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Thread: Mega Man

  1. #1

    Default Mega Man

    I recently downloaded Mega Man 10 off the Wii Shopping Channel and decided this time around that I was going to try to finish a Mega Man game without using any energy tanks or special weapons. It's funny, because up until this point in my Mega Man playing career I never realized how much strategy is required to defeat the bosses when you cannot spam them to death with the weapon they are weak against.

    I'm currently stuck on Wily's Fortress Level 4, as I cannot defeat the eight robot masters back to back (I don't have any good method of defeating either Solar or Nitro Man). I tried the same approach to Mega Man X2 and I have yet to defeat Wolverine Sigma.

    Anyhow, have you ever taken this approach to a Mega Man game, and if so, which robot masters, bosses and games as a whole did you find to be the most challenging?

  2. #2
    Recognized Member VeloZer0's Avatar
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    I've never actualy beaten an original MM game at all, but I absolutely love the X series.

    I've beaten X1-X4 in just about every way possible. Beating the games with no special weapons, no subtanks and no upgrades adds a lot of extra challenge and replay value to the titles.
    I usualy beat it the first time doing whatever, the second time after I know the game in and out I go through and rape it. Then I start making challenges for myself of increasing difficulty.
    The only corollary is that I use emulators and save states. I'm cool with dying 60 times on a boss learning to beat it a certain way, I'm not cool with playing the stage 20 times in a row to get my attempts in.

    I tried the same approach to Mega Man X2 and I have yet to defeat Wolverine Sigma.
    In that fight the double buster actually gets me into more trouble than the regular one, as it forces me to stand still for a second. Upgraded isn't always better

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by VeloZer0 View Post
    In that fight the double buster actually gets me into more trouble than the regular one, as it forces me to stand still for a second. Upgraded isn't always better
    I'm playing the game with no armor/weapon upgrades or heart tanks whatsoever. The double buster isn't even an option for me. The thing that annoys me so much about that fight is that every single time you die you have to go through part of the center computer stage, then watch the Zero cut scene, and THEN listen to sigma blather at you.

    I just finished Mega Man 10...well, at least I thought I did until I unlocked "hard mode". Oh goody!

  4. #4
    Recognized Member VeloZer0's Avatar
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    And that is why I play on an emulator One keystroke puts me right back at the start of the fight.

  5. #5
    Recognized Member Flying Arrow's Avatar
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    When I was really little, I used to routinely finish Mega Man 2 and 3 using only his bean shooter. Of course, this was mainly because I, for some reason, couldn't grasp the concept that certain bosses were weak to certain weapons.

    I really should download 9 or 10 from PSN. Are they worth it at all, or just nostalgia-strokes?

  6. #6


    Believe it or not, (SPOILER)I have never played a Mega Man game

  7. #7
    Enderof1337 leader of mortals's Avatar
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    Man, I remember playing Megaman 2 as a kid. I could never beat that damn robot dragon thingy, even though I knew it was weak to the Quick Boomerang.

    As for special playthroughs, I have never done one, and I doubt I ever will. I'm not nearly good enough at the games to do them like that

  8. #8
    Bolivar's Avatar
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    I've never done a special playthrough of a Mega Man. I can barely beat the game normally!

  9. #9
    sly gypsy Recognized Member Levian's Avatar
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    I never use E-tanks or any other tanks until the Wily stages. I just feel like I'm cheating when I'm using an e-tank on a regular level, because I enjoy figuring out the weaknesses If I can't beat a robot master with what I've got then I'm just not ready for that robot master yet!

    I've finished all the 8 bit Megaman games, and X1 and X2. I've gotten towards the end in Megaman 7 and Megaman X3 as well. All the other megaman games, I haven't tried yet.

  10. #10


    When I was a kid I had to make the most of the few games I had. I would make up my own personal challenges for myself in games. But now I'm an adult. There are literally dozens and dozens of games that I still wish to play through both new and old. I have stacks of games on my shelf and in my Steam list purchased and needed to be experienced. On top of that I have a huge wish list of older games I still need to buy and new games coming up that I want to buy.

    I'm never hurting for lack of money to acquire these games, but I am lacking for time in which to play them all. There are too many games out there that need playing for me to make up ridiculously difficult challenges for the games I'm playing or even for me to play them on the hardest difficulty.

