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Election Booth
02-22-2005, 01:48 AM
Here we shall see where our esteemed political candidates stand on the issues that matter most to eoff! tests of knowledge and creative skill shall be on display first.

Let's start with a fairly straightforward question for the candidates vying to represent my favorite forum, Final Fantasy V:

The question:

Name you 5 favorite jobs and describe what makes each of them powerful and fun.

Faris (representing the BAotW party):


Name you 5 favorite jobs and describe what makes each of them powerful and fun:

Monk http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v358/Ashley-pie/Reina-Monk.gif
They can punch you hard and twice! Their kick can damage all the enemies. :cool:

Samurai http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v358/Ashley-pie/Faris-Samurai.gif
Toss money, high agility, swords, good attacks, swords.

Summoner http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v358/Ashley-pie/Krile-Summoner.gif
They can summon huge uhh… summons! And they can poke an eye out with their horn :D

White mage http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v358/Ashley-pie/Bartz-WhiteMage.gif
Well, they can heal you and still look good ;)

Dancer! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v358/Ashley-pie/Galuf-Dancer.gif
Awww! Common! You gotta LOVE the SHORT SHORTS!

frunk (representing the #eoff party):
Five favorite jobs, eh?
Knight: because swords are fun.
Blackmage: because the black arts are fun.
Beserker: beserkers remind me of me as a kid, running around with an axe, attacking random objects. ahh memories.
Geomancer: The geomancer has a bobble thing on her hat. what more could i ask for?

vote for me and you will recieve CANDY!

Blackmageboi (representing the Fluffy Pink party):
Blackmage:my personal favourite the best long range support possible very useful as most enimys and bosses have some form of magical weakness.
Misticknight:They are a great substitute for fighter s as thhey do the same damage and can charge thier weapons with magic.
Monks:They attack twice, they also have usefull techniques such as build up give more power to the user and thier ability fight barehanded saves money.
Knight: The all round fighter who can use most weapons to slay his oponents their abilitys such as bothhand allow him to do more damage or cover to make him take damage for other charachters make them good offensivly and defensivly.
Bluemage: Why not? they have an ok attack and can use monster abilitys that i found extremly useful and i found tends to be the last one standing in the battles i have no hope of winning.

DocFrance (representing the Unne Avatar party):
Simple question. My fifth favorite class is the Sorceror. The Magic Sword skill is unbelievably powerful when used correctly - it's basically like using a physical and a magical attack in the same turn. With a decent sword and a mastered Sorceror class, Flare Sword or Holy Sword can reak some serious havoc. Did I mention that a level 3 elemental sword (Firaga Sword, Blizzaga Sword, Thundaga Sword), when used against a monster that is weak to that element, counts as an insta-kill?

The other four of my favorite classes are all intertwined into making the most powerful class/ability combination possible. This combo, which many of you have probably heard of before, I have dubbed the Sublimely Magnificent Quinta-Bahamut Shot Mark III. The four classes which are essential to this combo are:
-Red Mage: mastered for !W-Magic
-Summoner: for !Summon5 (to cast Bahamut)
-Time Mage: mastered for !Time6 (to cast Quick)
-Mime: needed for three free ability slots.

Basically, you slap these three abilities on your Mime character. In battle, you select !W-Magic, and cast Bahamut followed by Quick. On each of the subsequent free turns provided by Quick, you use !W-Magic to cast Bahamut twice. This will allow you to summon Bahamut five times in one turn! Having two characters with this setup will make any boss (except Omega and Shinryu) a peice of cake.

ShivaBlizzard8 (representing the Ace party):
Everybody knows that one of the reasons why FF5 just owns is its rockin' job system. Obviously each has its benifits, so picking favorite job classes was a little tricky, but here are my top five: (*insert Paul Shaffer drumroll here*)

5. Monk.

The Monk job class is love at first sight in FF5. He's got the highest MP, you don't need to buy him weapons or even a lot of armor, and he doesn't waste MP and Gil on spells like those sketchy mages - he just goes out there and pummels the crap out of anything that gets in his way. Plus, his Counterattack ability is an excellent skill to have on any character.

4. The Lancer.

Everyone loves a dragoon. With cool-looking armor, giant lances, and the piercing devastation of their Jump attack, these little guys deserve a nod.

