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Thread: Mr and Ms EOFF Competition! - The Grand Finale Voting!

  1. #106
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    That second question was meant to be what is your favorite recurring theme, which I somehow typed wrong because I was tired. I also had to go out of town and didn't make it back quickly, so haven't been able to look at the answers yet and waiting until the end of the day is fine, since you're not the only one who hasn't sent in answers yet.

  2. #107
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Gosh I have not looked at this for awhile! Gah! Thank you so much everyone who's voted for me so far!

    I will get my final round answers in now.

  3. #108
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    The answers are in and its time to vote for who will be the Mr and Ms of EOFF. Votes are due in by Friday evening.

    Ms EOFF

    What's your favorite forum and why?

    Contestant 1: Probably the Roman Forum. I mean, just check out how beautiful this thing is!

    What an insight into the wonders of the past, amirite?


    Oh, you were talking about online.


    Contestant 2: I love The Lifestream, because I love seeing the vulnerability and the 'real life' of all the members of the forum. I definitely joined EoFF to chat about Final Fantasy, but I've stayed for the people, and seeing such amazing threads in The Lifestream keeps me coming back.

    Seeing some of the things you guys go through in your daily lives, and are willing to share inspires me. It encourages me to share and divulge too. It's so rare to find a 'safe place' (sorry for using that term!) on the internet where people behave and act in a decent way - especially when even on here we can lose ourselves in political debate and start attacking each other, it's nice that when it comes to personal stuff we are all able to act in a loving way towards each other and put the silly political arguments aside.

    If your favorite recurring Final Fantasy theme? Somehow, it made a little sense when I wrote it :p

    Contestant 1:
    Definitely the main theme.

    Contestant 2: There are so many amazing recurring themes throughout Final Fantasy, and I think that's why as a series, it remains so beloved. There are icons that are just so synonymous with Final Fantasy like Chocobos, Moogles, Tonberrys, and Cactaurs... The fact that these creatures turn up time and time again and alway seem to fit into the world is just a testament to how creative and artistic the Final Fantasy team is. They keep a lot of their themes so fresh and relevant.

    I'm not the biggest fan of Final Fantasy XV by any stretch, but the theme of friendship and teamwork was so strong that despite it being so different to other titles in the series, it was able to still have that Final Fantasy feel.

    The themes in Final Fantasy are the very essence of the series. Whether it's the music and melodies that we all know and love, or the creatures, or even the thematic motifs in the storyline. I don't know that I could pick just one thing that stand out to me, I really couldn't. I think if I had to though, I would choose the Final Fantasy theme. Something about hearing that, in all of it's versions throughout each entry in which it appears just becomes almost the breath of Final Fantasy. It's always the music of victory and completion - and it's kind of pompous but in a good way....

    Why do some chocobos say wark while others say Kweh?

    Contestant 1: How culturally insensitive of you to ask such a question! It's clearly just a difference in dialect and we will speak no further on this matter.

    Contestant 2: Because some are from Scotland and they say WARK and the ones from England go KWEH. And when they meet, they can totally understand each other, and they don't care at all - but the humans of the world are the ones who act so baffled and worried about this strange Chocobo dialect...

    Mr EOFF

    What's your favorite forum and why?

    Contestant 1: Eyes on Final Fantasy is my favorite forum. I guess you wanted me to be more specific. OK, the website, founded by Cid, owned by Loony BoB, ran by the Cid's Knights, where people talk about Final Fantasy and other random things, debate about politics, share their deepest secrets, play silly forum contests, meet their best friends and the loves of their lives, and continue to find magic after almost two decades on an internet that changes trends ever few months, is my favorite forum, website, and community in the entire world.

    Contestant 2: Oh, that's a good one. It's really hard because I like all the forums for different reasons.

    Quina's Kitchen is always good a laugh. I fondly remember discussing the finer points of soup, the etymology of how we say 'chicken sandwich' over 'chicken burger', the correct method of preparing scones, and so on. Without getting too in-depth, food unites us in a way other things couldn't. Long may it continue, I say.

    I also really Academia. Now I know things can get way too heated in there, but when discussion hits that right note, it can be really engaging and entertaining for all the right reasons. And while there's a few people who I often disagree with on some matters, I appreciate that most of the time we can disagree in a good way.

