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Thread: FFNut plays the Gameboy

  1. #1
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    Default FFNut plays the Gameboy

    So lately I have been not able to sink a ton of time into games like I used to, three kids and working full time tends to do that. With little time I decided to play games that are a little quicker to just pick up and play.

    Most titles there is no need to sink to much time into them. most titles were just pick it up, burn some time, then on to the next. As I play through these games I will do a quick writeup below and let people know if its still worth playing, then give the games a ranking.

    The rankings will be as follows:

    S - Top tier Would play over and over again.
    A - High tier still fun would play again
    B - Its a good game worth a play through once.
    C - Decent game to play but don't worry about finishing it.
    D - Not good, but not the worst game ever either
    E - Don't bother its a bad game.

    This is basically me just sharing my experience playing games with everyone. Feel free to disagree with me and let me know. Also feel free to suggest games you guys want to see me play on the Gameboy. I have a giant catalog at my disposal so throw a suggestion out there.

  2. #2
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Sounds awesome. My son has been playing my old Nintendo DS and it has reminded me of growing up with the Gameboy.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  3. #3
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    First game I did for this is one from my childhood.

    Operation C Box art.jpg

    Yes its Contra for the Gameboy.

    It is split up into 5 stages, stage 1,3,and 5 gives you the side scrolling view where you run to the right killing everything you can while dodging everything the AI throws at you. Stage 3 and 5 also have areas where you climb up platforms to advance also. Stages 2 and 4 are an overhead view where you need to move up killing and dodging everything.

    You do however get powerups to help you out. There are three different gun upgrades to help you on your way.

    (S) Gives you the Scatter Shot. it shoots 3 bullets spreading across the screen. Get two (S) and it turns to 5.
    This is the second best power up for the gun.

    (F) Makes your gun shoot flames and explode.
    Though better then the machine gun it is the worst gun upgrade.

    (H) This is the Homing Shot. Send 3 bullets a blast across the screen hunting down all targets on its own.
    This is the best Upgrade. With this on the difficulty probably cuts in half, though when the screen is full it doesn't always hit all enemies. You should still aim and not count on the bullets hitting the enemies before they hit you.

    Stage 1: Move to the right until you get to a battleship. Destroy the weapons on the ship to beat it
    Operation C Level 1 boss.png

    Stage 2: This goes from the top down. Move up until you get to a wall that you need to blast through. After you get through you get to the second boss. Three tanks turn into one and once you blast its weapons you move on to stage 3.
    Operation C Level 2 boss.png

    Stage 3: Run to the right until it wont move any longer then jump up platforms to the top. Once at the top you are at a boss. The Boss has something that flies and a body on the ground. Destroy the weapons to move on to stage 4
    Operation C Level 3 boss.png

    Level 4: This again is a top down view where you move up. Alien bugs and pods come from all over while you blast them. With the Homing gun upgrade I find this level the second easiest in the game. The boss is a giant bug that shoots lasers out its backside and a scatter shot out his mouth. Fill his mouth with enough lead and you get to move on. Operation C Level 4.png
    Operation C level 4 boss.png

    Stage 5: This is the final stage, and the difficulty goes up significantly. Move right until you need to go up an elevator. Go up dodging electric currents, killing scorpions jumping out of test tubes, as well as others trying to kill you. Once at the top move right again until you need to jump up from platform to platform beside a waterfall. Move right to the end boss. Fill him with lead until he dies.
    Operation C final boss 2.png
    Of course while I was screenshotting on the end boss I lost a life. After move right dodging eclectic bolts from the ground until you get to a test tube. Destroy the tube and its game over.
    Operation C ending.png
    Operation C ending.png
    Next all what is left is to watch a Helicopter fly you to safety while you leave the ruins behind you and watch the end credits.
    Operation C ending2.png
    This is a fun game. It brings the Contra formula of run and gun, with extreme difficulty, mixed with tight controls to the Gameboy flawlessly. Would I recommend fans of Contra picking it up and playing? Yes I would. in fact I beat it twice to to capture screen shots to post here.

    Final Ranking for Operation C: A

  4. #4
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Nice, can't go wrong with Contra.

  5. #5
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Great start. I never played Operation C but I really liked your descriptions.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  6. #6
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    I never did own Operation C but I remember my afterschool babysitters son had it when I was in elementary and he let me play it sometimes. Twas a great game like most 2D Contras.

  7. #7
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    I played the crap out of Operation C. It was/is a great Gameboy title. A strong opening choice.

    I hope Link's Awakening is on the list.

  8. #8
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    Links awaking is on the list. I’m hoping to play a majority of the NA releases. Then move on to the GB Colour

  9. #9
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    Operation C was one of the games I had for the GB back in the day and totally forgot about. I just remember it being hard as nails... which kinda describes every Contra I guess.

