Quote Originally Posted by Chris View Post
Dates or physical encounters? Not that there's much of a difference.
Oh Chris, a man after my own heart!

There was this one date where I realized an hour in, probably less than that, that it was going nowhere fast. Just not that into him. Now, I am a bit of a pussy when it comes to conflict and didn't want to be mean so I was subtly giving hints that I needed to go. I was also starving but did not want to get food with him since he'd take it the wrong way. I mean like the conversation would stagnant and have awkward silences. Yet, he just did not get the hint. Now I am a bit more direct and make trout up or exaggerate the truth when I want to leave.

Then there is always those awkward moments when during the date nothing happens but then they want you to go over to their place (i.e. get it on) but you do not want to. Or you just want sex but they want to just hang out. Or the post-sex want to cuddle or you to stay longer but it is just a one night stand for you and you want to GFTO.

Wow, I sorta sound like an ass/heartless. I guess at times I have been but been trying to move beyond that now. Mostly.