    That's not to say I don't understand why people like a challenge. I don't want every game I play to be on piss-easy mode. I don't want to be able to one-shot everything I'm up against all of the time. But, I have no need to get masochistic. I really wonder about the mentality of those who feel that you're not really playing the game unless you have it set to the absolutely most ridiculous difficulty to the point that it's controller-breakingly difficult.

    I play games for fun. Moderate challenge fits in my definition of fun. When I play older games on emulators I cheat the hell out of them. I want to see what the game was about and I can appreciate the difficulty, but constant repetition and memorization with bad respawn points or limited continues are pointless.

    I played the first 5 Mega Man games as a kid. I could probably play through Mega Man 3 with no energy tanks. I played the crap out of that game. Probably could've done the same on Mega Man 2. No chance with Mega Man 1 or 4 though. The rest of the original series I've played on emulators and I didn't feel bad for a second about savestating to right before each fight when I lost.

  11. #11
    Recognized Member VeloZer0's Avatar
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    I don't particularly like the 8 bit Mega Man games, but I would certainly have to say 9 and 10 are hands down the best of any ones I have played.

    10 in particular is a great advance on the series. You can play as Proto Man (or Bass for $1.99) and all three play differently. they included a 'challenges' section where you get to play through a bunch of short little levels for either a silver or gold rating depending on how well you completed it. After you get to a boss for the first time you also have the option to fight him as one of the challenges, meaning you can practice on him as much as you want, with infinite retries.

    I'm never hurting for lack of money to acquire these games, but I am lacking for time in which to play them all. There are too many games out there that need playing for me to make up ridiculously difficult challenges for the games I'm playing or even for me to play them on the hardest difficulty.
    So true for me as well, yet I keep going back....

    I really wonder about the mentality of those who feel that you're not really playing the game unless you have it set to the absolutely most ridiculous difficulty to the point that it's controller-breakingly difficult.
    I've always found it weird that some people always play on hard, or always on easy. Which difficulty level I find most fun really depends on the mechanics of the game.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by ValeZero
    And that is why I play on an emulator One keystroke puts me right back at the start of the fight.
    I don't possess the mental discipline to use an emulator. I'm too tempted to save the game state midway through battles and constantly reload if I get damaged. This is how I originally "defeated" Neo-Exdeath in Final Fantasy V.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Arrow
    I really should download 9 or 10 from PSN. Are they worth it at all, or just nostalgia-strokes?
    I think they are both worth downloading. They definitely aren't as good as Mega Man 2 or 3, but they're still pretty fun.

    Quote Originally Posted by Levian
    I've finished all the 8 bit Megaman games, and X1 and X2. I've gotten towards the end in Megaman 7 and Megaman X3 as well. All the other megaman games, I haven't tried yet.
    You should try Mega Man X5 and Mega Man & Bass. Those are two great games. However, stay away from Mega Man X6 at all costs, unless you want to risk putting your fist through your television screen.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yeargdribble
    I really wonder about the mentality of those who feel that you're not really playing the game unless you have it set to the absolutely most ridiculous difficulty to the point that it's controller-breakingly difficult.
    My older brother used to always tell me as a kid "You haven't finished the game until you finish it on the hardest difficulty setting". I suppose I've just continued to adapt that mentality over the years.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Storm View Post
    My older brother used to always tell me as a kid "You haven't finished the game until you finish it on the hardest difficulty setting". I suppose I've just continued to adapt that mentality over the years.
    I've done this a few times with games I really liked for trophies. However, if I adopted this mantra with everything I'd have even more trouble finding time to play all of the games I want to play.

  14. #14
    sly gypsy Recognized Member Levian's Avatar
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    Thing is, if you don't create some challenges in especially Megaman 9 and 10, they're going to be beaten in not much longer than an hour. When you've waited so long for a new installment you want it to last for a while!

    That said, I'm never going to play a Megaman game on any harder difficulty than Normal. :mog: Mainly because I don't hate myself. I think only 9 and 10 have Hard anyways, don't they?

  15. #15
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    I played all Mega Man X game until 6!!

    It was really fun especially X-3 where you had to meet certain conditions to get the Golden Armor and Zero's lightsaber!

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