View Poll Results: Which do you prefer?

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  • Final Fantasy VII

    27 60.00%
  • Final Fantasy IX

    18 40.00%
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Thread: EoFF Ranks Final Fantasy Final Vote - FFVII vs FFIX

  1. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Egami View Post

    As far as characters goes, Zidane was so happy go lucky and one note as to be unrelatable and had practically no character growth or depth. Cloud was a far more intriguing and compelling protagonist with a better handled and fleshed out arc and he being an unreliable narrator was quite refreshing and further drew you into the story. As for the rest of the characters in IX, the only interesting one which showed any kind of internal struggle and development was Vivi but his arc is not really followed through once the bit about Zidane’s past comes in. Freya sort of got a bit of background during the part at Burmecia/Clerya but this line is basically shelved after that. Amarant’s arc is poorly paced with next to nothing happening for him for the most part and then some sort of rushed development happening at the last hour. Overall the game doesn’t really does a good job at tying up the characters stories.
    Putting aside the Cloud stuff...

    "...interesting one which showed any kind of internal struggle and development was Vivi"

    How about Dagger? Heir to the throne of a kingdom, a naive child struggling to prevent a war caused by her mother's sudden thirst for conquest. The mother she knew became lost to greed, and died tragically, forcing Dagger to rule a kingdom and immediately defend her people from a terrifying and unstoppable power. She fails at her duty, watched her people die and her country be all but destroyed, loses her voice to grief and is forced to overcome these and find the courage to face Kuja once again and rebuild her nation.

    To me, that's quite significantly more interesting than Cloud's little "Obnoxious and unskilled kid gets injected with Mako and pretends to be someone more interesting until he falls into the lifestream and gets his memory back" arc.

    Also: Steiner and Beatrix! To suggest they didn't have interesting character arcs just seems silly to me.

  2. #32


    Final Fantasy VII is everything.

    I'm discussing my 108, er, 111 favorite games of all time in THIS THREAD so go check it out and join the conversation!

  3. #33
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fox View Post
    To me, that's quite significantly more interesting than Cloud's little "Obnoxious and unskilled kid gets injected with Mako and pretends to be someone more interesting until he falls into the lifestream and gets his memory back" arc.
    That's doing the character as much a disservice as if I said "Spunky princess gets bored of palace life, finds out her mum is evil and goes so emo after mummy dearest snuffs it that she has to cut her hair. Rules Alexandria; wears nice dress." and you know it

  4. #34
    GONNA ROKKEN YOUR WORLD WildRaubtier's Avatar
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    Without considering the relatableness of an Everyman to that of a Noble, even!

  5. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fox View Post
    To me, that's quite significantly more interesting than Cloud's little "Obnoxious and unskilled kid gets injected with Mako and pretends to be someone more interesting until he falls into the lifestream and gets his memory back" arc.
    That's doing the character as much a disservice as if I said "Spunky princess gets bored of palace life, finds out her mum is evil and goes so emo after mummy dearest snuffs it that she has to cut her hair. Rules Alexandria; wears nice dress." and you know it
    Yeah, but that misses out huge chunks of Dagger's story so is unfair derision. Whereas my derision, on the other hand, is totally legitimate and only leaves out the stuff about Sephiroth.

    And I think we can all agree he was a pretty inconsequential character.

  6. #36
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Anyone who is dissing IX for story and character archs makes me laugh when you take into account of the various characters of VII who had little archs.

    Each game has its faults. VII has its rabid fanbase because for many it was their first venture into RPGs and 3D gaming. This cements it into their hearts as it was their first love. Rose tinted glasses will always be on for most fans which means a lot of EoFFers. No telling them otherwise or they get grumpy and rude. Regardless of who VII would have ended up against, it would have been the same attitude.

