So let's say you can go into the back log of a game company and resurrect some lost forgotten gem of a game, but in doing so, you, have to terminate further production of a current IP in exchange by the same company. Which one would you do?

Here are some ground rules:

1) Games have to be by the same developer. No bringing back Busby by killing Sonic the Hedgehog. It has to be the same developer.

2) Franchise has to be dead, if it has a game in the works or had a title released in the last five years or last generation of hardware it's not technically dead.

3) No smartass "kill current series so I can bring it back better" nonsense. I don't care if you hate that a series came back as a mobile entry or if you dislike the current direction of a franchise and wish it was more like the way you remember it being. That's low hanging fruit there, be better than that. Point is, your choices have to be two different IPs.