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Thread: FFVII remake battles 'entirely action-based'

  1. #46
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Exactly, that's the point I'm making. If they'd called it Noctis's Wild Ride instead of Final Fantasy XV, would it have sold really well? But likewise would it have taken all the criticism that it took from hardcore FF fans? Somehow I doubt it.

  2. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Exactly, that's the point I'm making. If they'd called it Noctis's Wild Ride instead of Final Fantasy XV, would it have sold really well? But likewise would it have taken all the criticism that it took from hardcore FF fans? Somehow I doubt it.
    Who knows? Casual mainstream western gamers buy anything with open world slapped on its title. I have a friend who doesn't even play JRPGs and has never played a FF game but bought XV just because it's open world.

    And Sasuke's Roadtrip is a bunch better title.
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  3. #48
    The Misanthropist charliepanayi's Avatar
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    Every FF game since FFVIII onwards has taken criticism from hardcore FF fans, that's nothing new. XV seems to have had a better reception than XIII did anyway.
    "Excuse me Miss, do you like pineapple?"

  4. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by charliepanayi View Post
    Every FF game since FFVIII onwards has taken criticism from hardcore FF fans, that's nothing new. XV seems to have had a better reception than XIII did anyway.
    A lot of hardcore FF fans meet seem to hate on XV for being a WRPG wannabe.
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  5. #50
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    I'm really not surprised to the point that I didn't realize it was news because I thought it had already been established.

    I understand the points raised. I don't have much of a horse in this race because, while I like FFVII, it's not my favourite.

    I understand series need to innovate, but at the same time I don't know if they should go too far out of what they are. Tales of and Atelier both stick to largely the same formula with some changes here and there to keep things fresh. But I know what to expect when I buy one and I am never disappointed and I buy those games day 1. I couldn't even be bothered to buy FFXV at $20 off because, while I want to play it, I'm just not as excited as I used to be about the series because I don't feel like I play the newer FF games for the same reason or to get the same experience. It's starting to feel like a different series with FF attached and some chocobos thrown in

  6. #51


    They might as well merge with Rockstar, make a GTA game, and put chocobos, spiky hair, and slap Final Fantasy on it.
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  7. #52
    Depression Moon's Avatar
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    I'll probably end up passing on this when it comes out. VII is one of my least favorite Final Fantasys and then changing it from turn-based which is one of the only things I wouldn't change about it.

  8. #53


    I am going to take some beer and sit back, watching the bastardization of such a beloved game.
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  9. #54


    Looks like we will be able to switch between characters !!!

  10. #55
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    Looks like we will be able to switch between characters !!!

    Such a shame this had to be confirmed in discussion for us to know it's there.

    For some reason, there was this really nifty battle system which let you use all your characters at once, direct them all, and make them all useful even when some couldn't hit the enemy (Long Range Materia, anyone?) that had to be abandoned because Square doesn't know how to make good games any more.

    Also, if anything, that interview just kills the hype even more, as it makes it sound like the AI is either incompetent, or nonexistent. When we switch from Cloud to Barret because Cloud is useless in a melee fight (gee, pity that the fantastic system that let him use magic or other things to augment his weaknesses got thrown out), what is the AI going to be doing with Cloud? Sitting there brooding like the emo teen that Square is convinced Cloud is?

    Honestly, I really don't care at this point. I'm pretty much convinced that this game is going to be a complete train wreck, and honestly, I'm not sure that it is going to sell well. I once considered myself as big of a Final Fantasy fan as you could find, but I couldn't be bothered to try FFXV, and I don't see anything that would make me buy this one.

    I don't even really know what Square's thoughts are on this. I think they're trying to appeal to too many audiences. It's too different to play off nostalgia, and it's too bland to appeal to anyone else. Who is the target audience, and how are you going to market this game to them? Because their trailers so far have been, frankly, awful.

    I'm sure some people are hyped for it, but I expect fewer and fewer will be excited for it the longer it stays in development hell (and it'll be a long time), and it's going to release to a relatively pathetic whimper that is only going to lead to more messages of "why don't you listen to your fans, Square".
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    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  11. #56


    The target audience is now the mainstream COD/GTA crowd or the western Open world crowd. That's my take.
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  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squall Leonhart Loire View Post
    The target audience is now the mainstream COD/GTA crowd or the western Open world crowd. That's my take.
    If that's true, they shouldn't bother calling it FFVII, because the name alone is enough to turn that group off the game.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  13. #58


    I wish consoles never died off in Japan because then stuff like this happens. Sure we're a bigger market than Japan(it's a small island nation) but for the most part when they start catering to the mainstream western market(COD, GTA, Halo, etc.) they start alienating both sides. There's a reason why FFXV is the lowest selling FF game, in Japan. Sure, it's the best selling PS4 but FF-XIII sold more back when DS was king and there were less PS3's than there are PS4's now.
    Last edited by Squall Leonhart Loire; 03-09-2017 at 09:52 PM.
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  14. #59


    Quote Originally Posted by charliepanayi View Post
    Were people honestly expecting them to re-make the game exactly as before, only with 21st Century graphics and a better translation?
    Have you ever heard of REmake?

    That's pretty much what most people wanted out of this. It's not what we're getting, and that's disappointing.

    Quote Originally Posted by charliepanayi View Post
    Every FF game since FFVIII onwards has taken criticism from hardcore FF fans, that's nothing new. XV seems to have had a better reception than XIII did anyway.
    XV is a full 2 points below XIII on Metacritic in terms of critical reception. And in terms of fan opinion, ignoring the anti-XIII circlejerk from people who are parroting other's complaints and have never played the game, XIII has been received better than XV.

    Pull my Devil Trigger!

  15. #60
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