Here is the deal, I lurk here basically everyday and post every now and then (but not a ton, I mostly read all the threads in class :P), so I wouldn't be surprised if nobody really knows who I am. To fill everyone in, though, I am currently majoring in computer science and am getting close to graduating with my bachelor's (December this year). Basically, I really just want to have some projects to throw on my resume that is something that I can call my own, not something that I had to do for school.

Here is what I need from you: An idea for a game that I (and perhaps a small team of volunteers, if anyone is interested) might be able to throw together. As of right now, I am thinking I may want to make a small homage to the old-school RPGs of my childhood, complete with the sprites, 2d-backgrounds, and all that. Think Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Evermore type games. Hell, maybe some sort of combination of the best of all those games (no random battles, badass characters, excellent music - THINK OF THE EPICNESS!)

If an RPG does not seem like it would work, maybe some sort of action game or something (think Castle Crashers).

As far as the technology goes, I am debating on which tool to use for the game and about what language to use. I am best in the C languages (C++, C# - I know Microsoft has the XNA development tools out now as well, so perhaps if things work out, I can get it on Xbox Live Arcade! I am dreaming big people!) but would not be against something like Perl.

If anyone has any ideas, would perhaps like to help out, or anything else that is relevant to this topic, post here!

Thanks in advance for anyone who helps out with this project!