Do any of you know how to skateboard? I fail...... misrubly at it.

After watching some Zero skate boarding video with my brother my friend and I were inspired to try skateboarding! It took me a looooooooong time to actually get the skateboard moving withought jerking me off every five seconds. And when I did get going I was like coooool but then I was about to crash into something so I tried to turn the skatboard..... turning a skateboard........ ... it sounds easy...... but......i have learned its really hard to do withought flipping off twirling in the air and crashing into the concrete and scrapping my arm.

So then since I didn't notice my arm was bleeding I decided to sit on the skateboard while my friedn pushes me down the hill....... that sounds like it would be a good idea but its not...... going down on the skateboard headfirst with the person pushing you loosing controle with the more speed you gain is more scary than roolercosters with rollercosters at least you know your going to live.

So are any of you good at it? have you tried and failed like me?

And have any of you hard of the skateboarder who calls himself zero or something he's pretty damn good plus he jumped across some buildings on his skateboard and I was like.