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Thread: 2016 Goals and Resolutions!

  1. #31
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Play all the available Dragon Quest games - I guess? Technically, DQVIII is available on PS2, but I wanna wait for the 3DS version, and while I have DQIX, I wanna play them in order, so I guess I played all those that are available in order so far
    Get a Wii U and a PS4 for a complete gaming experience - Nope! Still, might get a PS4 for Christmas, but it'd stilll kinda take a miracle
    Get into FFXIV - Kind of? Played for a bit but dropped it. Might come back one day
    Play Type-0 and Lightning Returns - "played" Type-0 for a couple of minutes, really. Didn't even touch LR. Don't even have it, honestly.
    Read tons of books - maybe not tons, but more than before! Got through the whole Witcher saga, read A Prayer for Owen Meany, actually started Agatha's Christie's works, and overall, I've read quite a bit!


    Finish the first draft of one of my novels, send it to my faithful betas, revise it, and attempt to publish traditionally (I say attempt even though I'll keep doing that until I succeed, there's just no way it'll get published in 2016)
    - nah, but at least I made progress!
    Finish revising my thesis by the end of January - wasn't by the end of January, but I've revised it twice more over the year
    Collect enough money to get mortgage - not yet
    Maybe even start looking for more freelance job offers in gaming journalism? - nope
    Get wife preggers - nope

    EoFF goals:
    Be nicer to people - I guess?
    Write more articles - pretty much the same
    Help organize more fun events - I actually helped out a lot to make FF Talks a success!
    Win all the Best Writer Ciddies - won the Summer one, at least!

  2. #32
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    The new yard looks great.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
    When I grow up, I want to go to Bovine Trump University! - Ralph Wiggum

  3. #33
    The Nerd Who Knows Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World's Avatar
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    None of them.

    <PaperStar> live fast, die young, bad plefs do it well

  4. #34
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    My New Years resolution this year is:

    To be more kind to all
    To listen to others ideas with an open mind to learn and grow.
    To get past disk one on FFVII

  5. #35
    Lovely Gal Night Fury's Avatar
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    1. Read more - I think last year I only read about 7 or 8 books which is very few really. I'd like to delve into different genres.
    I didn't read more per se, but I definitely read in spurts tbh so I would go through 2-3 books a fortnight then stop for months! I could bring this over into 2017, for sure.

    2. Be nicer to myself and to others - I think I should stop being so much of a twat.
    It was touch and go on that one Fury, but I think you've finally got to a happy place with yourself and others.
    I've definitely made a big improvement. I've reached out to people I may have hurt and tried to mend, I've definitely become a lot more humble and I feel so..... clean because of it. I'm so proud of my emotional journey this year. It's been hard because I sometimes think other people don't see it or be my little cheerleader.... but I've done this. I feel better.

    3. Write more/Create more.
    I don't know if I've written more. I think I've written less, but been creative in other mediums. I've drawn a lot this year, baked a hell of a lot of amazing cakes and created recipes. I've even taken an interest in crafting which I hope I will see through into 2017.

    2016 was a difficult as SMURF year for me in so many ways, but looking back I can kind of appreciate the journey and see the changes in myself.

    SIDENOTE - I actually ran the Heroes and Villains event which was a goal for 2015... BUT I DID IT! (It may have ran out of steam but I'm still so proud of that bad boy)

  6. #36
    Poodle Wizard starlet's Avatar
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    Well, for one, making this trip to Europe happen is priority number one. So far so good, but I'm used to big plans failing.
    Of course we did the thing!

    Not being nominated for best artist is a clear sign that I'm not drawing enough lately so at the very least I'm gonna finally get to some requests and finish my FF ix characters series.

    Not even close

    I'm gonna work on building up more clientele at work. I want more days where I have nothing but request clients. I'm also going to add another appointment slot every day.

    Eh, somewhat. I have more clients but as for more dogs per day.... Well that's harder to do when you get all the giant floofs that no one wants. I ain't even mad though, <3 my giant doggo floofs

    Languages too! I'm gonna get back on track with at least learning German before I go to Germany!

    Failed this too pretty horribly. I probably know less German now.

  7. #37
    Depression Moon's Avatar
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    I didn't move out my mom's house, but I finally got a new job today that I'll start at the tail end of this year. I just barely made it. I feel so relieved and happy now. I thought I was going to be stuck here forever.

  8. #38
    Ray "Bloody" Purchase! Crop's Avatar
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    I didn't post it here, but I accomplished all my goals. Then I even accomplished some more.

  9. #39
    Yes homo Mr. Carnelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Carnelian View Post
    1) Find full-time employment for when I've finished this year of University.

    2) Decide on which 2017-2018 Masters program to do.

    3) Gain some upper-body strength.

    4) Keep on being TOTALLY AWESOME!

    5) Work on total lack of humility.
    1) I'm doing a paid internship at the moment, but that finishes at the end of January. I'm currently applying for a full-time job to do from then till next September. Speaking of which...

    2) I picked a Masters program! Eighteenth-Century Studies at the University of Southampton, here I come!

    3) Not a lot, but I actually have! I can carry Formy from the lounge down the hall to the bedroom now.

    4) I am still pretty awesome, can't lie.

    5) I am literally the most humble person ever now, so that's another epic win for the karma karma karma karma karma Carnelian.

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