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Thread: Tetsuya Nomura breifly talks Remake Battle system.

  1. #16
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    The additional missions in Crisis Core heavily suggest Genesis and the goddess Minerva are way more important to the planet's business than might initially seem. So yeah, they might as well retcon the hell out of that and make Genesis a big deal.

  2. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    The additional missions in Crisis Core heavily suggest Genesis and the goddess Minerva are way more important to the planet's business than might initially seem. So yeah, they might as well retcon the hell out of that and make Genesis a big deal.
    If anything they get slight hints. Genesis and Minerva are more the stuff for the sequel. After all DoC's secret ending, CC's ending, Sephiroth's Watashi wa omoide ni wa naranai sa and the comment in 2008 that "the compilation's finale will need another form" show enough. I suppose the Remake will either have hints inbetween or as a secret ending that there will be something in the future that is not just AC, OtWtaS, DoC, et cetera.

    And RE Remaster is exactly that. A remaster. No remake.
    Last edited by Sephiroth; 10-25-2016 at 07:29 PM.

  3. #18


    yeah, as far as Genesis is concerned, i doubt we'll see more than a mention in a report collected or read somewhere, like in ShinRa Tower... this is Clouds Story, from his perspective, and Cloud does not remember Genesis at all after his severe Mako Poisoning...

    as for the Battle System... i'll wait and see, who knows, i might even like it...

  4. #19
    Bright Shield's Avatar
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    If I wanted to play the same game, with the same text and the same battle system... I'd play FFVII.
    And yet, when you change nearly every thing about the game, you make the remake pointless. Why not just make a brand new game then? That's pretty much what this is. A new game with a FFVII skin. Definitely not the game most people wanted.

    The Resident Evil Remake should be the blueprint for all remakes.

  5. #20
    Lovely Gal Night Fury's Avatar
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    What I want from an FFVII remake, is that it is a remake of the exact same game - but the graphics are spot on - maybe we get more amazing cgi cutscenes, voice acting, some of the remastered music...

    I don't need or want it to be transformed into one of their new flashy action games. I want an RPG that I can pour time into, get lost in... I feel like the latest FF games with the action... they just feel like you rush them?

    If it's going to be an action game more than an RPG, fair enough! I just won't buy it. I still have the original which is amazing and provides me all the FFVII I need.

    I also disagree with the notion that if the remake is bad it will make the original pointless. FFVII will never be pointless. That game changed video gaming forever, it changed attitudes to video games, it changed peoples lives. It is a piece of media with a huge legacy. We have ALWAYS got that game, no matter how much they may or may not eff this up, we ALWAYS have the original.

  6. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Bright Shield View Post
    If I wanted to play the same game, with the same text and the same battle system... I'd play FFVII.
    And yet, when you change nearly every thing about the game, you make the remake pointless. Why not just make a brand new game then? That's pretty much what this is. A new game with a FFVII skin. Definitely not the game most people wanted.

    The Resident Evil Remake should be the blueprint for all remakes.
    Agree so much, I hate this argument.

  7. #22
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bright Shield View Post
    If I wanted to play the same game, with the same text and the same battle system... I'd play FFVII.
    And yet, when you change nearly every thing about the game, you make the remake pointless. Why not just make a brand new game then? That's pretty much what this is. A new game with a FFVII skin. Definitely not the game most people wanted.

    The Resident Evil Remake should be the blueprint for all remakes.
    I want a tribute to the original game. I want the same characters, the same general plot, expanded to include new stuff. I want a new battle system. I didn't buy the remaster of FFX and I probably won't buy the remaster of FFXII. Despite FFVII being my favourite game ever, I didn't buy the PC remaster. Fancy new graphics? If people are arguing they want the same thing with fancy new graphics, what are the odds that these are the same people who argue that the new games in the FF series are crap and that they focus too much time on fancy graphics and not enough on story? xD

    This is looking to be the game I am wanting. I do suspect there will be a lot of things I will not enjoy. I suspect I won't like Cloud's aesthetic or voice, for example. He'll probably be more broody than the Zack-like character we saw in the original. I dunno. But I'm really excited to see certain scenes done with the fancy graphics, to move around in a truly 3D Gaia, things like that.

    Having insanely good, borderline realistic graphics and then mixing that in with a slow, turn based battle system to me would just make the game look like it's trying to be two different things at the same time and likely failing to be either.

    So yeah, my point stands. This is a remake. If you don't want it, don't play it. That's absolutely okay. But if you're expecting this level of graphics in the gameplay style of the original game... the closest you're probably going to get will be the PC remaster. Because really, remaster is what you're asking for, not remake.
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  8. #23


    Judging by Cloud's personality in World Of Final Fantasy, then guessing yeah, it's going to be Gloomy ! Cloud. I think SE has forgotten Cloud's original personality, and original quotes that made him so famous like " Lets Mosey " and " You look like a bear wearing a marshmallow " and not things like " Not interested '' which he says more in Advent Children. I think Cloud in the OG said " Not interested " once, and that was when somebody wanted to know what prizes he could win on the rollercoaster ride in the Gold Saucer Theme Park.

