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Thread: How have your taste in gaming change over the years? Part 2

  1. #16
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FinalxxSin View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Sephex View Post
    I used to tolerate and have fun with online gaming. Never got deep into it or played a MMORPG (one of the greatest scams the gaming industry pulled on gamers is convincing them they have to pay a monthly fee to play a video game), but I had fun on Xbox Live and whatnot.
    I don't see what the problem is with a MMORPG charging a monthly fee. Servers have to be maintained. Events typically come and go. There are content updates (new PvP and/or PvE content, rebalance of bosses/classes, changes in level progression, etc.) which in a good number of cases have to have bugs worked out of them, and the list can go on and on. You can't really expect things like that to be done at a high quality and for free.

    P2W type MMORPGs on a F2P model can be far far worse. I know from personal experience.
    Yeah, I get that end if it, but I feel games overcharge for their services. I don't even have Xbox Live anymore for the same reason. Well, the other reason is that I just don't have time to go online that much anymore, so that aspect of it is on my end.

  2. #17
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    I have XBox live as I enjoy the free games that I get each month. In January we are getting a tower Defense game, and there has been one out of the 4 free a month given I usually have an interest in playing.

  3. #18
    sinuosity's Avatar
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    In an age where basically everything is always-online, the MMORPG subscription model begins to look a bit archaic. Seems reasonable to expect MMOs that are not f2p will become increasingly rare as the years go by

  4. #19


    My favorite Genre has always been JRPG's, but as years go on I've just included more and more genre's into ones I can enjoy. So my tastes haven't changed much, I've just diversified a bit more.

  5. #20
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCracker View Post
    My favorite Genre has always been JRPG's, but as years go on I've just included more and more genre's into ones I can enjoy. So my tastes haven't changed much, I've just diversified a bit more.
    Pretty much me

  6. #21
    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    My tastes haven't really changed much. My playstyle has though. I'm a lot more pragmatic. I'd not use over powered skills or weapons or whatever. Now I use overpowered weapons and skills at the same time to try and push out all the damage I can do. And I don't worry about Elixers and junk so much. I'd carry an Elixer for the entire length of a game, now I'll use one if I don't feel like trekking all the way back to a save point.

  7. #22


    They really haven't changed much. RPGs are still my favorite kind of game. I'm opening up to first/third person shooters a bit though, especially since I've been playing Time Splitters a lot.

  8. #23
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    I am much less likely to play a grand scale console game with 60+ hours of content or whatever. I prefer the shorter but high-charged experiences like Uncharted or Shadow of Mordor. I do make exceptions for Bioware games. Just don't have those blocks of time to sit in front of a TV.

    Instead, I almost exclusively play handheld games these days. This has worked out since there has been no shortage of great JRPGs for handhelds and they've really found a home there.

    For genres, I still feel like I play the same types of games as before, mostly RPGs and action/adventure games with some platforming and puzzle thrown in every now and then. I guess I used to play more shooters, sports, and fighting games when I was younger but I'm more of a hermit now and those genres are very multiplayer-heavy.

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  9. #24
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    The more I think about it, the more I don't think my tastes have changed at all. I play a lot more "walking sims" these days than I used to, I suppose. And fewer RTS, although that's mostly down to Warcraft getting sucked into MMO-land.

    Oh, and I play MMOs more than I used to, obviously. And couch co-op less often, although that's more dictated by the games being put out and the fact that I don't hang out with friends after school anymore. Modernised world, internet etc. replaces that.
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  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karifean View Post
    I found out how awesome visual novels were, mostly.
    This is a thread about games.

    I think the biggest way I've changed is that my standards have gotten higher. I don't feel like I have time to play games that forget to add "quality of life" things. I don't accept a grind just for grindings sake. If a game feels like a chore to play, i don't power through them, I switch to a game that is actually fun to play.
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  11. #26
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    I was a lot more furtive with my game playing. When I was growing up, I was pretty much the only person I knew who enjoyed playing games (actively, not just playing the latest Fifa). It wasn't something I particularly talked about either, so I stuck with what I knew, which basically considered of two game series: Final Fantasy and the Professor Layton series. I didn't really branch out.

    Since meeting Mr. Carny and and being on EoFF, I've branched out much more. My main jam is pretty much split evenly between BioWare (Mass Effect and Dragon Age) and JRPGs, still primarily Final Fantasy, but diving into one or two other series. I'm also bigger on visual novels and I like The Sims. And I love hacking away at Warriors games.

    Someone mentioned couch-coop and if anything I've played a lot more of it, since being with Mr. Carny. We've played Borderlands 2 together (and the Pre-Sequel), Warriors games, and Beyond: Two Souls. Honestly, I wish there was more games that took it. Online multiplayer is fine, but there's nothing like playing with someone physically in the room.
    Last edited by Formalhaut; 01-04-2017 at 01:12 PM.

  12. #27
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mirage View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Karifean View Post
    I found out how awesome visual novels were, mostly.
    This is a thread about games.
    Given the current state of the VN industry there's no point in making a distinction.

    Might as well add tho, leaving VNs aside, I only scarcely play new games nowadays. The majority of time I spend on games is either spent on games I already know, or games where you can make your own levels and stuff. Final Fantasy XV is the first newly released game I'm playing shortly after it came out in a long time.

  13. #28
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karifean View Post
    Might as well add tho, leaving VNs aside, I only scarcely play new games nowadays. The majority of time I spend on games is either spent on games I already know, or games where you can make your own levels and stuff. Final Fantasy XV is the first newly released game I'm playing shortly after it came out in a long time.
    This is also the case with me, to be honest. I've had like five playthroughs of Dragon Age: Inquisition, just making new characters and builds. Similar cases with other Bioware games (though more like two or three). I love character creating. It's just so much fun. I have played a few new games in amongst the replays though. Mainly when I get tired of it for a bit.

  14. #29
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Karifean View Post
    Might as well add tho, leaving VNs aside, I only scarcely play new games nowadays. The majority of time I spend on games is either spent on games I already know, or games where you can make your own levels and stuff. Final Fantasy XV is the first newly released game I'm playing shortly after it came out in a long time.
    This is also the case with me, to be honest. I've had like five playthroughs of Dragon Age: Inquisition, just making new characters and builds. Similar cases with other Bioware games (though more like two or three). I love character creating. It's just so much fun. I have played a few new games in amongst the replays though. Mainly when I get tired of it for a bit.
    im the same as you there. I still play all the Dragon ages with new play through types as I experiment with different spells and builds.

  15. #30


    I'm more of a snob. I think that about covers it.

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