Hey so Persona 5 Royal is out now. I got it a day early because my store called me up and said I could pick it up early. I've been playing it since. Finished the first dungeon so far. I'm liking 99% of the changes so far.

I played the base version last year twice and felt like I should've only played it one time prior to this because the story segments are still too fresh in my mind, but enjoying everything that's new.

Oh, and please put spoilers in here for me and everyone else. That being said (SPOILER)I just unlocked the Thieves Den and I can see myself spending a lot of time there once I unlock more stuff. Played a match of Tycoon. Had no idea what I was doing, but I still won, bought a couple of gallery pieces and then changed the theme to Kamoshida's Palace. i felt iffy about it at first, but it looks better than the default layout. Dope trout.