3. Mime.

Seems like a really pointless skill at first, but in truth, its really worth the extra AP to master the Mine ability. Free castings of Bahamut? Pheonix? Flare? Holy? Sword Dance? Without having to equip any of those abilities yourself? Yes, please! Also, the extra ability slot is excellent, and getting the Mime crystal is a fun romp in and of itself. Who doesn't like Gogo?

2. Samuari.

Not only do these fighters carry powerful weapons and good armor, but their $Toss! ability will save your lousy butt more than once. Not only does it deal heavy damage to almost any enemy, but it will hit all targets at once - especially great against those Movers in the Celft of Dimensions (or N-Zone for you PSXers). Plus, you have to appreciate the concept of vanquishing evil by throwing money at it.

and the number one spot goes to:

The Dancer.

Easily the most underappreciated job class in FF5, a good dancer can do some serious damage when utilized correctly. Don't let those Micheal Flatley reject outfits fool you - a character equiped with the Dance! ability can not only suck good amouts of HP and MP from its enemies, but their sword dance attack can vanquish foes in a single hit. Dress them up in a Prisim Dress and Red Shoes, and you're almost guarenteed for a sword dance-a-thon. Pair the dancer with the 2-handed ability, and you'll have a fighting machine that will make Ex-Death look like more of a joke than he already is. Clearly, dancers are just that ace. ;)


There you have it folks. Discuss these responses while you wait for more! (I know who I'd vote for, if I could vote.)

02-22-2005, 01:57 AM
YAY blackmageboi! xD *cheers ya on*

Everyone loves monks ^_^

02-22-2005, 01:59 AM
Dancer > Samurai > all other jobs

02-22-2005, 02:01 AM
i like shivablizzards teh best. I dont think the first 2 have a chance...at anything

02-22-2005, 02:30 AM
fine... no candy for you!

02-22-2005, 03:08 AM
Go BAoTW!!! I like the pictures put in there. Soooo cool. -thumbs up- Sprites = teh win!

I liked a lot of the answers actually. Nice way to start thing off guys! :)

Del Murder
02-22-2005, 03:09 AM
A great forum to start with, since I am playing that game right now!

Erdrick Holmes
02-22-2005, 03:11 AM

Azure Chrysanthemum
02-22-2005, 03:47 AM
Pretending I don't have a considerable party bias, I must say DocFrance's "uber-twink" combination was the best.

Election Booth
02-22-2005, 04:28 AM
ready for the next one? I got thirty of these to go through...

02-22-2005, 04:42 AM
Yes please. :D

02-22-2005, 04:42 AM

02-22-2005, 04:46 AM
Keep them coming! Quina likes.

02-22-2005, 04:49 AM
no, don't do it. havent' taken in the first one quite yet. might explode

02-22-2005, 04:51 AM
Go for it, EB. :)

Election Booth
02-22-2005, 05:13 AM
Here we go with another round. Our forum selection will be the Final Fantasy: Tactics Advance forum. Since I have never played this game, I asked for some assistance from our ever-helpful candidates (of which there are only three):

I have no idea what happens in this game. Tell me about the plot without including any spoilers. Feel free to embellish the plot to make it more interesting.

Azar (representing the BAotW party):
It all started with a book…
What do you normally do when a new kid moves into town? Why, start a turn-based snowball fight, of course! Vicious children pummel each other with balls of snow to begin the magically addictive game that is Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Young hero Marche seems an ordinary boy, in an ordinary town. There are vicious children, as we’ve previously established—a cold young girl who dies her hair red—and another friend, whose alcoholic father and dead mother have left in a fairly depressed mood. Along with Marche’s wheelchair bound younger brother, the group quickly gets into loads of trouble, as a magic book transports them straight into hell itself, and they spend weeks running from satan in a desperate attempt to survive. I mean...into the magical world of Ivalice, filled with a variety of races, ranging from the lizard like Bangaa to the semi-cuddly (those ears! Eww!) moogles. The friends are separated, and Marche teams up with a moogle pal to pimp up Ivalice. Sadly, he isn’t able to live with the false reality for long. He soon wants to go back—even though the real world is so much tougher. (HINT HINT! Life lesson, boys and girls!) Thus begins the quest to return to the dismally boring and dull real world. Nothing—not the aggressively strict judges (who rule over turn-based combat like it’s a football game)—or a now pampered and deeply disturbed child (seriously, he eats people. And dogs. Freaky.)—can stop Marche in his quest for world domination. Wait, what were we talking about again? Die Hard 2? Did I mention Bruce Willis was in FFTA? I swear to god he was. Anyway. The famous Cid makes his appearance as Mewt’s father (that’s the insane kid) and, in Ivalice, is the head judgemaster. In his home town he’s just a worthless drunk. Quite the shift, if you ask me. Okay, to be honest, Tactics Advance isn’t story heavy. The story is just an excuse to kill people, over and over and over again, and to raise your stats. Want a ninja? How about a ninja…combined with a Paladin! *Gasp!* How risqué! What will Squeenix think of next, I wonder. Next installment—FF Tactics: Third Strike—Final Fantasy characters enter races to eat as many oranges as possible within a 17.435 second time limit! (If you haven’t figured it out yet, Marche’s quest is just an excuse for a fun romp through tactical battles.) The End! Yayness.

