I've just finished the game for myself for the first time. It wasn't too bad!

I hated both Angeal and Genesis but particularly the latter. Angeal was like a broken record spouting about "honour" every other sentence. Genesis was utter, utter sh**e. I couldn't give two flying f***s about that stupid play. The quotes were trout and there was actually nothing else to him. I quite relished the end boss fight as it felt I was destroying Loveless... the true enemy of the game: A sh*t theatre production.

I actually enjoyed the character of Cissnei though. She had far more about her as a Turk then Elena ever did. Zack's performance was likeable but the less said about Cloud the better. It was also nice running around some familiar environments in 3D.

Yeah, the number of recycled environments for the missions became extremely tedious very quickly. Credit where credit is due though. The ending was superb.