Have you ever had your name changed here during your stay at EoFF? Would you want to change it? If so what would you change it to? And just for fun if you could change any members names to something humorous what would you change it to? (All in niceness though, nothing mean)

I've been thinking of a name change for a while. One idea I had was to just change my 2000 into the more appropriate year (i.e. 2008 for now, 2009 for next year, etc.) I had one idea to change it to BahaMatt, because it's what Levian and anyone else that knows my RL name seems to want to call me. >.>

Then I've played with the idea of just making up something completely unique and to break away from that dragon/Bahamut theme I've had going for years.

So how about you? What names have you gone by, wanted to go by, or would call other members?