If this is the wrong thread, feel free to move it - I'm hoping for this to be like a Q+A of guidance as I'm trying to learn about the entire world of IT

I work for an IT reseller and solution provider - I like to not take things at face value and like to understand what I'm selling in order to speak naturally and as I like to call it "breezy" with customers about their internal IT environment.

I don't really want to say where I work as they have some software that monitors the interwebs for every time their name is mentioned by the marketing team. Happy to say it in private if people are interested.

They do everything under the IT spectrum and its my task to sell it and showcase their value add by solution selling and bringing in the relevant specialist team to take over.

At the minute, the area I'm most apprehensive about is virtualistion. I'm getting into conversations with customers about how many servers they have and what vendor - but I'm meant to ask if they're planning to virtualise. I have a sortof idea from training (like 1 powerpoint for each service/team) and it didn't really stick with me.

I'm also trying to learn networking aswell if anyone can shed some light on what that sortof means too.

I'd really appreciate anything you have, if there's any techies on here - or perhaps where to go to find out?