View Full Version : It's time to come out and play
We've been given an ability by an outside party, guys!
We can raid one gang of our choosing, and we get to kill four members in the ensuing chaos. Leaders are the only exception, unfortunately.
I say we go after the Secret Police. They are the biggest threat to us at this point in time. Thoughts?
07-03-2011, 04:21 PM
Fuck the Po-Leece!!!
On the other hand the Returners and the Misfits have an alliance of sorts, if I understand correctly. That makes them strong as well.
A raid on the Secret Police or one of those two gangs suits me fine.
So the other day I was approached by Rantzien with a peace offering. He proposed a temporary secret alliance against the other gangs, while openly telling them that he would ally with them.
I just got a PM from him saying that he has been given a special ability that allows him to sneak into the other hideouts and see what's being discussed. He hasn't given me any details yet, and he said he has another special ability that he will reveal to me later, but it sounds like we may have a valuable ally here. Let's keep our options open until we get some information from him.
Carl the Llama
07-03-2011, 10:51 PM
So the other day I was approached by Rantzien with a peace offering. He proposed a temporary secret alliance against the other gangs, while openly telling them that he would ally with them.
I just got a PM from him saying that he has been given a special ability that allows him to sneak into the other hideouts and see what's being discussed. He hasn't given me any details yet, and he said he has another special ability that he will reveal to me later, but it sounds like we may have a valuable ally here. Let's keep our options open until we get some information from him.
I say a FFVII FFIX alliance has some powerful potential, but instead of hunting down the Police I say we fuck the returners, we know they will be gunning for us after we killed Dak, and they voted for us numerous times during the snake poll. The police at the moment I don't think are gunning for us, lets eliminate the Returners before they come for us, you all remember Del's threat to hunt our leader till the end of days, I say a pre emptive strike is what we need here.
Mostly I am angry with the Police for preaching their pretentious bullshit about cleaning up the streets, and instead one man completely devastates an entire gang while they go on and on about their elephants and rhinos. The police need a wake up call, and the Warriors should be the ones to give it to them. Let's not kid ourselves here, we are the most powerful gang. If we take out those pompous pencil-pushers we're one step closer to controlling EoFF. The Returners can gun for me all they want, but the simple fact is they're all talk and no action. Just look at their activity, for example. All they're interested in is proclaiming their precious VI is better than all the rest. This is war. A struggle for the right to expand. Dominion over all of EoFF. They can have their "best game" title, but we will take our "best gang"'s.
But as I said, we should wait and see what our informant has to say before we make a decision.
Carl the Llama
07-03-2011, 11:13 PM
Do we have a list of all gangs and its members? would be useful to know if we will pick and choose our targets. Take out the active posters and such.
This would be an ideal part for our resident pie chart lover to step on by and make us a chart.
I Don't Need A Name
Depression Moon
I Took the Red Pill
The White Wizard of Fynn
Agent Proto
Del Murder
Rebellious Eagle
The Man
Ultima Weapon
Secret Police
Hypoallergenic Cactuar
I'm my own MILF
The Fresh Prince of Mel Air
Carl the Llama
07-04-2011, 12:32 AM
Hmm... I see why your adamant to go after the Police, do we get to go after specific people or is it random? If it isn't random then I would suggest killing off Mel Air MILF Hypo and foa, they seem to be the most likely targets and without them I might be able to convince Jen to leave the police and join us.
I assume we get to choose who to kill. And I think defection is too late at this point in the war. Jen has chosen her side.
And there is news from our informant. He revealed his second ability to me. If we ally ourselves with him we will have a shared ability to openly attack any gang of our choosing. He also told me of a gang ability to weaken a specific gang, but he didn't go into detail about that. He proposes we attack the Misfits openly while his gang weakens the Returners.
If we do this we will utterly destroy the Misfits, put a considerable dent in the forces of the Secret Police, and still have a fighting chance at ruining the Returners. The only other threats left would be the Secret Police and the Bandits themselves, and we would greatly outnumber them both. What do you all think?
Carl the Llama
07-04-2011, 01:00 AM
I assume we get to choose who to kill. And I think defection is too late at this point in the war. Jen has chosen her side.
