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Thread: This game definitly recieves too much hate

  1. #1

    Default This game definitly recieves too much hate

    I have to say im not big on level scaling...thats my biggest gripe, but aside from that this game is solid final fantasy.

    The junction system is really cool once you figure it all out and the draw system is pretty cool for a novelty idea, but i wouldnt want too see that really all that much again...but it works for this game and works quite well.

    Music is superb in all aspects, classic FF music in my eyes.

    The story i think is good, alot better than XII but of course not the best in the series by any means, i just think its interesting...i like love stories too btw

    I dunno...i just think alot of people hate on this game way too much, i can understand hating the junction system but its really not that much of a travesty, its pretty good when you figure it all out.

    Only other major downfall is having to watch summons over and over...course im not a summoner kind of guy unless i need it, so that doesnt effect me too much.

    All in all, i think VIII is solid...its ashame it gets thrashed so much.
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  2. #2


    but you don't ever have to use summons, once you've properally worked out how the junction system works.

    but yeah it gets too much hate. i think it's also to do with the story that creates a loop.
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  3. #3


    I'd say one of the reasons people hate it that much is because they don't like changes. It's not what they were used to and therefore they trashed it. The only problem I had with the story was that the world could have used more detail and there were a few small parts of the plot that didn't seem very convincing. Other than that it was a good game.
    The junction system is in many ways efficient - the only real problem I have with it is that you lose a junctioned spell everytime you cast it, so you have to keep on drawing new ones - but then again you can draw magic from your enemies.
    As for the long summons, I actually don't have a problem with them since long GF animations allow you to boost more.

  4. #4


    I will give FF VIII this, it had some decent music and a few awesome tracks.

    The juntion system was easy to use, the problem is it was so easily abused it wasn't even funny.

    And I don't hate it because of change. I grew up on things like Lufia 2, breath of Fire 2, and FF IV and VI. Yet now I enjoy all sorts o fgames and RPG's of all idfferent kinds.

    People hate FF vIII because of a forced plot and horrible characters. For example, Irvine knew exactly who edea was from the start. However, after squall gives him a bit of confidence, he has no quams whatsoever about putting a bullet through his surrogate mothers skull.

    Also, the drawing system is annoying as hell.
    Plus, Squall sucks. He was singly the worst aspect.,

  5. #5


    i think its because so many people like 7 they wantead more of the same i can understand some points they have about the game but its the same with 7 their were thing wrong with it, it wasnt the perfect game.

  6. #6
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    I see FFVIII getting more love than hate these days. It seems to me that FFVII and FFX-2 get bashed a lot more than FFVIII. The thing about this game is that you either love it or you hate it.

    The reason I like other FFs more than VIII is because I thought the story started off well, but gradually fell apart (Orphanage? Time Compression? Stop.), I didn't like or relate to any of the characters, and my feelings for them swung between apathy and annoyance, and the love story, which to me seemed forced and unnatural, was jammed down our throats.

    As far as gameplay goes, my only gripe is that it was slightly too easy. I don't hate FFVIII, and I think it's a lot better than many games I have played. But as I said, I just don't think it's in the same league as some of the other FFs.

  7. #7


    There are haters of them all, there are lovers of them all, and that be the flow of things. It probably only seems like there's a huge abundance of hate because you belong to a Final Fantasy forum, where non-stop bashing and arguing and fighting over everything makes any of the games seem like pieces of crap or pieces of gold. In reality, I'm sure there's many more fans of each and every title than there is haters.

  8. #8


    Actually most of the hate ive seen was on other just sometimes seems like people jump on bandwagons more than saying how they truely feel on message forums about certain games.

    As if its the cool thing to do to hate FFVIII or Star Ocean III, those 2 games just get thrashed and i just dont see why.

    As for the change...i personally am a stickler of everything old school, and after playing FFVIII it just doesnt feel that different to the original final fantasy formula other than the junction system and all that.

    But the story feels finalfantasy-ish and the music, the random battles, classic atb turn based combat etc...just makes for a good experience.
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  9. #9
    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    How you can possibly say that FFVIII had a better plot than FFXII is beyond me.

    Actually, the only problems I have with this game are plot related. I enjoyed the gameplay, but the relationship between Squall and Rinoa was completely unbelievable. He dislikes her until she goes comatose, then he loves her. This is the origin of my belief that Squall is closet necrophiliac. Aside from that, the cast of characters is almost entirely undeveloped (which is important for a game that was supposed to be driven by characters rather than circumstances). Also, there's the reasons Psychotic mentioned (orphanage, time compression, etc.).

    I had such high hopes for the game after the first disc (which was brilliant), but it just went downhill from there.

    Edit: I'd like to note that I have nothing against the fact that FFVIII was a love story. I'm a sucker for romance, but only good romance.

  10. #10
    Queen of the BushHags Takara's Avatar
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    Squall as a closet necrophiliac... xD That made me choke with laughter on my soda.

  11. #11
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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  12. #12
    Nerfed in Continuum Shift Recognized Member Zeromus_X's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LunarWeaver
    There are haters of them all, there are lovers of them all, and that be the flow of things. It probably only seems like there's a huge abundance of hate because you belong to a Final Fantasy forum, where non-stop bashing and arguing and fighting over everything makes any of the games seem like pieces of crap or pieces of gold. In reality, I'm sure there's many more fans of each and every title than there is haters.

    Personally, I didn't mind FFVIII's story...the characters were all developed enough, in my eyes, and I really enjoyed the surreal plot elements (like Time Compression and everything), and the theme of persecution with the sorceresses was a nice touch. Of course, the game was really easy, but oh well.

    Edit: And oh goodness the soundtrack! Almost completely forgot about it. The soundtrack to this game was wonderful, definitely in my top three favorite FF soundtracks.

  13. #13


    After FFX-2 came out, I honestly thought the FFVIII haters would kind of wane. I suppose it has a little but I'm still surprised how many people hate it. To each their own I guess though. I personally loved it. Next to FFX and FFVI, I think FFVIII is the game I've put the most hours on.

  14. #14


    I'm pretty much in agreeance with Ouch! on this subject. The first disk or so was brilliant, then the plot and character development just slipped majorly.

    The soundtrack, despite what some people think, is pretty good (save a few tracks). It's defenately one of the best in terms of the extra arranged / piano /orchestrated (live) versions, IMO.

    P.S. I have yet to play FF12 (releases 28th Feb here), so I can't compare it's story to that.

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  15. #15
    The giver of *hugs* boys from the dwarf's Avatar
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    no FF or FF character sucks and deserves hate. but people just like to complain about things and overexaggurate them and justify them with hate that the game doesn't deserve.
    ...*holds up free hugs sign.*

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