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Thread: FFVII R Episodes

  1. #16
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    I'm assuming by 'split' you mean 'available on both'?

    I wonder if there is a way to maintain your saves across games they'll implement in some way. If they do progress saves towards new episodes, then will they allow that cross-platform? It'd suck getting all the way through episode one to discover PS5 is releasing and cross-platform saves won't work so if you want to play the rest of it on PS5 you'll have to buy it and play it all the way through again.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  2. #17


    I suspect Part 2 will be available across gen, but maybe not beyond that, until they finish the Saga and release the 'Complete Edition' on PS5 with everything. I'd be very surprised if, multiple years into the PS5 lifecycle, they are still releasing new FFVII Remake games on PS4.

  3. #18
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I feel it will depend on how future installments are released. I always felt the first episode would get a physical release, but not so much the sequels outside of over-priced collector's editions. I still feel like most future installments would be purely digital and if that's the case, continuing on a new console will be pretty easy for them if PS5 just transfers a consumer's full PS4 account, games and all.

    SE has already said Episode 1 will be compatible with the PS5, but I don't feel Sony is going to drop the PS4 the second the PS5 comes out, so SE may also just simply double dip and release the later chapters on both platforms. Assuming the game doesn't take a decade to be finished, its more likely VIIR may be the last thing released for PS4 before Sony officially pulls the plug on it.

    Again speculation, and we won't know until we really see what Sony has planned for the PS5.

  4. #19


    I would argue the end of the crater (first time) is easily equivalent to leaving Midgar as an end to a significant stretch of plot. The only thing is it's a little close to Aeris death so both can't be used as episode endings unless there's more than 5 episodes or they stretch it out a lot. As it is, it's already a fairly lengthy section of sequential areas that's just battling punctuated by some story stuff. I don't know how they would expand it much without making it tiring.

  5. #20


    Depending on how much they expand it I would put the end point for part 2 at either Nibelheim or, as you say, the end of the crater. I don't think they'll leave it at Aerith. I don't think they'll end that part on such a depressing note; the crater is a much better cliffhanger. Then you can pick up part 3 starting with Tifa and Barret in Junon, which would be perfect.

  6. #21
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I honestly see the battles with Jenova being good endpoints,barring of course the two practically on top of each with Aerith and the Crater and the one before the battle with Sephiroth. If they really expand the first continent segment and Junon, the battle on the ship would actually be a fairly decent stopping point since its the first technical encounter with what the party believes is Sephiroth and it opens up the new continent as a good starting point for a new title. This can especially work if they bother with a world map filled with content.

    Nibelheim is also a pretty strong end point. Since the first disc had the most relevant story content, I can see it being split into three parts with expansions on the narrative. Crater would be a good stopping point, but I feel nostalgia may get the better of the dev and they'll end it with Aerith instead, which narratively works better due to the ending fatigue I feel waiting until the crater would do.

    I'm honestly more curious to see what gets cut or changed. The most disappointing thing about the E3 trailer is we never got a hint of the cross-dressing segment, though Kitase says its still in the game. I'm more curious to see if the actual questline is still intact or if SE may change a few things since several of the game's more questionable elements that would cause some controversy are in this sequence. The bike chase is too iconic to lost, but what about the snowboarding and submarine sections?

  7. #22


    But snowboarding was the best! They must keep it!

  8. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Golbez View Post
    But snowboarding was the best! They must keep it!
    Yeah, snowboarding was fun.

  9. #24
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Maybe just... don’t have it be the immediate next thing you do after Aerith dies?

  10. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Maybe just... don’t have it be the immediate next thing you do after Aerith dies?
    Hey, if Cloud wants to process his grief by landing sick 540 tailgrabs then don't stand in his way

  11. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Maybe just... don’t have it be the immediate next thing you do after Aerith dies?
    "Just act normal when this happens." - Aerith immediately after being told Barret's backstory about Corel, his wife dying, etc.

  12. #27


    I've just finished replaying FFVII and I was thinking about this while playing it, how they will split the episodes.

    Here's what I think if it is 3 episodes long:
    Episode 1 - Midgar
    Episode 2 - Kalm flashback to Aeris' death
    Episode 3 - Disc 3 and 4

    For a 4-episode scenario:
    Episode 1 - Midgar
    Episode 2 - Kalm flashback to Nibelheim/Mt Nibel
    Episode 3 - Rocket Town to Aeris' death
    Episode 4 - Disc 2 and 3

    For a 5-episode scenario:
    Episode 1 - Midgar
    Epidose 2 - Kalm flashback to Nibelheim/Mt Nibel
    Episode 3 - Rocket Town to Aeris' death
    Episode 4 - Icicle Inn to Cloud finding himself
    Episode 5 - Underwater reactor to final dungeon

    I can't see it being longer than 5 episodes, but it is pretty hard to predict how this will turn out. It's hard due to appropriate 'end points' and 'start points'. For example, ending a part on Cosmo Canyon or the Dyne battle would not seem right at all. Great parts and all, but definitely not ending points. Starting points are also hard to decide.

    Nibelheim seems a no-brainer for an ending point. It would be strong as a starting point too, but that can't work because that would make Cosmo Canyon an ending point.

    Jenova Birth might be ok for an ending point. Which would make Costa del sol a starting point, which I think works.

    Aeris' death is a no-brainer for an ending point, however, if they wanted they could stretch that same episode out to make cloud's disappearance at the crater the ending point instead.

    So yeah, it's basically very hard to predict, especially when we don't know how many parts it will be.

    And it also depends how much extra content they're adding. There must be A LOT of extra content for episode 1 Midgar, because when I replayed FFVII I was out of Midgar in no time.
    Last edited by Jarvio; 10-14-2019 at 09:05 AM.

  13. #28
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    I'm expecting every single one of the flashback scenarios—Nibelheim, Corel, even checking the PC in Gast's place—to be fully playable sections. I think SE wants to do a 7-part remake, but I highly doubt that will come to fruition. We should almost certainly expect brand new sections and maybe even some of the unfinished / cut content to be completed if enough of the original team members are like "oh, hey, remember that idea we had".

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