    If nothing else it's a great way to just bitch about Trump, Theresa May, or anything else going on in the world at the moment.

    I'm lumping General Chat and Wonder Square together because WS is now in GC, but I've really enjoyed talking shop in both. Some of my favourite memories are of organising the annual EoFF Secret Santa, forgetting to pre-format the posts, and then spending literally hours typing up the reveal posts all nice and formatted. Good times.

    Oh, and I can't neglect to mention the Timber Maniacs sub-forum, A.K.A the writer's forum. I don't post in there as often as I should sometimes, but it has genuinely inspired me, and I love cheering on other people's writing whenever I have the memory or time to pop in there. I also won my first Ciddie through getting Best Writer, so I mean, thanks?

    But in case you were dreading me go through every sub-forum, don't worry, I'm stopping at this last one.

    The Lifestream. It was called Eyes on Each Other for awhile when I was here. Different name, same place. I think this is my favourite sub-forum simply because it's members supporting other members. No fancy words required, it's simply brilliant, that.

    I try not to post in The Lifestream very often because the thought of dedicating an entire thread to myself makes me feel sick, but the times I have needed to go in there, the times where my desperation outweigh my social esteem, I tell you truly I have never regretted it. The people who support you in there are amazing people. And it isn't even for earthshattering problems. Even small things - the kind of things that go in the Rant Thread sometimes - even small things that annoy you get an audience.

    I suppose the Lifestream is amazing because it shows people care about you. Not your opinions on FFXV, not what you had for breakfast, but they care about you, and that, is a very powerful thing.

    If your favorite recurring Final Fantasy theme?

    Contestant 1: This question does not seem complete. To cover all my bases, I will answer every possible variation I can think of.

    If your favorite recurring Final Fantasy theme was not in the next FF game, would you still play it?
    I would probably still play it if it had compelling characters and story and fun battles and did not take 10 years to make after several redesigns and overteased announcements dulling the whole experience.

    If your favorite recurring Final Fantasy theme played on every radio station every day, would you get sick of it?
    No I would not because I don't listen to the radio.

    If your favorite recurring Final Fantasy theme was written by a Nazi, would you punch it?
    I do not condone violence, unless it is to weaken something so I can eat it and get its power. (And I am not interested in Nazi powers!)

    If your favorite recurring Final Fantasy theme was something lame like a shallow contrived love story, how would you feel about yourself?
    Not very good, but I guess I could get over it quickly by watching daytime TV.

    If your favorite recurring Final Fantasy theme killed your father, would you swear your revenge?
    I would, but I would draw out my revenge over two movies by first going through its underlings in order to maximize box office revenue.

    If your favorite recurring Final Fantasy theme covfefe?
    No can eat.

    Contestant 2: I'm trying to remember what recurring musical themes there are. There's the Opening Prelude, of course. And the Chocobo Theme. Oh, Battle on the Big Bridge. I guess you could count 'Airship Theme' as being recurring.

    Oh, I'll go for the Chocobo Theme, because Chocobo. If you wanted me to choose my favourite of those: FFIII's theme is really simple but benefits from its simplicity. FFV's Mamba de Chocobo theme has a really funky rhythm, and the man's interjections make it even better, FFVII's Electric de Chocobo is a fun surfer theme, and I really liked FFXIII's Pulse Chocobo theme even if it is busier than the others.

    I think overall though, I'll go for Death Metal Chocobo.

    Why do some chocobos say wark while others say Kweh?

    Contestant 1: There are two types of chocobos in this world:

    Some say "kweh", think Star Wars is better than Star Trek, are better at science than at art, like FFVI more than FFVII, and prefer ice cream to cake.

    Some say "wark", vote Republican, prefer the newer Final Fantasy games, call soda "pop", and think soup is a drink.

    Contestant 2: I am not a professor of animal linguistics, but I think they're the same species, but have domesticated themselves in different regions and so have developed their language differently.

    Or, perhaps it's based on the sex of the Chocobo?

    Or maybe it's to do with evolution?