Heath (representing the #eoff party):
Remember those days when you played computer games with you friends, arguing over who won that last game, and saying how fun it would be if it were all real? Well in FFTA, it happens, and you fight for more reasons than because it's more interesting than maths homework.

Alone in this new world, the main character does what anyone would do in this situation. Grab a sword and start fighting to earn some cash! Hoping to meet up with your friends (probably by slashing people with your sword, because it's more fun than handing out leaflets), you travel through the world of Ivalice, where your whole world has been turned upside down.

Yeah, there's some stuff about fire breathing dragons (ones other than maths teachers), those silly magical things and class changing, but who cares when you can go about slashing people completely at random in a completely illogical way to gain cash? Wow, I think I just made the game sound like GTA with a sword. That'd be pretty nifty, but sadly, FFTA lacks the complete random attacking of innocents and cars. For shame.

You can end up in jail and that's always a laugh.

bardock (representing the Ace party):
• A young boy named Marche moves to the country town of St. Ivalice.
• Marche makes 2 friends, who help him with his move and adjusting.
• They find a book and the town changes and will possibly never be the same.
• Marche meets a moogle who helps him find hiw way around the changed town.
• One of Marches friends is shy and when the world changes he doesn’t know if its for better or for worse.
• Marches other friend is very outspoken and when the world changes she is nowhere to be found.

02-22-2005, 05:16 AM
You should be ashamed, you just made krissy explode :(

02-22-2005, 05:18 AM
Well at least he already sent in his entry.

02-22-2005, 05:19 AM
Yeah, that's all he was good for anyway. Now can you please tell me if you're male or female? :( I've been wondering for ages!

02-22-2005, 05:19 AM
death to smoochy

02-22-2005, 11:39 AM
YAY! WOOHOO, way ter go, balckmageboi! That was great! :love:

02-22-2005, 12:06 PM
Yay for the answers! :D I can't wait to see more. And good job with the cool sprites, Faris. :)

02-22-2005, 12:38 PM
Go BAoTW :)

Loony BoB
02-22-2005, 12:39 PM

And frunk rules too!

02-22-2005, 01:16 PM
xDDD I've seen Heath bars in stores.

Erdrick Holmes
02-22-2005, 01:54 PM
That looks like something I'd see in Homestarrunner.

02-22-2005, 04:11 PM
xDDD I've seen Heath bars in stores.

but do you tell them to shut up? ^_^

EDIT: so this isn't completely a "spam" post (although I prefer to think of it as a tangent), I say yay Faris :D

EDIT2: also yay Azar!

02-22-2005, 04:16 PM
I really hope the AC forum answers are put up soon. I wanna see what everyone wrote!

02-22-2005, 04:22 PM
I think BoB's image gives all the proof needed to show that voting for me saves lives.

02-22-2005, 04:34 PM
Or that you destroy lives and voting for whatever party you're in will cause mass destruction like shown ;)

02-22-2005, 04:43 PM
but do you tell them to shut up? ^_^

EDIT: so this isn't completely a "spam" post (although I prefer to think of it as a tangent), I say yay Faris :D

EDIT2: also yay Azar!


02-22-2005, 04:58 PM

post more categories, EB. Specifically, Feedback. >:O

02-22-2005, 06:37 PM
Eeeeeeeeeeep! I'm getting really nervous about this now. ^^;;;;

Go... Fluffy Pink Party!

02-22-2005, 07:00 PM
Or that you destroy lives and voting for whatever party you're in will cause mass destruction like shown ;)

Well yeah, there's always that, but it's nice to be optimistic now and again.

