[13:20] Skt- Bert what are you talking about? STOP THE INSANITY.
[13:20] Bert- I just starteda free trial
[13:20] Bert- of WoW
[13:20] Skt- Oh haha.
[13:20] Bert- and some guy came up to me said I know where so and so is
[13:20] Bert- Iw as liek oh cool
[13:20] Skt- I played for 2 days, and died.
[13:20] Fujiko- ch xD
[13:20] Skt- Didn't know where my body was and quit.
[13:20] Bert- and he said "up your butt and around the corner!"
[13:20] Skt- lol
[13:20] Bert- then "your so gay"
[13:21] Skt- hay 3rd grade
[13:21] Bert- and called me fugly
[13:21] Fujiko- xDD
[13:21] * Fujiko laughs

so yeah 15 minutes in ask where a NPC is and get a 8 year old psycho already.