    Is it because most of the original Square team is gone ? Or is it because they are catering to newer fans/ younger players that grew up with Advent Children and prob haven't even played the OG because of graphics that have aged like milk left out of the fridge, and just got FF VII OG information from Wiki ? I don't know, but it's annoying. OG Cloud became famous and so beloved for a REASON.

  9. #24


    that's funny when you consider how everyone talks about and refers to Cloud in sector 7, but i guess a lot of people ignore or forget that... he was never this happy-go-lucky person a part of the fan-base tries to make him out to be... from the very start he's referred to as cold, a loner, a mercenary that only cares about his pay and nothing else... "not interested" he first said that to Barret when Mr. Wallace tried explaining the plight of the planet and AVALANCHE's goals in the opening Bombing Mission... anybody that thinks Cloud is this bright, bubbly, cheerful bloke needs to go back and replay those first few hours and really pay attention to the dialog and how people (PCs and NPCs) talk about Cloud... FF VII is not a colorful romp through Candyland, it's a depressing dreary story set to a dystopian backdrop, and that's why i love it, Cloud was the direct opposite of the typical plucky kid off to save the world so often seen in RPGs...

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    Cloud is definitely an aloof dick from the beginning, but he is also pretty cocky. I wouldn't say he's broody or anything before he regains his true memories - just a total prick, when you think about it. He then has this crisis, but becomes a better person after some introspection, yadda yadda. He really doesn't get really broody until Advent Children which, regardless of how bad that movie's story and characters were, is still plausible considering he's, you know, dying.

    The game was still much more varied than the dreary theme of the movie. There were incredibly goofy moments to offset the dark stuff, which was pretty great and reminded me of FFVI in that way. Still, from interviews you can tell that they're trying to preserve that.

    That said, the remake's Cloud still looks pretty cocky and aloof to me, so it kinda fits with his original persona. We'll see how this goes. But it's definitely not a matter of the wrong people being involved because Nomura was a big part of the original and now he's directing this project.

    Honestly, I'm kind of looking forward to playing it, though there are things that really bother me about this project (the episodic format mostly, and then there are the possible allusions to the smurfing Compilation). And yet, I don't feel like anything that we've seen so far warrants being considered such a total betrayal to what FFVII stands for.

    FFVII is a game. You may have very good memories of it, but it's just a game. The remake will also be a game. You may like it more, you may like it less, but still, just because it isn't what you want it to be or it isn't your vision of what FFVII should be in HD, it's not the end of the world. So take it as what it is - a game, not some holy artifact that you can't touch because that's blasphemous. Play the game - the original or remake - and just have fun. Or don't. We don't know yet, since the game isn't out.

    But hey, FFVII is decent and it's still there on so many platforms now and you can still play it, so why waste your energy on this?

  11. #26
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    Now I question your love for FFVII Bob. This remake looks like a train wreck. What good Remake has ever shifted a game's subgenre? Turning a turn based RPG into an action RPG is nonsensical, and not the type of gameplay FFVII should have.

    You wanted a tribute? Fine, but a tribute is not a remake, and I don't even view this as a tribute. More like a shameless cash grab. This is FFVII reimagined to suit Square's new agenda. They have zero respect for the games that made them popular to begin with. They have become all style and no substance. Like a Japanese Michael Bay.

    And no, People wanted a remake, not a remaster. Just a good one like Resident Evil or Twin Snakes. There is no reason at all to make heavy story changes, or change the game's sub genre. Unless they are saying that the original sucked, and needs to be "fixed". Which is exactly what they are getting at. The lack of respect for the original game's continuity in the Compilation already proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt.

    I don't get why FF fans allow Square to spoon feed them this crap, and then defend them for spitting in their faces. Zelda fans would be burning Nintendo HQ to the ground if they said "we're remaking Ocarina of Time, BUT now it's turn based, Link is going to talk, and we are going to change major plot points".

    Are you going to defend the multi part bs too Bob? >_>
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    I think another thing that needs to be considered about Cloud is that at the start of FFVII, he isn't "himself" - he's like... Mini Zack? He's brought all of these ways of thinking etc. into his life based on Zack's personality, and he acts a lot like Zack. This is explained in the original game. He then reverts to his old self somewhat as the game goes on, naturally the issues he has going on with his brain kicking his... well, brain. And then in the end he gets past it and gets back to being a bold person, but this time it's him. Still, I really hope we do get to see Cloud being bold and decisive rather than just looking sad about everything. Because sure, Cloud does that a lot, but they don't really let him do anything else in CC/AC. They need to work on it a bit more.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bright Shield View Post
    Now I question your love for FFVII Bob.
    I wasn't aware that other people could tell me which games I do and don't like, or how much, but if you want to, by all means, go for it. I hope it brings you some kind of calm or something.

