It's the Holiday Season, so we all know what that means - Candy Canes! And Santa knows we all need some joy after the year we've had!

For those of you newer to the forums, we like to spread some holiday cheer here! Got something you'd like to say to someone? Send it to me, CCM, and I'll send it on anonymously! Confession of love? Thanks for being a friend? Challenge to a duel at midnight behind Denny's? Anything goes*

PM your message, and make sure to include the recipient! I will be accepting messages until 6pm EST on December 23rd. After that, I have to get some beauty sleep so I can help Santa deliver his Yumnut out of his heavy sack on Christmas Eve!

Get to candyin'!

*Anything, in fact, does not go. Don't be a dick. I'm talking to you. Yes, you.