  10. #10
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    Next game finished is

    This game has 10 stages split up in 4 parts. stage 1-1 through 2-3 is platforming run to the side. Stage 3-1 and 3-2 are a side shooter in the batwing. Stage 4-1 again side a platforming run to the side while the final stage is an auto scrolling platformer.
    Batman does get guns to help him on his way though. These are the ones you can pick up.

    (N) You start with this gun. It takes double the amount of shots to kill anything and can't go through things on the screen.
    (S) This is the worst gun in the game. It's basically the (N) but only travels half the screen
    (P) This is the more powerful version of the (N) Goes full screen and through objects.
    (W) This gun Shoots in a wave with full power and through objects.
    (R) This is my favorite gun. Shoots batarangs at high power through things, then comes back.
    (T) This is the laser gun. Full power shoots through anything, and kills all in one shot. It's only downfall is the bullet must clear the screen before you are able to fire again.

    There are other tools also to help. Pick up a batwing and it will circle around batman killing all it touches until batman is hit. You can have 7 of them and you can speed them up with another power up.

    You can pick up smokescreen which kills all enemies on the screen though I only saw this work once. Most guides don't know what it does as by the time you get it most enemies on screen are already dead.

    (B) Gives you 5000 points. 200,000 gives you a free life so those help yet are a bit useless as I will explain a little later.

    A gun with a white back round behind it allows for an extra bullet on screen. You start with one on screen and I had 7 by the end game. Very useful to grab.

    A Gun with a black backround is a power down. It takes away a bullet on screen. Never grab.

    There is also a batman you can get which is an extra life. Most are not worth grabbing as to grab one you usually waste one. Just there to make you restart that level.

    Like I said earlier extra lives are not a big deal in this game. The reason being is you have unlimited lives anyhow. When you waste all your lives you can continue and all power ups obtained bullets you can shoot and gun type stay with you. The only downside is you lose your points, which basically only gives extra lives anyhow. Unless you are a person who goes for points only its no big deal. Hit continue and move on.

    With that done lets fire up the game.
    You are met with the Batman logo spinning.
    Batman - The Video Game Loading Screen.png
    Followed by the menu screen.
    Batman - The Video Game Loading Screen 2.png

    From there go ahead hit start. You get a small story of Batman listening in on a conversation with Commissioner Gordan and another policeman saying Jack is up to something. Batman takes off and level 1-1 begins.
    Batman - The Video Game 1-1.png
    Keep heading right and collecting power ups while avoiding Power downs. Its a very easy level that should teach you his controls easy enough and show you his limitations also.
    Batman - The Video Game 1-12.png

    Once finished you will end up in a chemical factory for stage 1-2
    Batman - The Video Game -1-2.png
    Once again just move to the right and finish the level avoiding the power downs.

    1-3 Is still in the chemical factory, just continue right collecting the power ups, while avoiding the power downs.
    Batman - The Video Game 1-3 Chemical factory.png
    Batman - The Video Game 1-32.png
    At the end of 1-3 you meet Jack. He isn't to tough. Just lite him up in my case batarangs, as they hit him going one way, then again as they come back. While avoiding his gun and he will drop into the chemical.
    Batman - The Video Game Level 1 boss.png

    After you get another cinematic where Jack has turned into the Joker!
    Batman - The Video Game Level 2.png
    Level 2-1 then begins. Just move to the right and make your way through the stage.
    Batman - The Video Game 2-1.png

    2-2 is more of the same, just with more platforming challenges.
    Batman - The Video Game 2-2.png

    2-3 is basically more of the same thing. The enemies don't pose much threat, but the platforming may take away a life or two.
    Batman - The Video Game 2-3.png

    When finished you get a screen of the batmobile for some odd reason.
    Batman - The Video Game End of world 2.png
    When that drives away we start stage 3-1

    When 3-1 begins the batmobile is nowhere in site, but the Batwing is and 3-1 turns into a shooter. This was the toughest part of the game for me as I stink at this type of game. At the end you will run into a thing that you need to destroy to go to 3-2
    Batman - The Video Game 3-1boss.png

    Once defeated it is on to stage 3-2
    Batman - The Video Game 3-2.png
    Destroy and Dodge everything including a sink and go to the first boss the plane.
    Batman - The Video Game 3-2 boss.png
    The plane is easy enough as there is a spot on the screen he won't attack. Move to the spot then when safe fill him with lead. However they decided since stage 2 didn't have a boss they would toss another one here. The Helicopter is much tougher and its a war of attrition to get through him. He he tough with no safe spot to hide.
    Batman - The Video Game 3-2boss2.png

    Once he goes down another cinematic will play, and you will move on to stage 4.

    Stage 4-1 isn't terribly difficult just move right until the stage ends.

    Stage 4-2 is a auto scroll, and this is the toughest of the move right to continue. The screen moves a little quick, you die if you touch the left screen, it wont just push you right. Also you must preform flawless jumps while blasting and avoiding enemies. This stage is tough.
    Batman - The Video Game 4-22.png

    At the end you finally catch up to the Joker. You kill him the same way you killed Jack at the end of stage one, and though he has a scatter shot gun and twice the HP he wasn't tough to drop.
    Batman - The Video Game End Boss 1.png
    Congratulations You just finished Batman the video game. Watch the small cinematic and the credits roll.

