Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22 View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Rin Heartilly View Post
I mean the orphanage thing was cheesy but I'm pretty sure no one who played VIII for the first time was gonna guess that the GF's caused amnesia and they all knew each other (minus Rinoa).
I actually hate it more because the GF amnesia thing could have been used so much better than it was. It could have been a brilliant mind smurf and instead we got "everyone lived in an orphanage together and forgot and this information is largely irrelevant aside from making you sympathize with Edia in the laziest way possible."
I also think it could have been implemented better, wasn't VIII being created along with IX and X around the same time but released at different times? I have a feeling that could be the reason for some of the lazy cliches present, because VIII wasn't the sole/primary focus of the writers time during development.

However, I am truly thankful they left Rinoa out of the childhood gang. If it had the cliche of Rinoa remembering "omg I just realized the Squall and I played together as kids, we're destined to be together" thing I see in so many jrpgs (I'm looking at you Tails), I would not be defending the orphanage cliche at all. But yeah it was a lazy way for Edea to get sympathy points.