02-22-2005, 07:16 PM
The BAoTW candidates have legitimately gained my votes. Nice to see some humour. :)

Agent Proto
02-22-2005, 07:27 PM
I am proud of the Ace Party. Keep up the good work!

02-22-2005, 07:28 PM
Yay Azar!!!! :lol: :lol: :spin:
lol, so funny!......yet informative and interesting too!!

02-22-2005, 07:56 PM
A big hells yeah to Azar and Faris :)

02-22-2005, 07:59 PM
Im most impressed with ShivaBlizzard8 and Azar so far.

02-22-2005, 08:27 PM
I liked Azar's best from TT, even though I've never played it, he kinda made it interesting, maybe I will play it. :D

Not sure about V's answers as I've never played it either.

Mind you, I've never seen Advent Children so it remains to be seen what will be made of my answer. :D

02-22-2005, 08:38 PM
i have never played tactics advance, but i think i will now.

02-22-2005, 09:44 PM
Good job Faris and Azar! Keep up the love BAoTW.

Agent Proto
02-22-2005, 09:55 PM
You might enjoy TA. It's kind of fun, but the judge sucks.

02-22-2005, 09:57 PM
You might enjoy TA. It's kind of fun, but the judge sucks.Uh, no. The judge is what prevents you from using the same old boring strategies over and over again, and forces you to rely on other members of your clan. I love you, Judgey :love:

Also I think Judges are in FFXII, so embrace their power Protie-poo.

boris no no
02-22-2005, 10:22 PM
good work blackmageboi!
*nods* that was a great answer

pity we didn't have one for tactics :(

nay mind!:D go you fluffy pink heads! :love:

Agent Proto
02-22-2005, 10:28 PM
Yeah, that's true. It does let me rethink my strategy. :P That's why I don't like it. x)

02-22-2005, 11:45 PM
Aren't the judges in FFXII supposed to be also known as the Terror Knights and are like, uh, the bad guys? I could be wrong, I haven't looked into FFXII's new info in a long time.

Edit: http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=112

I want to see what other people did for the SE forum! I can only ponder my competition.

02-23-2005, 12:19 AM
Would it be even funnier if I told you I made it all up?

...cause I'd be lying. :D

Or would I?

02-23-2005, 01:37 AM
Go Ace!!! :) :D :p

02-23-2005, 01:59 AM
BAoTW is pwning all.
Although other candidates are doing very well too.

I really can't wait until another group gets posted. -EXCITED-

Del Murder
02-23-2005, 02:08 AM
EB hurry up and post some more so these people can actually talk about something interesting.

02-23-2005, 02:10 AM
Delli Welli Smelli just be happy people aren't spamming the place up like every other contest thread ever created.

Wait . . . now I'm disappointed.

. . . EB ROCKS!

Del Murder
02-23-2005, 02:11 AM
An elitist is never happy.

Election Booth
02-23-2005, 02:34 AM
out of the 30 forums, two have already been posted. I have two that I have full responses from and will post soon/now. One more is sorta ready. The other 25 forums each still have at least one person who has not sent their response.

For example, in the Lounge we are only waiting on The Man, who probably can't be arsed to actually do his task, which would take a total of 5 minutes.

The worst is the Chrono Tirgger/Cross forum, where NONE of the four candidates have sent anything in. Game Music/TSW also is also a no-response, but their task is actually time consuming and at least one of the candidates has told we their are working but it will take a couple days.

02-23-2005, 02:38 AM
Seriously you guys . . . come on. =/ For the people who are putting this off and have easy questions, get with the program. Plskthnxbai. :cool:

02-23-2005, 02:41 AM
Election Dude, how's the Arts and Writing forum coming along? I'm wondering if any of the other candidates are taking their time like I am. :p

Election Booth
02-23-2005, 02:53 AM
yea, I have to post 30 of these, and if I can only do two a day it's gonna take a while. Be warned that I start making stuff up if I get impatient. Of course, some forums need more time and I won't mess with those. I just know The Man won't send his in, though.

Arts and Writing obviously gets more time since their task involves arts and writing. go figure.

