I am in the middle of fighting this stupid neslug thing and it just goes on and on forever! The stupid creature is curled up in a ball and it keeps regenerating it's hit points. I cast reflect on it so it's curaga isn't working and i keep hitting it with double casts of ultima but like I'm into this battle at least an hour and it doesn't look like it's ever going to end! I am so BORED! Now on the average I am taking off approx. 130,000 hit points per round and it seem to regen approx. 95,000 hit points per round. Yuna only uses up 1 mp per spell and she is down 112 magic points which means I have gone 51 rounds already (more actually I think I used a mega elixer to restore Auron's and Rikku's magic points way earlier). ANYWAY, some advice, or reassurance or anything you can think of would be wonderful. Thanks! :frust:

Hit him 20 times for 99999 damage. Any more than this and he'll go into his shell. As soon as you've done this get a full attack reel off with wakka and his shell will be broken before he can even get into it!
Thanks, next time I will try that. I finally was able to overcome him but it took like forever!!!