    I'm a very open minded person who enjoys a lot of different games with a lot of different styles. I love FFVII, absolutely, but I'm not naďve to the point that the game, if re-released as a still-camera pretend-3D game where HD/4K characters stand around looking grim for twenty seconds before someone makes the next move, would probably show it's age very fast. It reminds me of when random battles kicked in during Lost Odyssey. I loved Lost Odyssey, but after playing games where battles were not random, and then going back to random battles, it... didn't really do the genre any favours for future-proofing. It was okay, sure, but people were flooding to other games because they were simply more fun to play.

    For me, I am perfectly happy to play Crisis Core. I actually quite enjoyed it, and the ending was superbly done, one of the best game endings ever imho. They nailed it. The one thing I really dislike about all the spinoffs is Cloud's personality. I could give or take Genesis, I don't lose my crap over him like many do. Angeal was an excellent character, imho. Zack and Aerith were so much cooler than the original VII's Zack and Aeris. But my opinion is just that, an opinion. I'm entitled to mine as much as you guys are entitled to yours. But in the end, I'm cool with looking for the good things rather than focusing on whatever negatives you can scrimmage together months/years before you even see the released game. I mean, if you want to do that, power to you, but what's the point? Nothing will suddenly wipe the original game out of existence. I don't get why people get so upset about SE "destroying" FFVII when the original is still there, still able to be purchased in numerous ways, still playable on various platforms, unchanged in any notable way whatsoever.

    I wonder what the last big selling turn-based JRPG was outside of hand-held games? How many years back do we need to look? People look back at things with rose tinted glasses, and I'm as guilty of that as anyone when I look back fondly at games I played in my youth. But I recognize that these games were made for back then. I also recognize that I just don't care for playing the same game with fancier graphics. I want something new and exciting, while retaining the things I loved about the original. Which means that I'm going to watch the amazing moments that I played through in the original game, and perhaps see them expanded upon. I'll hopefully enjoy it.

    I wonder how many people write to cinema directors complaining about how awful a movie is because they saw a teaser trailer and thought it was rubbish.
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  13. #28
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    ^I was questioning, not dictating. That said, it's fine if you like the Compilation, XIII trilogy, and all the other nonsense Square has served up as of late. My issue is with them trying to turn their old IPs into this bs.

    You mentioned the Crisis Core ending, but let's be real. It was a complete ret-con and did not fit in at all with the tone of FFVII. That is exactly the type of crap I hope we don't see in the remake. Zack fighting an entire army was over the top as hell, and dying to a J-Pop song was just laughable. The scene was portrayed as much more realistic and dark in FFVII. Not heroic at all. It was swift and brutal.

    That is why I'm questioning your love for the source material. If you like it as much as you claim, then why are you fine with it all being turned into a ret-conned mess with some of lowest writing quality around?

    I respect you and all Bob, but come on. These clowns change the reactor scene each time it is shown. That's not respecting the source material or even basic story telling... like at all... >_>

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  14. #29
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    In some ways I'm with BoB on all this that if you're going to do a remake, you should actually shake up the formula. A graphical remake of VII would not fix the problems the game has, and while I can agree the Compilation is a serious mess, it's not like I had a whole lot of love for the original anyway so I'm not bothered if the Remake is going to retcon the original into the fold of the rest of the Compilation.

    I mean I enjoy the 3D remake of IV, but I would be lying if I didn't say I preferred the original 2D version (not even going into the PSP Remake) and it changed up some things that I felt made it an enjoyable experience for me; but I was also a bit underwhelmed by it because the majority of the game just got a graphical face lift and nothing else. It would have been interesting to actually see them mess around with the dungeon design or the towns, instead of just playing a graphically better looking version of a game I've played dozens of times before and know by heart. The wow factor wears off pretty quickly. Not to mention the voiced dialogue just made it more obvious how silly the story is which I'm sure will happen in the VII remake as well.

    To me it's the problem with remakes is that they're either lazy (which is what I would call the RE Remakes and the GBA FF remakes) or they sometimes just take a bad direction (I'm looking at you Lufia 2) because you suddenly realize that the real issue at hand is that you just hate the modern gaming conventions that the medium has evolved into. Nostalgia is powerful but I don't really see why VII would need just a graphical overhaul. It would seem like a waste of time and resources and would better be served by going for something modern but less taxing like the Crisis Core/Dissidia/Type-0 engine as opposed to the hardware of a modern console.

    As for story/character retcons, that ship sailed with the Compilation, especially since it was overall very successful so why bother changing things? Not to mention that in my playthroughs of VII since the Compilation, I've kind of decided that fans are the ones who really have Cloud wrong, he's pretty aloof and indifferent to everything that doesn't involve Sephiroth in the original and his few charming moments are all during the time when Cloud is still thinking he's Zack/idealized SOLDIER than when his true, generally more moody personality comes to bear in the second disc, so I don't really see much of a retcon on his character in the Compilation. It's the villains who really suffered the character decay, especially Rude, Rufus, and Sephiroth. Lord knows what will happen to Heidegger and Scarlet.

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    That reminds me of how Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire got a remake that significantly altered the story of that game, and yet somehow no one was calling it a travesty for daring to mess with their childhood. And boy, is Pokémon gen III a part of many people's childhood...

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