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Thread: Falling down the stairs?

  1. #31
    *~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Sacred Phoenix's Avatar
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    I usually trip up the stairs, or I end up with my foot too close to the egde and i slip going down the stairs and land on my ass. Sometimes in the dark i think i have one more step left but i don't and i snap my knee back wards. Oh and some times i think i'm on the last step and i'm not and to avoid snapping my knee agiain i hurl myself onto the floor. It's actually quite funny.
    It doesn't matter what any of us is looking for,we'll never find it,
    because it's not even there

    Some people are like SLINKIES, they are of no real use, but you can't help but smile when one tumbles down the stairs.

  2. #32


    Yea i fall up stairs a child i remember rolling down a set of 13 steps...funny now but at the time i dont think it was a pretty sight!

    [Life is Eternity in a nutshell]

  3. #33


    My friend broke her wrist running up bleachers a while ago.

    My school has steps on one side that they made in a very akward size so they're too small for me to take one step at a time but then too big to take 2 steps at a time and i usually end up tripping up on them somewhere.
    I also dont usually pay attention while going up/down my stairs so everyonce in a while i try to take an extra step and get messed up for a second.

  4. #34


    i always stare at my steps when going down the stairs so i dont fall.

  5. #35
    SeeDRankLou's Avatar
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    I don't fall down stairs, but I am always running into stuff. I don't give my body enough lateral space to move in. I don't need much in the first place, but I still don't give myself enough. So like when I'm going around a corner, my shoulder will likely hit the corner of the wall. I run into tables a lot. The other day I actually walked into a pane of glass, which was not fun. I also drop things a lot. I've gone through several cell phones dropping them. I broke my palm pilot once. I almost broke my T-92 (which would have pissed me off badly). Never broken a bone though, thankfully. I've jammed a few things, but those were all sports related injuries.

  6. #36
    (。◕‿‿◕。) Recognized Member Jojee's Avatar
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    I didn't fall but when I was 3, my cousin pushed me down a whole big set of concrete stairs and said it was an accident. >=| It wasn't, now I realize. JERK. (Of course, this is the same cousin that when I was 6, told me to play "bull" and held up a red hankerchief against the wall. I ran into it. The wall, I mean. Really hard.) Ah, the stories of why I am so screwy T_T


  7. #37


    I went through this phase about two years ago where a couple friends and I would fall on purpose. At first it was just in front of large groups in the mall, then we graduated to learning how to fall down stairs without getting hurt. We got some pretty good laughs and none of us ever got injured, I would say it was definately good times.

    It also makes me desensitized to being embarrassed if I trip in front of someone on accident or something.

  8. #38
    toothpaste kisses Resha's Avatar
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    Warning/Advice: Never lean against an escalator railing thingy...that converyer belt thingy to hold on to as you go up.

    A friend of mine leaned against one going up, and it was so strong, it pulled her up with it. Now, I didn't see the incident, and I was I decided to try for myself. I swore I'd be careful.

    So in the middle of the huge shopping mall I lean against it, and suddenly, it drags me up while I'm screaming "No! STOP IT! STOP THE ESCALATOR!!!! AAAAGH!" and the whole mall stops and stares and points and laughs, and my friends are like "Whooooaaaa...".

    Pfft. I managed to fall off the side but owtch..I couldn't sit for a week, and I had a bruised ego. :rolleyes2 Seeing is believing...isn't that what they say on the Disney videos?
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  9. #39
    Mmm... banoffee! Dragon Ash's Avatar
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    I fell down the stairs in a cinema once but i managed to catch the railing. So I ended up kneeling downwards on these very sharp edged tiled stairs on my bare knees! Ouch! And my best friend just stood there laughing at me while I was desperately hanging on to this railing.

    How long has it been raining?


  10. #40


    i'm possibly the most clumsy person in the world!
    i am always walking into things and people. my friends hate shopping with me because i always knock things down. i hit my head alot too!
    i fell down the stairs last week and hit my head on a spiked me

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  11. #41
    ~*~Peace and Love~*~ Leene's Avatar
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    I Fell down the stairs one month ago and guess what i was at school everybody laughed at me....

  12. #42


    hit my head on a cactus

  13. #43


    i live in an old house so there are windows like at the bottom of landings near the ground. we keep cacti there!
    god did it HURT!
    i got a rash on my forehead...thats the stoooopidest thing that ever happened to the past few months!

    Trust No one

  14. #44
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    I went through this phase about two years ago where a couple friends and I would fall on purpose. At first it was just in front of large groups in the mall,
    I used to do that too when I was around a group of my friends. They never did though. It's 20x better if you yell "OH NO!" really loudly on your way down.

  15. #45
    Blah Silmaril's Avatar
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    I go down stairs looking straight down.

    I'm not very clumsy. I bump into things alot. Tables, chairs, range rovers, lamp posts, you name it. I once straight into one of those pole type things that keep tennis nets up.

    :whaaa: I've adopted this smiley

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