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View Full Version : FFx-2 rushed?

01-15-2005, 06:41 PM
Does anyone agree that ffx-2 was just too rushed in comparison to ffx.
I mean, like, although x-2 was great, the FMV's were in short supply and the storyline just wasn't in depth enough!

Does anyone think it deserves the title 'final fantasy'?

01-15-2005, 07:06 PM
I just (2 hours ago) completed the game for the 1st time. Although i thought it was good and gave me some relief form A Level revision I feel a bit cheated with the ending.....mabey i've just been spoiled by 6-10....i spose it is a totally different game but....hmmmmmm...its left me feeling a bit.....*sigh* the final battles wern't exactly challenging either. I think it fufilled its purpose but it could have been better

01-15-2005, 07:11 PM
Does anyone think it deserves the title 'final fantasy'?
Square-Enix does, and they own the trademark.

01-15-2005, 09:13 PM
:( :( :( I was disapointed (very) the game started well (although it could`ve just been the sweet graphics) anyways x-2 WAS rushed the story just didn`t have that ceartin something that x did :( :( :(

01-15-2005, 10:33 PM
yeah, i think it was rushed. i didnt have that "i completed the game" feeling at the end.

01-16-2005, 03:28 AM
i liked it. though ch 4 needs more. in one day i went from the middle of ch 3 to the beginning of ch 5. :mad:

01-16-2005, 06:11 AM
If you play the game and see everything that there is to see (which requires a few playthroughs) then the story is just as in-depth as any other Final Fantasy game, it's just light-hearted so it doesn't seem that intense when really it is. And I didn't really mind the lack of FMVs, it seems that ever since FFVII the game makers have been relying far to much on the FMV to push the graphics. Not to mention that the few FMVs in this game are rather long, so that kind of explains the lack thereof.

01-16-2005, 12:20 PM
Ye, x-2 rushed

01-16-2005, 12:32 PM
X-2 was a Square-Enix disaster in all ways possible.

01-16-2005, 12:51 PM
Yeah. Totally rushed. It was a way to make some quick money after the Spirits Within fiasco. That's why they cut short the FMVs too.

01-16-2005, 05:48 PM
yeah. I think there must have been about 5 completed FMVs in the entire game (in comparison to about 20 in ffx).
I also recall one FMV sequence being almost repeated 3 times
first there's the FMV you view from the first sphere in the game which depicts the guy who looks like tidus, then this is repeated in 1000 words song but without speech, afterwards it is also shown again 'with' speech after completing the 'Den of Woe'.

What a cheap cop out!!!!

01-16-2005, 05:53 PM
though it is rushed, it's a cool game. funney stuff squeezed in there. :tongue: :excited: :hyper: :laughing: :thumb: :bgl: :bigsmile: :goofy: :beer: :spin: :hahaha: :chuckle:

01-16-2005, 07:53 PM
X-2 was a Square-Enix disaster in all ways possible.
Yep, those 4 million+ copies of the games they sold were disaterous.

01-16-2005, 08:58 PM
No, I don't think FFX-2 was rushed, and it didn't have low-budget due to FF: TSW. After the huge losses of FF: TSW, Square got their losses sorted out when Sony bought $120,000,000 worth of Square's stocks, and FFX sold millions of units, which certainly made up for the movie's losses.

I think FFX, KH and FFX-2 all rely less on FMVs, but that's because they can use the game engine to show more things than before. With FF7-9, the in-game graphics just weren't enough to show some things, for example accurate facial expressions, but now it's totally possible. However, when there is an FMV, that is very high-quality. Personally, I've yet to see an FMV that is better than the 1000 Words scene, which I consider a masterpiece cinematic, and it's also innovative in a way that practically no game has ever done something like that, although FFVI with the opera scene was quite similar.

While there isn't too much main story, there's loads of character development and sub-stories. If you take your time to explore all the optional quests, the game is extremely emotional and also deep. The style is just different since Square Enix wanted to give the players some freedom with their paths after the linear FFX. Technically the graphics and sounds are very well done, surpassing even those of FFX's, so it isn't rushed that way either.

Some people call the ending rushed. However, I don't think so. The final battle gave some nice tribute to FFX's, and it also did a good job with showing how Yuna has developed during the two games and how she doesn't want to repeat the past mistakes. It was a well done final battle and climax, and the endings after that, although short, were well done and certainly not low on the emotional side.

Now that I played FFX for the second time, many conversations and scenes in FFX just wouldn't make sense if FFX-2 didn't happen, so it's likely that Square was planning a sequel even during the writing of FFX, so FFX-2 wasn't just a sudden decision to get some extra cash. I have a feeling Square had a huge story planned, but they couldn't fit all of it in FFX, so they had to put the rest to FFX-2. This makes sense since you can't just kill the main character in the middle of the game and have Yuna become the new main character for the rest of the game and then have the main character return, which would be the case if FFX and FFX-2 were just one big game.