And there is news from our informant. He revealed his second ability to me. If we ally ourselves with him we will have a shared ability to openly attack any gang of our choosing. He also told me of a gang ability to weaken a specific gang, but he didn't go into detail about that. He proposes we attack the Misfits openly while his gang weakens the Returners.
If we do this we will utterly destroy the Misfits, put a considerable dent in the forces of the Secret Police, and still have a fighting chance at ruining the Returners. The only other threats left would be the Secret Police and the Bandits themselves, and we would greatly outnumber them both. What do you all think?
I support this idea, when do we start!
I assume we start as soon as everyone else is finished making their decisions (I am again assuming that everyone else was given an ability). Hopefully we have enough time for other Warriors to get online and discuss this.
07-04-2011, 01:26 AM
One of your supposed Misfits isn't actually a Misfit anymore. :greenie:
Carl the Llama
07-04-2011, 01:28 AM
It might be an idea to send a mog message to the other Warriors, they may not have seen this subforum, I know I only saw it by chance.
One of your supposed Misfits isn't actually a Misfit anymore. :greenie:
And which one is that?
Carl the Llama
07-04-2011, 02:00 AM
One of your supposed Misfits isn't actually a Misfit anymore. :greenie:
And which one is that?
Carl the Llama
07-04-2011, 02:48 AM
Double post I know but its worth it, it seems Psychotic The Snake slithered after Hypo and killed him in his sleep, that's one less SP to worry about.
I fear my time is up, and seeing as how we haven't had much activity from our other members, I will give the go ahead on our alliance action and our gang action.
Gentlemen, it has been a pleasure. Give them hell for me.
07-04-2011, 01:28 PM
I worry about our alliance's true intentions, but I guess it's a calculated risk.
EDIT: Okay, so after all this action it's time for a roll call. How many Warriors are left?
Carl the Llama
07-05-2011, 12:51 AM
how on earth am I still alive!!! I thought NCG was going to blow me up with a grenade?
07-05-2011, 02:14 AM
Iceglow. And I think you are dead. It just hasn't been updated 'cause it's the fourth and people are out getting drunk and setting off fireworks. If you're alive, great!
07-05-2011, 02:26 AM
I've been sadly inactive for all of this, and will continue to be inactive for the rest. I'll be active again around the 13th, I'm surprised that I'm still alive though.
07-05-2011, 08:48 AM
So what happened why am I Farplanned? Cba to look through a bunch of posts.
07-05-2011, 01:00 PM
You were either killed by a raid on our HQ, I think.
Loony BoB
07-05-2011, 02:20 PM
Can't believe you trusted Rantzien, man. You could have established us almost immediately as the most powerful gang, screw the police. Should have taken out the biggest or next-biggest gang at all opportunities - secret police be damned. We know the secret police are against us, so we don't have to worry about trusting them and we don't need to worry about them "taking our territory" as they are automatically against all gangs, it's their job and duty. They will be spread thinner while they put people towards taking on other gangs. The only gangs worth allying with are ones you can be sure will be under your thumb, in other words, the tiny ones.
Oh well. Dead dead. :p Certainly looked like everyone had fun and that's what really counts. I'm just competitive and think that killing everyone also counts. Rats. Should have been more active!
07-05-2011, 06:23 PM
I worry about our alliance's true intentions, but I guess it's a calculated risk.
EDIT: Okay, so after all this action it's time for a roll call. How many Warriors are left?
I tried to warn him, Bob. I was too late.....:(
No alliances left to spend. Errbody's dead.
champagne supernova
07-06-2011, 12:50 PM
I'm sure Snake is going to kill all of us anyway, so we're basically screwed anyway. Although I'd like my free T-shirt before that happens, thanks :tongue:
Oh, about that, um... the Snake stole it. :shobon:
He said "Dead people don't need shirts." He's so insensitive.
champagne supernova
07-06-2011, 03:32 PM
Oh, about that, um... the Snake stole it. :shobon:
He said "Dead people don't need shirts." He's so insensitive.
Too insensitive. Naked Snake definitely made sure fallen soldiers wore shirts.
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