Among the Final Fantasy characters used in Kingdom Hearts, which one best represents their original counterpart?

I'm going through the series right now, replaying Kingdom Hearts 2 for the first time in I don't remember how long. I had forgotten how they really did justice for Auron.

When Hades makes an "Auron voodoo doll" to control his mind, and you go to collect it, you can hear his memories from his time traveling with Braska and Jecht. Or at least, whatever the KH equivalent of his story would be. Since we know Leon & the gang are originally from Hollow Bastion, it makes sense that Auron is from a KH world, too. But it was a good nod to at least reference his past life.

Also, the fact that he can't leave the Underworld for obvious reasons. That's a nice touch.

And he joins your party, which helps my enjoyment of the character.

Basically, I just wanted to make an Auron thread.