Overall, I don't think FFX-2 is rushed at all. I even think it's better than the first part. I didn't like FFX during my first game, but I liked FFX-2 a lot, and then playing FFX for the second time after playing FFX-2 also made FFX make more sense and feel deeper.

01-16-2005, 09:18 PM
most of 'sephiroth1999AD's points are very enlightening and well thought view, I do suppose that the graphics and audio are up to the standard of 10, however I think that the sudden introduction of Mission based gameplay was a shock to my love of linear and well developed storylines which flow seamlessly to end with (usually) an almighty struggle to save the world/universe.
I also disliked the fact that whilst playing through the ffx-2 storyline - upon defeating certain bosses, I would be faced with a chapter completion screen which simply rubbed the fact that I had missed certain important items and enemy encounters (which couldn't be returned to in the same game) in my face.
The 100% completion ending was also a huge dissapointment for doing so much work!

01-17-2005, 12:19 AM
Getting 100% should be a pride and joy of itself:P

Of course I thought the perfect ending was worth seeing.

I Don't Need A Name
01-24-2005, 07:26 PM
the FMV's were in short supply
uve got 2 admit the FMVs were good but there wasnt enough

01-25-2005, 11:24 AM
I can add my half a brain cell to this. =P It was rushed, alot but the whole problem, I think, was that they were too busy trying to make it a different game, than making the story. If you ask me they should have packaged FFX and X-2 into one game with a different title like i.e. "Final Fantasy:Love Throughout Time" or maybe even "Final Fantasy:Awakened and Dreaming". If they would have been making the story for X-2 as they produced X it would have been alot better, and quite honestly I didnt like the job changing system. It was alright, I mean I like being able to change jobs but... in the middle of battle it's a pain in the ass (of course thats their goal) but if they wanted to make it hard you would have to change outside of battle, being in the wrong job, can get you a KO quickly (unless you have like "Catnip" or "Iron Duke" on ya). So to my conclusion, overall I think X-2 was a great game none the less, it lives up to its expectations for a follow-up game. Usually all follow-ups suck, even if they did start decent.

QUOTE: Ultimate99997
"most of 'sephiroth1999AD's points are very enlightening and well thought view, I do suppose that the graphics and audio are up to the standard of 10, however I think that the sudden introduction of Mission based gameplay was a shock to my love of linear and well developed storylines which flow seamlessly to end with (usually) an almighty struggle to save the world/universe.
I also disliked the fact that whilst playing through the ffx-2 storyline - upon defeating certain bosses, I would be faced with a chapter completion screen which simply rubbed the fact that I had missed certain important items and enemy encounters (which couldn't be returned to in the same game) in my face.
The 100% completion ending was also a huge dissapointment for doing so much work!"

Yes I agree, However, the standards of how the gameplay is mapped out wasnt the problem. Take a closer look. If you really wanted to walk to all the missions, you do know you can walk from place to place to place and encounter events liek you did in X before th airship correct? The AIRSHIP is a means of faster game time, while people who want the longigatedendless battling brawls can walk and use the airship as an accessory rather than the complete meat of the deal. See what Im saying? It all comes back to the storyline. It crushed and crumbled in X-2. It would have been better to make X and X-2 into a two part scenario game. (Meaning Tidus's Story, Then Yuna's) If they did that, they could of layed the story out so much deeper. And to tell you the truth I loved X so much it touched me, a guy, deep enough to make me cry at the end. Im a pussy for deep love stories I admit, but when you go and give me X-2 where it's just Blah on the storyline with everything else great, its like.."Looks like a long mini-game with no point"

Adieu! See you later Space Cowpolks! -Hooked on no sleep and CBBP(cowboy Bebop)-
Edit:(-point up to the girl who said it was S-E disaster- >,>; Im the Man here. xD I get to play Spike.. >,>; you can be my lovely Faye Valentine though! :love: )

02-22-2005, 03:37 AM
I was very dissapointed by this game. It was obvious they rushed it to make a few fast bucks.

02-22-2005, 05:04 AM
I rushed to the store to buy it, if that counts.

02-22-2005, 07:52 AM
I think i got to chapter 4 but got bored and i havent played on it for weeks.
This game was very quickpaced abd did seem rather rushed i wouldnt like to see anymore sequels if they are gonna be like this

Wuggly Blight
02-22-2005, 04:05 PM
I’m glad to say the X series has been put to rest, very rushed, its hardly a secret X-2 was a tad unliked by many fans, both X and X-2 have been controversial, but a large reason they did FF10-2 was because of the 11 project and at the time they did not have so many projects going on, a "fill the time" project. I feel a bit cheated as its aimed at a different audience and the fact they tried to make it TO original kicking tradition in the balls, its all well and nice to have new things but you cant ditch the things that made the series and chuck them away.