So I was thinking of making a thread about a Brandon Sanderson novel or Malazan, or..well, pretty much any fantasy novel I've read, but came to the realization it'd probably be too specific to be a long-lived thread.

Instead, I decided to try a general fantasy novel thread! I'm hoping that by not confining it to one series or even author, more people will come in here and discuss novels or just rant about how great the one they just read is.

Just be sure to tag any possible spoilers, of course.

Anyhoo, to start off, I've been reading Gardens of the Moon (first novel in the Malazan series by Steven Erikson) and it's been very intriguing so far, even though it was pretty hard to get a grasp on things when I just started it because you're kinda just thrown in at the deep end. Lots of interesting characters in multiple factions to the point where I have no idea which faction to even root for.