  11. #11
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    Continued due to limits.
    Batman - The Video Game Ending.png
    Batman - The Video Game Ending2.png
    Batman - The Video Game ending3.png

    So what did I think about Batman the video game? Really this one is a miss. It has things that can be fun but clunky controls and just not great level design mixed with cheap deaths and weapon downgrades they force you to take if you don't know the level maps really sets it back. If you want to play a batman game, there is better out there. However if you have only this and need to waste a couple hours it will work, just I wouldn't go out of my way to play it again.

    Final rating: C

  12. #12
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Yeah it sounds like the NES version is the better game. A bit less repetitive and more grueling level design that keeps things fresh.

  13. #13
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Yeah I remember the NES version being fun but very difficult. It also has more of Batman punching which is more in line with the character. He typically doesn't shoot things.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  14. #14
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    Yes there a a few others for GB that copied the NES. They are better.

  15. #15
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    Next game up...
    Attachment 77519

    When you open the title screen you get 3 options. Two I could play.
    Attachment 77520
    Single Play: 8 levels of story mode.
    VS: Two Players, though I couldn't play this
    Balloon Trip: Travel down a course and go for a High Score

    I will start with Balloon Trip, as that is the quickest to do. Like I said before move through the sky avoiding things and see how long you last. Once the main game is done this is fun to just go. It is also good practice for moving with your balloons.
    Attachment 77521

    Single play: You play as Alice. Your brother wanted to show off and blew up to many balloons and the took him into the sky uncontrollably. Alice grabs her balloons and gives chase through 8 stages following and collecting her brothers balloons as she goes.
    Attachment 77522

    Stage 1: All stages are an Auto Scroll formula so move to the right collecting balloons and avoiding enemies as you go. If a balloon pops land on solid ground and press down on the control pad 4 times to blow a new one up.
    Attachment 77523
    You can also look out for Bonus stages hidden throughout all the Levels. All you need to do is walk into a Gameboy. Yup a Gameboy.
    Attachment 77524

    Stage 2:
    Once again move right to left. At the end of stage 2 there is a boss fight, a wolf blocks your path. Drop the Balloons and bounce on his head 3 times to continue to stage 3
    Attachment 77525
    Attachment 77526

    Stage 3 takes place over the Ocean. Move left to right and make your way through until a whale swallows you up. Yup to end the level walk in in mouth.
    Attachment 77527

    Stage 4 you head through the Whales mouth avoiding teeth as you go and other things that the whale has swallowed up moving from the left to the right. At the end there is a boss fight with a shrimp. The key to winning this fight is to hover above the water. Look to see where he will pop out when he pops out drop your balloons so you fall on his head. If done right you will bounce off his head and grab your balloons again making this fight easy.
    Attachment 77528
    Attachment 77529

    Once this is over you fly out of the Whales mouth again.

    Stage 5: Once out of the Whale you will be flying over the ocean again through little islands with waterfalls that try to push you down to your death. You also get lightning that will kill you. The difficulty definitely ramps up at this point. They also add platforming areas where you must let go of your balloons make a few jumps and run through and area, then quickly blow up balloons again to continue on. It gets tough and continues to get harder with each level.
    Attachment 77530

    Stage 6: This stage takes place in the mountains. You will need a mix of platforming and balloon floating while moving left to right to complete the stage. At the end you will run into a boss of a snowman. To beat him he will throw his tin pot hat at you, and when he does jump on his head three times to beat him.
    Balloon_Kid Stage 6.png
    Balloon_Kid Stage 6 Boss.png

    Stage 7 takes place in a cave. This is where the game gets really hard. A mix of platforming and balloon floating while avoiding spikes and enemies will get you through.
    Balloon_Kid Stage 7.png

    Stage 8 is the last stage of the game. It takes place in a factory setting with gears that move and fire pits the shoot up to the sky. Lots of platforming to do as well as balloon floating. At the end of it you will face off against a robot. He will chase you then shoot sparks that will bounce around the screen that will one shot kill you if it hits you. When you jump on his head the sparks disappear and he then repeats the pattern. He has extra hits I think 5 or 6 so get ready for a battle.
    Balloon_Kid stage 8.png
    Balloon_Kid Stage 82.png
    Balloon_Kid End Boss.png

    When this is done congratulations you have rescued your brother and beat Balloon kid!

    Balloon_Kid End of game.png
    Balloon_Kid End of game 2.png
    Balloon_Kid End of Game 3.png
    Balloon_Kid End of game 4.png

    So my thoughts on the game.
    This was a great game and a very fun playthrough. The controls are a bit loose but beyond that it was fun. As much as I want to rank it an S I think it would fall realistly into an A. Seriously this game is a must play.

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