View Full Version : Game "completion"?

some fat guy with cheese
03-22-2010, 02:24 PM
How much of FFT have you "completed"?

What are the most jobs that you've mastered for the most characters in this game? i.e. have you ever mastered all of the jobs for one character? Two characters? Three characters? (Oh, and if you're using the JP Glitch you're a cheater and you don't get to play in these reindeer games).
How many of the items have you collected? How about teh rare items that can only be stolen or poached?
How many of the side-missions fromt the bars and pubs have you completed?
How many of the optional characters do you have?

I think you get the idea. I'm sure we have one member out there who's gone overboard and created one hell of a killer team in this game.

03-22-2010, 05:30 PM
Anyone who is a real fan has all the optional characters, thats kind of a gime :)
What are the most jobs that you've mastered for the most characters in this game?
I've never had anyone master all the classes. Some people have come close, but I usually prefer to start a new game than continue grinding JP out. If you count all the mastered classes across all my saves it is in the hundreds :) (I've beaten the game at least 8 times)

How many of the items have you collected? How about teh rare items that can only be stolen or poached?
I have all the stolen items, but very little of the poached ones. I don't use them much, and I'm not in the habit of collecting for the sake of collecting.

How many of the side-missions fromt the bars and pubs have you completed?
Did them all on my first playthrough of the game, but never do them on any other playthroughts.

03-22-2010, 09:29 PM
I've had all my characters master all the jobs except for Cloud, Orlandu and Reis.

Took forever though...:)

03-23-2010, 02:00 AM
I played it for like maybe an hour and then got bored. Are you impressed by my mad skillz?

03-23-2010, 02:23 AM
I stopped being impressed by your incredible suckage long ago, Shluppers.

I haven't mastered all of the jobs with one character, but I've mastered them all except for Mime at some point. I've gotten all of the items except for the poach-only ones. I did a lot of the bar missions my first couple of times playing, but now I don't bother. And I have gotten all of the characters.

03-23-2010, 02:31 AM
I thought Mime was auto master?

03-23-2010, 02:43 AM
I think it is; I never bothered to unlock it.

EDIT: wait... did I? Now I'm confused. I'll have to check back my really old saves when I get home to my PS1 next break. xD

docta fizz
03-26-2010, 07:12 AM
I have actually mastered every class, though never with one person. On the remake I cam fighteningly close with ramza but that poor buggar never got to complete his quest as my psp was smashed by a friend (accidentally). I now re-purchased the game on ps1 but have been distracted by ffxiii. I have however done all of the side missions and bar missions. Does anyone really do the poaching jazz? If so, why????

I'm really not sure what the jp glitch is but I am curious.

03-26-2010, 07:41 AM
I've masted several with Ramza on my PSP game so far, but tons are needed anyway in order to get that dark knight class, which I then mastered too. That class is a bit overpowered...just a little...

03-27-2010, 01:11 AM
I found Dark Knights to be somewhat underwhelming. Sure they were above average stand alone, but nothing special when making setups that include tweaking abilities from all classes.

docta fizz
03-28-2010, 09:57 AM
i enjoyed the extra class. Besides why should your enemies get one that you can't have? :D

03-29-2010, 07:47 AM
I mastered all the jobs on a generic male and female in one playthough. :p

04-01-2010, 02:13 AM
What are the most jobs that you've mastered for the most characters in this game?
I have had my whole team, master every job available.

How many of the items have you collected? How about teh rare items that can only be stolen or poached?
None wahtsoever, I don't poach at all.

How many of the side-missions fromt the bars and pubs have you completed?
Did around half of them.

How many of the optional characters do you have?
Optional characters suck, Generic all the way.

04-23-2010, 03:19 PM
If we're talking about the original FFT, then this is the only game I have ever mastered, by most definitions of course. This is ignoring special handicaps or restrictions that you can impose on yourself.

Q) What are the most jobs that you've mastered for the most characters in this game?

A) I have a save where every character has mastered every job. And that includes Zodiac on every Summoner class and Ultima on Ramza's Squire class. Unfortunately the strategy I used is ineffective in the remake. Why would they want to make this more difficult I don't understand.

Q) How many of the items have you collected?

A) At least one of every item, including Escutcheon (II) and Javelin (II). Where convienient I have 99 of many items.

Q) How many of the side-missions fromt the bars and pubs have you completed?

A) I specifically created a save that I went through to figure out how to get the stars next to both Undiscovered Lands and Rare Treasure, since the strategy guide has errors in it. I can post the guide if you like. :)

Q) How many of the optional characters do you have?

A) All of them. Even got Cloud to level 99.

Needless to say I was very proud of myself until the remake came out and had to upset the applecart.

09-09-2010, 08:41 PM
Mastered all jobs for everyone (excluding: Cloud(Just keep him a Soldier))
All Poached Items:except the Dragon Whisker
All Stolen Items: Hardest one because Elmdor doesnt like his S::bou::bou::T stolen
All Found Items: Ragnorak before the end that was cool
All Characters:Reis, Cloud, Worker 8, Beowulf all of them was easy
All Propositions done: Mastered Treasure hunter, and Mastered Area Finder

09-10-2010, 08:45 PM
I dont get why youd spend all the time mastering classes but not poach. I poached everything. There was one perfume for the women that was pretty incredible (forgot what it was called but think was the best accessory in the game), and theres some good items and armor you can get through it. You can have access to higher lv stuff early too.

09-11-2010, 02:42 AM
Chantage maybe? (The one with automatic Reraise and Regen)

Del Murder
09-11-2010, 05:20 AM
Yeah that accessory is sick. Unlimited reraise. :eek:

09-11-2010, 05:29 AM
Some of us just don't let our characters die :p

09-12-2010, 01:34 AM
But with reraise you dont have to try to live, you just put on everything thats +str and see your big numbers :D ...granted when you have everyone with a robe of lords or maximillian (or w/e the best knight armor was) then you dont really have to worry about dying anymore. I also made sure to have multiples of the strongest weapons (excaliburs, chaos blades or w/e they were called, save the queen).

09-12-2010, 05:13 AM
I always go with big damage :) For the most part I don't even bother buying new gear past Ch3 when you get +2PA hats and clothes. They key is just mobility. I find staying out of range and killing them first keeps you alive better than HP does.

That and I would imagine the game would get boring really quickly if you couldn't lose. :D

09-12-2010, 01:10 PM
I personally favor auto-Haste over Reraise. Setiemsons for the female units along with Chaos Blades; Excaliburs for male units. I thin out the enemies from afar with Math Skills then nail the stragglers with melee attacks. I do tend to equip the best possible defensive gear, but into chapter four I rarely need it.