! That first scene was stellar, but the whole movie was smurfing fantastic. Erik Killmonger is the best villain that the MCU has thus far. What really made the movie great the crowd. There were so many people laughing and cheering you could just feed off of their energy and what particularly made me laugh were a couple girls behind me swooning when Michael B Jordan first came on screen and when he said those artifacts were beautiful in the museum scene they were both like "And so are you".

    That crowd was too good. Killmonger is a very relatable villain. I definitely feel where he's coming from and a villain that makes (SPOILER)The hero changes his ways is the mark of a great one. It was wonderful to see all these strong black women in this.

    So after the movie I saw the same girl I was sitting two seats from in the theater and she looked really attractive in her all black and hell I looked good too in my African printed hoodie and sweatpants. So I decided to talk to her about the movie and stuff and to my surprise she was into geeky trout. She also told me what she was going to school for and trout and I happened to know some people who already made it so I got her to text me her number and I was talking to her for a while. At one point I thought I was getting played like usual because I didn't hear back from her from a while and she said she had other stuff to do and when I set a date to see the movie again with her I have to admit I was expecting to get ghosted because I have been ghosted in the past.

    She actually showed up though and damn if she could talk, but I enjoyed my time with her. I had lost my phone after the movie so that was annoying, but she helped me find it. I'm glad I was able to actually go on a date. It took me until I was 28, but I finally have. I feel sort of bad about it too though because I lied about having a job right now, but my old friend from college said to never tell a girl you're not working.

    I really love this movie and I think I'll make a YouTube review about it. I hope I can post it here if that will be okay?

    So I saw it a second time on my birthday and then I sa

  7. #7
    Black Magic Shopkeeper's Avatar
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    I enjoyed it immensely. I just had two small issues with it, really. One was that... well, it's a live-action movie, so of course it won't be able to emulate the amazing art style from the comics.

    And the other is just.... ehhh (SPOILER) I, too, wish Killmonger had been given a redemption arc. Or just.... not chosen death. :/ Felt like a cop-out.

    Also, congratulations Depression Moon! That girl sounds really nice!

  8. #8


    I could swear I had read a mention of Michael B Jordan in the next Avengers.

    Just because he chose death doesn't mean he'll stay dead and we may see that redemption arc later down the line. Given how quickly they ko'd Klaue, at least 'monger got to be an actual threat to T'challa before snuffing.
    Jack: How do you know?

    Will: It's more of a feeling really.

    Jack: Well, that's not scientific. Feeling isn't knowing. Feeling is believing. If you believe it, you can't know because there's no knowing what you believe. Then again, no one should believe what they know either. Once you know anything that anything becomes unbelievable if only by virtue of the fact you now... know it. You know?

    Will: No.

    If Demolition Man were remade today

    Huxley: What's wrong? You broke contact.
    Spartan: Contact? I didn't even touch you.
    Huxley: Don't you want to make love?
    Spartan: Is that what you call this? Why don't we just do it the old-fashioned way?
    Huxley: NO!
    Spartan: Whoa! Okay, calm down.
    Huxley: Don't tell me to calm down!
    Spartan: What's gotten into you? 'Cause it sure as hell wasn't me.
    Huxley: Physical relations in the way of intercourse are no longer acceptable John Spartan.
    Spartan: What? Why the hell not?
    Huxley: It's the law, John. And for your information, the very idea that you suggested it makes me feel personally violated.
    Spartan: Wait a minute... violated? Huxley what the hell are you accusing me of here?
    Huxley: You need to leave, John.
    Spartan: But Huxley.
    Huxley: Get out!
    Moments later Spartan is arrested for "violating" Huxley.

    By the way, that's called satire. Get over it.

  9. #9
    Nice about it Nice's Avatar
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    Was not feeling the hype. Then I saw it and I was hyped. The story wasn't half bad. I think this has the best villain in any Marvel film to date. I didn't really like the first Avengers (overrated) and so Loki never really struck a chord with me. He was just a bland generic baddie who had good lines.

    The mark of a good villain is empathy. I definitely empathized with Killmonger.

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    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Black Panther was great. Great supporting cast and one of the best villains of any of the Marvel movies. I predicted that this movie would be the highest grossing of any Marvel film and wasn't too far off.

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  11. #11
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Finally saw this yesterday. Pretty good flick, though I feel the hype for it left me feeling a bit underwhelmed. I really enjoyed Wakanda and the politics of the region, the cast was damn good, another good Marvel villain who suffers from the usual Marvel Villain problems killing them off. With that said, while I can totally sympathize with Killmonger's motives and he has a good tragic backstory, I'm not a huge fan of his portrayal in the film. He's pretty cool in his intro, showing intelligence and tact, and then he kinda feels like he came off the set of Boyz in the Hood II for the rest of the movie. It's not a deal breaker mind you, but his first impression led me to be believe his portrayal would be a bit different.

    It was a nice flick overall, but probably somewhere in the middle of the Marvel franchise for me, though I don't wish to sound like I'm undermining it's bigger impact in Hollywood. Will be interesting to revisit Wakanda next month in Infinity War.

  12. #12
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    Finally saw this today, it was great but I'll be honest, all the hype on the internet hurt the experience a bit, it couldn't live up to what people on the internet say about it.

    Also I dunno if it was the movie, the screen or the 3D glasses i had on, but moreso than any other movie I've watched in 3D, I frequently had issues focusing on points that didn't make the image look like a mess.

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