Edea, at the last minute was the fifth character eliminated from the competition joining Ward (Week 1), Kiros (Week 2) Irvine (Week 3) and Zell (Week 4). Heh, at least she beat Zell who has a better role than her in the game, seventh place isn't terrible! Six more contendor's left (Seifer(most vulnerable), Rinoa, Quistis, Laguna, Squall, and Selphie). Five more weeks until the finals and I can't wait...thanks and feel free to add your predictions!

my vote this week: Seifer(done explaining)

week one: Ward(CORRECT)
week two: Irvine(WRONG, KIROS LEAVES)
week three: Irvine(CORRECT)
week four: Zell(CORRECT)
week five: Edea(CORRECT)
week six: Seifer
week seven: Rinoa?
week eight: Laguna?
week nine: Selphie?
finals: Quistis vs. Squall?

11)Irvine(already eliminated)
10)Seifer(top 6)
09)Ward(already eliminated)
08)Kiros(already eliminated)
07)Rinoa(top 6)
06)Edea(already eliminated)
05)Laguna(top 6)
04)Quistis(top 6)
03)Squall(top 6)
02)Zell(already eliminated)
01)Selphie(top 6)