Pulling a BoB here and making a separate thread by chapter. Will include any spoilers through chapter 1.

The prologue was surprising. I thought it was a flashback but turns out to be some other timeline or something. I like that Zack's voice is pretty reminiscent of Crisis Core.

I like that you can skip most of the dungeon crawl tutorial section of the flashback if you played the demo. I did not like that you couldn't skip the slow crawl through the fire. >< Other than that, all the main points of the original flashback were hit pretty well. I love Cloud's wide eyes at Sephiroth, also that Sephi comes off as a decent guy before he goes crazy, also Barret's interjections.

One thing though, why the hell did those villagers with guns just stand there while Sephiroth hacked them down one by one? Is this meant to be part of Cloud's bad memory? Gee guy, once he cuts out your legs you may want to start shooting?

Although this is getting into the next chapter a bit, Kalm is beautiful.