Anyway, here's the next forum...Final Fantasy I - IV! This forum offered a choice of tasks (much like it offers a choice of games). I was prety impressed by the quick response from all the candidates on this one. Here's the task:

Choose one:
a) record yourself saying "Arr, ya got me. Take me ship." with a pirate accent.
b) write a poem in Lefeinish
c) create a fansite dedicated to one or more of these four games

Ultima Shadow (representing the BAotW party):
Ok, I chosed c) :D

Here's the AWESOME link to my FF1 and FF4 fansite: http://web.telia.com/~u88004707/p1.htm

TheAbominatrix (representing the #eoff party):
This poem is about the long suffering of the Lefenish people. I've chosen to keep it in their original language, and not the 'translated' evil muck that Dr. Unne has laid upon them. Remember the beauty of our language, and cherish our lands.

<i>Pa lu lu pa lu

Lu lu pa pa lu pa lu
Pa pa lu pa pa</I>

Dr Unne (representing the Unne Avatar party):
I'm gonna have to go with C. http://www.planetnintendo.com/ff1/

DJZen (representing the Ace party):
Lu... Po?
Lupo lupo!
Lu PO!

Lu lupo


Lu lupo lupo po lupo.


Sephex (representing the Anti-EoFF party):
I chose option A. http://www.geocities.com/sephex018/arr.wav (I think it's best to right click and save as) - EB note: if you use firefox, you can just listen in your browser!

02-23-2005, 02:57 AM
XD!!!!!!! That last one had me rollin'. Ace and #eoff classic with their maed poetic skillz. <3

Still, BAoTW have my vote. I love Grandpa from Ranma1/2. Hoorahz for Pandas and random awesome Graphicckccz.

Election Booth
02-23-2005, 03:04 AM
How exactly can you not vote for Unne for this one?

02-23-2005, 03:11 AM
How exactly can you not vote for Unne for this one?

every "FF1 and FF4-only fansite" should have atlest 1 dancing panda gif in its homepage. And screw you if you think I'm weird, because this makes perfect sense + dancing pandas are cool!!

That explains it fairly adequately. :)


02-23-2005, 03:21 AM
Still no pink, but the results are impressive! ^_^

Haha Unnie's was pre-made :o he didn't have to do anything.

02-23-2005, 03:36 AM
Pre-made? No. Pre-ownage.

02-23-2005, 03:44 AM
Ace party's mad Poetic skills own all.

.....VOTE ACE! (supporting foreign poetry for decades....yeah.)

Del Murder
02-23-2005, 03:44 AM
How exactly can you not vote for Unne for this one?
Heh, yah. I love the elections.

U-shad's site was pretty funny though.

Election Booth
02-23-2005, 04:03 AM
the fact that Unne already has an awesone ff1 site just means he is uniquely qualified for the post. anyway...

Next up is the Final Fantasy VI forum. Their task involved demonstrating a bit of FFVI trivia knowledge while leaving the door open for some creativity. Plus, we have the first appearance of an Elitist candidate:

What's the name of the monster you encounter on Triangle Island in the World of Balance? What purpose does fighting this monster serve?

Doomsday (representing the BAotW party):
1. On the Triangle Island, you can a fight a monster known as Integers or Intangirs, whichever way you spell it.

2. The purpose.....OKAY, I won't lie! No one can beat the answer about Bleys' Crotch I read in the Archive so there's no point trying!! That was too freakin' awesome.....anyway, the reason one would fight them is because they give you 10 Magic Points each. How is that amazing? It all started in March of 1952, when I was a paperboy...

Flying Mullet (representing the #eoff party):
What's the name of the monster you encounter on Triangle Island in the World of Balance?
Your mom

What purpose does fighting this monster serve?
Who doesn't want to pimp-slap your mom?

Strider (representing the Fluffy Pink party):
Intangir. It's an invisible monster, and tough as all get out to kill if you don't know what you're doing. Since it's invisible, physical attacks don't do a thing. If you smack it with magic, though, it becomes visible, casts Meteo and puts itself back to sleep (and to invisibility).

Despite the obstacles, defeating Intangir pays some pretty sweet dividends. It will give you more Magic Points (10) than any other monster in the World of Balance when it's dead.

Oh, yes, and we can't forget Leafer! They show up on Triangle Island, too, and you can steal Tonics from them. If that isn't useful, I don't know what is.

repo man (representing the Elitist party):
I believe the question EB meant to ask is "WUT R U DOING IN NARSHE???" in which case the answer is "I live there, man!"

However, the answer to the question posed is Intangir. As far as I can tell, the only purpose in fighting him is to waste your time, since while he does provide 10 magic points, it would be easier to just fight Leafers ten times and get one magic point per battle (except maybe Leafers don't give any magic points, so then you could just fight some other monster that is also easy and gives one magic point per battle and won't cast meteo on you).