  7. #37
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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  8. #38
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    And it leaves out the parts of that unskilled kid managed to be a hero without realising it, how he starts off outright stating he doesn't give a smurf about the Planet to fighting for its very survival, and how the anti-social loner becomes a leader, mentor and friend to others. Nobody in FFIX develops as much as Cloud does. Leave off him. He's a top lad and looks good in a Silk Dress!
    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Each game has its faults. VII has its rabid fanbase because for many it was their first venture into RPGs and 3D gaming. This cements it into their hearts as it was their first love. Rose tinted glasses will always be on for most fans which means a lot of EoFFers. No telling them otherwise or they get grumpy and rude. Regardless of who VII would have ended up against, it would have been the same attitude.
    The anti-VII fanbase is just as, if not more rabid as this entire tournament has demonstrated beautifully. Don't even make me bring up the IX vs X-2 debacle for IX fans...

  9. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    and how the anti-social loner becomes a leader, mentor and friend to others.
    *sniff*. It is​ a beautiful story. I'm so happy for you, Squall!

  10. #40
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    IX also has a lot of haters(anti-IXers) that regardless of what you say will always have to try to prove whatever game is against it is better

  11. #41
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    The difference between the two is that Squall doesn't know how to interact with people. Cloud just has an unrelenting contempt for everyone.
    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    IX also has a lot of haters(anti-IXers) that regardless of what you say will always have to try to prove whatever game is against it is better
    Wouldn't know, I voted IX in the Semi and also against XII. I wouldn't make a campaign for, say, FFIV just to prove a point.

  12. #42
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Just pointing out the type of voters/eoffers/fans.

  13. #43
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Anyway back on topic, I think it's fair to say both games have characters it develops well, but they also have their Cait Siths and Quinas. Interestingly though you also had non-party characters like the Turks or Beatrix getting some development.

    I don't think it's mandatory for every character to receive in depth development. Some of them really are there just to make up the numbers and from a gameplay perspective, those numbers are necessary. You can't keep cramming and shoehorning big long story arcs for every character in. Though it's certainly something FF has done more of with time, and in my opinion FFXIII was the first one to truly develop every single character. But then, they kind of peaked, climaxed and resolved their character arcs with a third of the game remaining, and it was dull from there so

    While I'd probably say protagonists are equal, FFVII's villains definitely stomp IX's. Shinra, for me, are the best villains in any FF with such a huge variety of characters, motives, and an ever present and powerful threat. You also naturally have Sephiroth and I think at times he's so overrated that he's underrated. If you put aside the OMG SO COOL ONE WINGED ANGEL ~*so beautiful*~ nonsense, most people don't remember that he had a fantastic and menacing presence. This is especially true in the early part of the game when you never see him, you just see the aftermath. Trail of blood, impaled Midgar zolom, smurfing intense. It's like, "Do I really want to catch up with this guy?" With IX, Black Waltz, Brahne and Beatrix were all fine antagonists although obviously none lasted the distance for various reasons. The likes of Garland and Kuja weren't that great for me though - I just couldn't be impressed or intimidated by or even like or loathe them.

    Anyway, overall it's a close thing. In my opinion FFVII has better gameplay, story (IX was doing just fine, and then Terra happened...) and soundtrack. IX has better art direction and sidequests. And naturally its save points stomp the trout out of VII's question marks xD I struggled to think which world was better as you have the incredible oppressive hulk that is Midgar but then also the lovely swagger that is Treno. I'll call that one a rub.

  14. #44


    Regarding the Turks actually - if Cissnei had been in Final Fantasy VII... well, it wouldn't sway my vote but I'd like FFVII even more than I already do. The Turks were great and Cissnei was the best of them. Characters like her (and Zack of course who is a great protagonist) easily makes Crisis Core the best main franchise spin-off (including sequels but not stuff like FFT). SO yeah, the Turks were awesome, they had a cool theme, Rufus was pretty cool as well and Cissnei would have been the cherry on top. IX certainly lacked anything like them.

    They were kinda like the Judges in XII. But more...sleazy.

  15. #45
    GONNA ROKKEN YOUR WORLD WildRaubtier's Avatar
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    Dunno about the art direction. Sure IX was HQ+++ compared to VII, but too bad the PSX couldn't really show that.

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