What do you think of my list of spells you *should* buy in FF1?
Give your opinions!
The ones in hyphons are not really important, they're mainly there to fill out space:

Cure - Harm - (Fog)
Mute - Invs - Alit
Cur2 - Hrm2 - Afir
Pure - (Amut) - Aice
Cur3 - Hrm3 - Life
Soft - Inv2 - Exit
Cur4 - Hrm4 - (Hel3)
Fade - Wall - Lif2

Fire - (Slep) - Lit
Ice - (Slow) - (Tmpr)
Fir2 - (Lok2) - Lit2
Ice2 - Fast - (Conf)
Fir3 - Bane - Warp
Lit3 - Rub - Qake
Ice3 - (Brak) - (Sabr)
Nuke - (Xxxx) - (Zap!)