
I recently started playing "Final Fantasy VIII" again and after some searching I have been brought here. Growing up VII, VIII, and IX were the most current games out and so happen to be my go-to games when a wave of nostalgia hits me. I think my favorite character out of all of the Final Fantasies are the different iterations of Cid - my least favorite would probably be the Headmaster Cid Kramer because he wasn't doing anything with airships.

Speaking of airships I am an a Aviation Maintenance Technician in-training - I'll explain that in a moment. I've graduated a technical school to work on aircraft around the Untied States but I haven't been certified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) yet because I am still studying for parts of the tests. During my training I was able to work on a few cool airplanes that are not fully operational. My favorite part and probably the part I want to specialize in is working with electricity that power these bad boys up. I've also enjoyed working with reciprocating engines and turbines even though I'm not very good at it. Hopefully, I will succeed in passing all the tests and be able to work on aircraft sometime soon.

I also love to write and during my community college years (before I got into technical college) I was writing for the school newspaper. During my time there I wrote articles about art, music events, and even did some photography. I was never able to really hone these skills down because of personal health issues at the time but now that I have some time I'd like to get started in some way.