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  1. #1
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    All these blitzball threads have been pissing me off lately because the game just really sucks. How can the guy in front of me block my throw when I pass it to the guy behind me? It doesn't make any sense?

    OOOOOOOH NO! A guy is coming at me. I better stop and instead of trying to evade him.


    This game just sucks.

  2. #2
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    The guy DOES have a point or 3.

    My main problem with Blitzball is that it is an RPG, not a sports game. I've said it before on numerous occasions, but if you're going to have a mini-game inside an RPG, why do you then go and make than an RPG too? I mean, the whole idea of a mini game is to give the player a break from the main game, yet here we have a sort of turn based game.

    Also on the same note that ed touched on, why the hell does the player with the ball stop just as he is going to do something like pass or shoot, and then allow hordes of players to come out of nowhere and surround him? And why don't his team mates do something to help him like grab the opponents or something(everything appears to be legal in Blitzball)

  3. #3


    I actually really like Blitzball (yes it was me that posted the latest few Blitzball threads ), it does have some physics strangeness I'll grant that, but it is fair in that it gives the defenders nearby a chance to block without hugely complicated physics.

    But with some physics improvements Blitzball could be amazing, one of the main things I like is how it is done like an RPG, with abilities you can learn and so on, it could easily be an excellent game in its own right
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  4. #4


    PS2 controller is only so big. It's complicated to design a full-featured water-sport mini-game inside an RPG, and I'm assuming they only intended it to be an "extra" type of entertainment thing etc.

    Therefore they didn't spend a whole lot of time on it as they wanted to make the actual game itself better.

    Those are only assumptions but..

    In the opening Zanarkand Blitzball Cinematic do see them moving up and down, grabbing, and elbowing.

  5. #5
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    And the Opening Zanarkand scene is EXACTLY what the game should have been like - fast past and frantic, not having to wait a good 20 seconds or so before taking a shot/passing.

  6. #6


    It could've been better, but it was still OK. Even as an RPG I liked it a little, though a sports game wouldn't have been bad. Going up and down would've been great. Also, being able to knock people out of the sphere would've kicked ass. Still, it wasn't that bad. Oh, and I started the first recent blitzball thread.
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  7. #7


    jeez.. here we go again. sorry i really cant remember (thruth) are you the guy who hasn't played it or not. cant remember.

    oh anyway. you just have to remember that everybody has their own preferences. and do we really want to bring this thread up again.

    well you proberly do. meh i tryed

  8. #8
    Sin Harvest's Avatar
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    bring back the cards, or devise a new card-ish type game
    that is all.

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  9. #9


    Originally posted by Sin Harvest
    bring back the cards, or devise a new card-ish type game
    that is all.
    Blitzball is a card-game in water!

    No, seriously... people are asking for a card-game - a turn-based game. Blitzball is a sport that is represented as a turn-based game.

    Throughout Final Fantasy, things tend to be turn-based. Perhaps they shouldn't be. Perhaps they should. But just because I take more time to consider a move, (but I then make a superior move) should I be penalised? I don't think so, no... Blitzball players train for years. I didn't train at all before my first game...

    I think I have spent about as much time playing Blitzball as I have the rest of FF10. Yes, at times it did get boring... but then, so did all the main parts of the other FF games...

    Yes, graphically there are a few flaws - but I think that these flaws only exist because they tried to make Blitzball a more fun game.

    It's also nice that the main side-game fits neatly into the plot of the main game; with FF8, you were trying to save the world, but would occasionally stop to indulge in your own card-game addiction (and I'm a FF8 fan!) In FF10, the very persistence of Blitzball is explained; Blitzball plays a very large part within the plot. I'm glad that they made Blitzball playable...

    I have always loved Blitzball. I will always love blitzball... My main fear about FF10-2 is that it will not (does not?) have Blitzball...


  10. #10
    ZeZipster's Avatar
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    How do they breath under water? Can some one please just explain that part to me?

  11. #11
    Sin Harvest's Avatar
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    mabey its not water, and just some synthetic replacement thereof. seen a movie called the abyss ? this dude has to go heaps deep down in the ocean where the pressure would kill him, so they fill his suit up with this water type stuff, that he has to breathe so hes effectively breathing water. though that stuff was pink and probably had no truth to it, its a least i little better than the other explinatioin i have for you
    i do not know.
    mabey just certain people can, whenever its come to underwater stuff, its only been tidus rikku and wakka.

    With woven hearts, a thorn arbour. Left tear streaked reason upon the shore. And bereft of compass, star or more. Set out for this worlds end

  12. #12


    Liquid Oxygen maybe? That's the explanation I gave myself. It's kind of plausible.
    Also, on teh subject of Blitz, in my new file today, after several attempts and resets of teh PS2, I won teh Aurochs the victory I promised them at the tournament in Luca. Go me!!!
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  13. #13


    Blitzball is kinda boring. Im not to good at it either so maybe thats why. I dunno.
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  14. #14


    they train for years to get that good at breathing. talk to the arouchs when you first go to bevell and they say stuff like "a great player can hold their breath, like, forever." and in the speical ending for the japaneses version yuna trains and can hold it for 3 mins.

  15. #15


    Yup, they just hold their breath... The team blame this on why they are so useless to begin with.

    I guess since they're not human they might have a larger lung capacity. Also, since Spira is rather a wet world, they might get lots of practice pretty early on as well...

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