Mythus (representing the Ace party):
In responce to the tasks as asked of me...

Q: What's the name of the monster you encounter on Triangle Island in the World of Balance?

A: The beast that is fought there at that time is called the Intangler.

Q: What purpose does fighting this monster serve?

A: Perhaps the best purpose for fighting is for that massive amounts of magic points the battle gives you. The experience is also worthwhile, but it is the magic points that are the better prize.

And how do I know this? Because I am just that ace.

02-23-2005, 04:08 AM
Mully wins.

Go #eoff!

Edit: EB, what do you think of the inclusion on my answer? Pretty rad, ain't it?

Agent Proto
02-23-2005, 04:09 AM
Flying Mullet gave the funniest answer. However, go Ace! That's the best and informative answer so far.

Del Murder
02-23-2005, 04:12 AM
2. The purpose.....OKAY, I won't lie! No one can beat the answer about Bleys' Crotch I read in the Archive so there's no point trying!! That was too freakin' awesome....

An Elitist answer, I might add. But I really didn't need to because you all would assume that already.

Election Booth
02-23-2005, 04:13 AM
I think everyone other than Mullet was equally informative.

Del Murder
02-23-2005, 04:14 AM
It's good to see reeps alive and well.

Election Booth
02-23-2005, 04:15 AM
he's too good to post here much anymore, but otherwise he is doing well and sends his regards. also he hopes to represent the ff6 forum since he is clearly the most dedicated to ff6 of the candidates.

02-23-2005, 04:27 AM
Mullet's is gonna be hard to beat but . . . our answer included a paperboy and that's pretty hot if you ask me. ^_^-

I wanna see my section now. -pouts- Oh well, doing good EB. -thumbs up-

02-23-2005, 04:40 AM
I could put up site staff, I guess. People need to get on the ball.

Here are some members you can encourage to hurry up:

The Man
Del Snizz

edit: o_O sent his while I was posting this!

02-23-2005, 04:49 AM
Shlup probly won't do it XD But I can try to encourage her *shifty eyes*

Btw, GO STRIDER! Obviously he is the most informed and knowledgeable one... ^_^ Stri knows his FF6!

<font size="10" color="pink">GO PINK :)</font>

02-23-2005, 04:51 AM
Flying Mullet knows more about FF6 than any of those people, and he still chose to be stupid. Just what EoFF is all about. Unapplied knowledge.

02-23-2005, 04:51 AM
yea, SHlup PMed me to ask what party she was even a member of.

as if she could ever forget pink.

02-23-2005, 05:02 AM
Go, His Holiness, the great Unne, and all his worthy acolytes. Praise Hey Seues, hallo oooooooo ya....

Election Booth
02-23-2005, 05:22 AM
Ok, here comes Site Staff. This forum had a serious lack of candidates, but I think everyone else was scared away by the imposing figures these two.

Here's their task. I hope this one is helpful since Site Staff are here to help!

Find one bug or inconsistency on the front site, provide a link to the page, describe the problem, and how you would fix it.

Rainecloud (representing the BAotW party):
Ahem. *clears throat*

After many hours of meticulous study, I have come to the conclusion that something is seriously wrong with EoFF's frontsite. And, if I were to win your vote in these grand elections, I would change that. So, good people of EoFF, I ask you - where is the copyright?! Look up and down the page. Do you see a copyright symbol? The answer is: No, you do not! And why not? Because there's obviously some sort of conspiracy going on here. Someone who is a member of EoFF's Site Staff has deliberately sabotaged the front page and has removed the incredibly important and somewhat sacred © sign!

This can not and will not be tolerated. If someone - let's say a "hacker" or a "thief" - were to copy this page and re-upload it somewhere else, claiming it to be their work, we could do nothing about it. The site's importance would be diluted, and the forums would eventually implode! Trust me, that's exactly what would happen. I've seen it before. Do you want this to happen, my dear Friends? No, I thought not. Vote for me as your Site Staff Leader ... nay - vote for me as your friend and I will put an end to this problem by inserting the sacred © symbol back onto our most holy frontsite.

By doing this, I hereby guarantee that as long as I am in power, you'll be able to browse Eyes on Final Fantasy without worry, without fear and without heartache - with any browser. Even Internet Explorer! Once I am in power, I will continue to monitor the frontsite and all the corresponding links so that you will never again see a 404 error on these hallowed pages. Ever.

