Well, it's that time again to announce the newest member of the UnOfficial EoFF Screen Name Hall of Fame.

It's not...
Not At All Reno!

Just kidding...

It's actually...
Meat Puppet!

Meat Puppet surprises all of those who had supported krissy to win this one. Of course, I was also pulling for Not At All Reno myself, but apparently, more than enough voters voted for Meat Puppet rather than Not At All Reno. Had I received more votes, which I specifically asked for, we may have a different result, however, the votes dwindled down each round, and I barely had 25 votes in the Finals, maybe if I had done a poll, I may get more votes, but I like the secrecy of votes by PMs, so the results may come to a surprise to those who supported Not At All Reno. Anyway, Meat Puppet wins the prize and joins the likes of Hall of Famer names like Mikztsu, Mo-Nercy, Melted Snowman, mystic ice cube, and other screen names that don't start with the letter "M". Congrats to Meat Puppet for winning the best screen name in the Battle of the Screen Names, you bested the likes of My name is...Something?, MoonsEcho, Yamaneko, Psychotic, boris no no, Del Snizz, and finally Not At All Reno to win the title. Good job.

Now for the results...
Finals Results

Meat Puppet (13)
Not At All Reno (10)
Citizen Bleys (1)*

* courtesy of Loony BoB