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Thread: Tekken : Dark Resurrection

  1. #1

    Default Tekken : Dark Resurrection

    This is why I bourght a PSP, I cant believe Tekken is coming to the PSP, seemed unreal a few years ago, but there doing it.

  2. #2
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Wow, first GTA, now Tekken. I'm beginning to get very tempted to buy a PSP now.

    How will this affect the storyline? I think it'll be like Tag in that respect but is there any confirmation? (I'm too lazy to read the article )

  3. #3


    it hasnt been said whether it will be a new installment or port from the arcade. It seems to be based from Tekken 5, which is good.

  4. #4
    Not a Banana Mo-Nercy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic
    How will this affect the storyline? I think it'll be like Tag in that respect but is there any confirmation? (I'm too lazy to read the article )
    In the arcades, DR is simply a re-release of Tekken 5 (and is actually called Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection). The story is exactly the same. Us Australians were lucky enough to get DR in the arcades before almost all other regions (except Japan) so we've been playing around with it for a few months now. The engine's a tiny bit different so a few juggles don't work as well or not at all, some moves have been chopped and changed around, Steve's been toned down a bit, King's been moved up to top tier (in my opinion), Bruce has been moved down to lower mid, there's a few new characters:

    - Lili plays a similar style to Xiaoyu. Confusion tactics and poking seem to be the key. She's very girly. All her moves seem to be cartwheels or slaps. But this is really a preliminary observation, I've yet to see a really good Lili player in Sydney.

    - Dragunov has really taken off here. A lot of the pros here have embraced him. I have no idea why but he's definitely not a low tier character.

    - Armor King is supposed to be dead. O___O This kinda makes the whole King vs. Marduk side plot non-sensical.

    The intro movie to DR is also suxors compared to the T5 one.

    I talk to a lot of pros who say the game is majorly different from T5. I've had to ditch Xiaoyu and Bruce but I still have Nina and Lee (and Asuka, to a lesser extent). IMO, with a few minor adjustments to your game and DR will seem almost exactly like T5.
    Last edited by Mo-Nercy; 02-20-2006 at 03:50 AM.

  5. #5


    Wasnt DR meant to be released for the PS2 first ?

  6. #6
    I am Keyran! a nirvana fan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic
    Wow, first GTA, now Tekken. I'm beginning to get very tempted to buy a PSP now.

    How will this affect the storyline? I think it'll be like Tag in that respect but is there any confirmation? (I'm too lazy to read the article )
    Oh you should get a PSP, they totally own any other handhelds out there, you cannot only play UMD you can also *cough run SNES, NES, GB, GBC, GBA etc etc homebrew cough* and do a ton of other tricks with it, there really amazing.

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  7. #7


    I spend more time with my PSP than my PS2 ....

  8. #8
    Not a Banana Mo-Nercy's Avatar
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    None of the screenshots of PSP DR released thus far show any sort of character customisation. Maybe this aspect of T5 and Arcade DR has proven too much for the PSP.


  9. #9
    carte blanche Breine's Avatar
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    I heard that they toned Nina Williams down a whole lot for Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, which I find very annoying since Nina has always been my favourite character. I don't know if it's true, though, or how much they've changed her if that is the case.

  10. #10


    What part of Nina has been toned down ?

  11. #11
    Not a Banana Mo-Nercy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breine
    I heard that they toned Nina Williams down a whole lot for Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, which I find very annoying since Nina has always been my favourite character. I don't know if it's true, though, or how much they've changed her if that is the case.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dreddz
    What part of Nina has been toned down ?
    I reckon the biggest change to Nina is her uf+1 (for the non-arcaders here, that's upforward square). Prior to Tekken 5, Nina was always a mid tier character that never quite made top tier for a few reasons. I won't get into all of it here, but one of these reasons is because she wasn't great at closing the range between her and the opponent (this is a problem many Asuka players today have to overcome). uf+1 in Tekken 5 changed all of this. It Low Crushed, it was a juggle ender, it propelled her straight into the opponent's space in the blink of an eye.

    Unfortunately, in DR, this move has been removed completely and replaced with the old Skull Splitter move (b,f+1). It's not as a reliable of a juggle ender, it still low crushes but the speed isn't there anymore.

    But there are good things too. Nina's SS+2 (sidestep triangle) is now safe again. The arcade T5.1 made Nina lose 12 frames if this all-important launcher was blocked. It turned me off Nina a little bit but in DR, it's safer. Also, she's still awesome at okizeme (wake up play) and can mix it up with the best of them. She's still an easy-to-pick-up-and-play character and still pretty damn close to top tier (maybe even still top tier? I don't know)

  12. #12
    carte blanche Breine's Avatar
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    Nina has always been a top-tier - at least to me

    Oh, okay so that is the change every Nina fan is moaning about, and quite frankly I also think it's an annoying change. That juggle ender saved me many times.

    Anyway, I was just wondering: Which characters are considered top-tiers, mid-tiers, and low-tiers (if there are any). As a Tekken fan through many years I'm just curious.

  13. #13


    Top Tiers- Yoshimitsu, Bryan, Heihachi
    Mid Tiers- Nina, Lei, Baek
    Low Tiers- Roger, Julia, Lee

  14. #14
    carte blanche Breine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreddz
    Top Tiers- Yoshimitsu, Bryan, Heihachi
    Mid Tiers- Nina, Lei, Baek
    Low Tiers- Roger, Julia, Lee
    Julia and Lee are considered low-tiers? I can think of many other characters who are worse than those two.

  15. #15


    Just my opinion....

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