Thank you for your time and attention, good citizens.

Loony BoB (representing the #eoff party):
Find one bug or inconsistency on the front site, provide a link to the page, describe the problem, and how you would fix it.

It is notable that I fully encourage members to listen to the Jurassic Park theme song while reading this response. If you do not have the Jurassic Park theme song available, it can be found here (http://www.aiyon.com/keke/jp.mp3)

The below problem is found on the index page of the frontsite - http://www.eyesonff.com/index.shtml

At the bottom of the index page is a link. This link reads "View all news items" and links to the following url: http://www.eyesonff.com/newspro/viewnews.cgi?newsall

By clicking on this link, one is lead to an Internal Server Error. Clearly, this is a problem. First of all, I would note to myself that this error did not always exist - I have often gone through the news items by using the link at the bottom of the site. I'm fairly sure that the url was different, too - time to investigate! I would then open up the directory /newspro/ to look at what files there are. Clicking through the various pages in the directory, I would find this url: http://www.eyesonff.com/newspro/archive.shtml

It seems the incorrect url has been used for linking to the News Archive. This would have to be corrected by adjusting the coding of the index page. To do this, I would download the page via FTP Wanderer and use CuteHTML to open it. I would then take advantage of CuteHTML's replace feature, and search for all instances of this incorrect url and replace all instances of said url with the correct url. Once this has been done, I would save the page and upload it, overwriting the old and now redundant index.shtml page. This problem would then be resolved.

Alternatively, in the remote possibility that I would be running for the Site Staff forum at the time that I found this error and also should Election Booth had sent me a PM asking me find one bug or inconsistency on the front site, provide a link to the page, describe the problem and how I would fix it, then I would just leave the problem there. If I was to do the above and resolve the problem, this would mean that the problem no longer exists and my response to Election Booth's PM would no longer include a link to a problem. This would make my response to Election Booth unacceptable and that would just not be good enough.

I would instead reply with the words you are reading right now, and then go into the chatroom and randomly voice one of the people who were idling there. I'd then try to spark up a conversation by using my traditional call, "doop doop", which translates from BoBBish to English as "I'm bored and would not mind chatting to someone, so if you are here and wish to chat, please type something - anything - and I will chat with you." In response, Farah (aka clout, cl_out, Arche, crono_logical or whatever else you would like to call him) would give me half-op status (which would be rather redundant, given that I'm already an op of #eoff) and Cbc would ask the question "pop?" to which I would say "That too!"

I would also randomly look at the chat stats page, found at http://www.eyesonff.com/chat/stats/eoff.html. Whilst looking at this page, I would notice that my random quote was "And remember, foaffles." This was clearly part of a discussion between fire_of_avalon and I, as she uses the nickname foa on #eoff and I call her foaffles, due to the way that I say foa being "Fo-wah" and the fact that when I say the "wah" part of that nickname, I think of "waffles". This could only lead to one nickname - foaffles. This made me think that even more people should chat in #eoff because then I can give them nicknames, much like those nicknames I have created for people in the past, including but not limited to: Rye (for the member formerly known as RikkuYuna89), Skwowwy (Squally Leonharty), pr00t (Agent Proto) and Mr. Smiles (Kossage).

I would then remember to send this PM. :goomba:

It's notable that my fellow candidate is very good at making fancy images and stuff like that, however I'm quite simply incompetent when it comes to fancy images - luckily that's not my job. However, in the possibility that people will be voting purely on pictures, I figured I would attach the following propoganda which is clearly superior...

02-23-2005, 05:24 AM
Tsk, not a looker in the bunch. Erm, I mean Unne.

02-23-2005, 05:31 AM
teh winner is BooB! ph33r #eoff

02-23-2005, 05:35 AM
I wanna be a site staff when I grow up.

02-23-2005, 05:49 AM
The worst is the Chrono Tirgger/Cross forum, where NONE of the four candidates have sent anything in.
No results just yet. Kinda hard to find what i'm looking for.

02-23-2005, 05:50 AM
Go Pink Party! Strider's answer is obviously the most informative. :D

As for Site Staff, I actually only read the first few sentences of each answer but BoB wins cause Sinfest is many shades of awesome. :love:

Dr Unne
02-23-2005, 05:52 AM
The tasks for my forum were grossly unfair and weighted in my advantage. I highly encourage people not to vote for me.