    Or maybe the Chocobos that Kweh have been bred and trained to sound that way because it sounds more appealing to prissy owners who want their Chocobos to sound better than those upstart Smiths down the road.

    Look at them, splashing their money out on a Green Chocobo. Must've dipped into their child's college fund for that. We'll show them. Our Chocobo will beat them in the Chocobo Singing Pageant. Their Chocobo can only Wark in five languages. Our Chocobo can Kweh on command, and in different pitches. And it can Wark on top of that too; all we have to do is grip its testicles tightly and it'll go into a falcetto Wark.

    Alas, the life of a Chocobo Breeder is a strange and mysterious one.

    I'm excited to see who the winner will be. Get to voting!

  4. #109
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    May the best Qu win!

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
    When I grow up, I want to go to Bovine Trump University! - Ralph Wiggum

  5. #110
    fat_moogle's Avatar
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    Good luck, contestants! The £1 million prize fund is within arms reach!

  6. #111


    Oh yeah, voting. I almost didn't do the voting.

  7. #112
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    Sitting on a tie and hoping for a couple more votes.

  8. #113
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    Its time to announce the winners!

    All four contestants had some great rounds, but the time has come to say who gets to be known as the Mr and Ms EOFF.

    For the last round, contestant one was Shauna.
    Night Fury was our second contestant, and her total vote count put her two ahead, making her the winner!
    Congrats to our Ms EOFF.

    In the male group contestant one was our lovely Quina.
    Formy pulled ahead though, and with nine votes he can now be crowned our Mr EOFF.

    Congrats to our winners and everyone who participated!

  9. #114
    fat_moogle's Avatar
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    Congratulations Night Fury & Formy on your new found Ms/Mr EoFF titles! Also a a big well done to the runners up, Shauna & Quina!

    Now winners...



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  10. #115
    Lovely Gal Night Fury's Avatar
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    Congratulations to everyone who participated! And congratulations to Shauna! Who is, in my mind, a much better Ms EoFF than myself in terms of character and care for the community. (And I voted for you) If it was a competition between us about who likes forum razzle dazzle the most... then yeah that's me.

    I think that we're very lucky to have such an amazing female member base on this forum - especially given in recent years the backlash against women who wanted anything to do with video games. It's lovely that it doesn't matter here, and that we're encouraged to share our thoughts, opinions, experiences at Eyes on Final Fantasy. It's also lovely that, really the scales are quite even here in terms of the gender split.

    Not only that, but our women support each other here, and we don't feel the need to succumb to the poisonous ideal that we should compete against each other within this niche. I mean, maybe we've had that in the past, but I think it's something we can look back on as being a part of youth and a little bit of immaturity.

    It's beautiful to see some of the transformations of our ladies in the years that I've been here. Freya - to see who you are today, and just how much your strength, ambition, and class comes through is wonderful. Shauna - your confidence in yourself is beyond, and I know it's something that you've been on the line about, but you handle yourself with such grace and humour and I aspire to be like you - cool, calm, collected, and confident. Pumpkin - just wow, you have gone from someone so softly spoken to someone so passionate about your field and able to communicate your message in a beautiful way with confidence. Watching you pat yourself on the back to celebrate your wins is great to see, and I can't wait to see where your journey takes you next.

    And congrats to my Mr! Formy! It's been so lovely to get to watch you on your journey over the last few years and see your transform and become who you are today, because there's an amazing person in there.

    Anyway, there's my lame speech, always overdramatic.

  11. #116

  12. #117
    No can eat Quina's Avatar
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    Congratulations Formalhaut and Shauna. I hope you make beautiful babies together.


  13. #118
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Congratulations to you both!

    I must admit I thought Quina would walk it and I voted for its answers for all three. I got it wrong and assumed people preferred funny answers to heartfelt ones just because I do. I should've realised that when I got dumped out in the last round! Either way, very well played Formy!

  14. #119
    Lovely Gal Night Fury's Avatar
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    I think both heartfelt and funny are great but honestly just be 100% you and write what is authentic for you. That's what I did anyway /shrug

  15. #120
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Oh yeah sorry I wasn't trying to say your answers weren't funny! I voted for you on this and indeed other rounds a hell of a lot too.

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