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Thread: Oh my goodness I actually finally did it

  1. #1

    Default Oh my goodness I actually finally did it

    I actually finally did it. I beat Elder Scrolls Oblivion. Got the game way back in the very beginning of 2008 (when I bought my ps3) and after taking all these six month to year breaks I finally got around to beating it. I got the urge to play it again after watching Game of Thrones and if I had known I was that close to beating it I wouldn't have taken such a long break from it this past time (February 2014 was the last time I booted the game up prior to the other day).

    I still have a couple things I can do. I still havn't done the Dark Brotherhood yet and I am sure there are a few random quests here and there that I have missed but I'm just glad I got done with the main quest.

    I bought Skyrim several years ago and it has just been sitting on the counter until I finish Oblivion but I think I will spend just a little more time on Oblivion and finish those other few things up before I get started on Skyrim.

    Havn't really played it that much. In the seven years I have been playing it I have only logged in about 184 total game hours (which I think that equates to about three seconds a day).

  2. #2
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Neat. Still haven't played Oblivion. Only Morrowind and Skyrim.

  3. #3
    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    Grats, beating Elder Scrolls is hard just because of how easy it is to get distracted. Morrowind was the worst though, cause it didn't have a handy quest tab. I probably put more hours into it than any other Elder Scrolls and I've never made it past meeting Caius in the main plot.

  4. #4
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    Next play Morrowind! My favorite TES game and one of my favorite games of all time!

    P.S. If you haven't played the Shivering Isles expac for Oblivion yet definitely do that. It's better than the entire rest of Oblivion.

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    Bolivar's Avatar
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    Congrats, man. 184 hours on a single play through is a long time, sounds like you carved through most of the game. I think you'll definitely dig Skyrim, it was a big step up over Oblivion in terms of polish and storytelling. That said, a lot of us found ourselves missing Cyrodiil while playing.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Bolivar View Post
    Congrats, man. 184 hours on a single play through is a long time, sounds like you carved through most of the game. I think you'll definitely dig Skyrim, it was a big step up over Oblivion in terms of polish and storytelling. That said, a lot of us found ourselves missing Cyrodiil while playing.
    I looked at my completed quests list and it said I had 80 something completed quests. Most of the ones still on my active quests list are mainly about buying houses or collecting wine or fish and stuff like that. If I have completed around 80 something quests is that a major chunk of the game?

    Sounds kind of silly but what I found to be one of the funnest aspects of the game is reading about all the lore and various pieces of writing that the game had in it (to me it was what made the game truly detailed). The Barenziah books was my favorite.

    Is there any other piece of writing in the game that is as long and detailed as the Barenziah story was (or close to it at least)?

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    Bolivar's Avatar
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    Default says there around 280 quests in the main game, so apparently there's still a lot out there!

    Another multi volume series as long as Berenziah is The Song of Pelinal, although it's very different. It's about the Alessian rebellion and the fall of the Ayleids, which is a huge backdrop to the game, especially the Knights of the Nine quest line. It's written in a very ambiguous manner and it's hard to tell what's a metaphor and what's literal at times.

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    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony12 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Bolivar View Post
    Congrats, man. 184 hours on a single play through is a long time, sounds like you carved through most of the game. I think you'll definitely dig Skyrim, it was a big step up over Oblivion in terms of polish and storytelling. That said, a lot of us found ourselves missing Cyrodiil while playing.
    I looked at my completed quests list and it said I had 80 something completed quests. Most of the ones still on my active quests list are mainly about buying houses or collecting wine or fish and stuff like that. If I have completed around 80 something quests is that a major chunk of the game?

    Sounds kind of silly but what I found to be one of the funnest aspects of the game is reading about all the lore and various pieces of writing that the game had in it (to me it was what made the game truly detailed). The Barenziah books was my favorite.

    Is there any other piece of writing in the game that is as long and detailed as the Barenziah story was (or close to it at least)?
    My friend, if the lore and books are your favorite part of the game then you have got a TREAT waiting for you when you get around to Morrowind and the 36 Lessons of Vivec Or anything involving the Tribunal, really! Actually the expac Tribunal goes into more detail about Barenziah herself - you even get to meet her!

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    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Mud Crabs are wretched creatures.

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    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    If the lore is what you liked best then yeah you ABSOLUTELY need to play Morrowind, it is not the high point in the series, it is the high point in all of video games for lore stuff. The gameplay's definitely not as advanced as Oblivion and Skyrim, though it can be changed with mods, but oh man the world, the characters, the ambiguity about everything, you'll love that trout.

    Skyrim is also very very good and should totally be played

  11. #11
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pike View Post
    P.S. If you haven't played the Shivering Isles expac for Oblivion yet definitely do that. It's better than the entire rest of Oblivion.
    This is correct. Shivering Isles is awesome.

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