02-23-2005, 05:53 AM
Since when does someone listen to a candidate? Just keep being pretty.

02-23-2005, 05:55 AM
Bigger is not always better. -nods-

Can we expect anymore tonight, EB or are we doing just two or three a day?

Election Booth
02-23-2005, 05:56 AM
I'd do more if I had more to post...I might possibly put up one more, maybe, although I would be posting without all answers back.

02-23-2005, 05:58 AM
BoB will win because I am mentioned. :D

02-23-2005, 06:55 AM
He will win because that image makes me giggle.

02-23-2005, 11:50 AM
Yesh! Striders was so obviously the best...!!! (Did I miss an apostrophe back there?)

Reading all this good stuff makes me go insane(r). I was just nuts when I wrote my answer. Just nuts. *sticks head into ground* I'm nooot hereeee~!

02-23-2005, 12:10 PM
i wish to correct a spelling i believe i spelt the word harpsichord as hapsidedsihvoeadg. please correct it.

02-23-2005, 01:36 PM
I want The Lounge to be posted. ;___;

xD @ Ultima's site. I love that panda.

02-23-2005, 06:10 PM
After that speech, I'm voting for BoB.

boris no no
02-23-2005, 07:15 PM
yeay strider! :love: well done!
i think that in the answers the fluffy pink party have posted are obviously the best! ;)
i didn't readd al the site staff one though....but i think bob was the best purely on the pic at the bottom! i have a hat too....it
PINK AND FLUFFY! :love: :love: :love:


Dragon Ash
02-23-2005, 07:41 PM
yeay strider! :love: well done!
i think that in the answers the fluffy pink party have posted are obviously the best! ;)
i didn't readd al the site staff one though....but i think bob was the best purely on the pic at the bottom! i have a hat too....it
PINK AND FLUFFY! :love: :love: :love:

My hat turned green and had to be amputated... :(

boris no no
02-23-2005, 08:00 PM
My hat turned green and had to be amputated... :(
oh dear...it didn't turn pink then?

The Man
02-23-2005, 09:12 PM
For example, in the Lounge we are only waiting on The Man, who probably can't be arsed to actually do his task, which would take a total of 5 minutes.

yea, I have to post 30 of these, and if I can only do two a day it's gonna take a while. Be warned that I start making stuff up if I get impatient. Of course, some forums need more time and I won't mess with those. I just know The Man won't send his in, though.
I'm glad people have such overwhelming faith in me! :smash:

02-23-2005, 09:13 PM
NP Aaron, I believe in you...! ;)

...unless you still don't send it in, then I will feel betrayed :(

The Man
02-23-2005, 09:14 PM
nah I've already sent them in, and now I've got to dash~

02-23-2005, 09:34 PM
The Lounge's answers get posted when EB comes online now that everyone has voted, yay!

02-23-2005, 09:35 PM
Yay for The Lounge!

I tried to actually be creative. It was very difficult.

<b>Edit: Screw you, Psy.</b>

02-23-2005, 09:54 PM
I tried to actually be created. It was very difficult.You tried to be created? I can only assume you went back in time and acted as some sort of twisted matchmaker to try to get your parents to do it to create you... Eh, that's something you don't see every day. Every month, perhaps, but not every day.

PS: BAoTW > all.

02-23-2005, 09:58 PM
You tried to be created? I can only assume you went back in time and acted as some sort of twisted matchmaker to try to get your parents to do it to create you... Eh, that's something you don't see every day. Every month, perhaps, but not every day.

PS: BAoTW > all.

I held off posting my sarcastic reply at the very last minute, only to see you do this, Psy. :p

02-23-2005, 10:00 PM
<b>Edit: Screw you, Psy.</b>Now you're trying to make your son be created. :)

Sarcasm is truly great, eh Raine?

Miller Family Dog
02-23-2005, 10:09 PM
This election needs more canine representation.

02-23-2005, 10:11 PM
I held off posting my sarcastic reply at the very last minute, only to see you do this, Psy. :pGreat minds think alike. Apparently so do those of BAoTW members. :D

Dragon Ash
02-23-2005, 10:17 PM
This election needs more canine representation.

02-23-2005, 10:36 PM
*eats Miller Family Dog* Nope, it doesn't. ^_^

*punches eest* ^_^ Ready for another one, sir.

02-23-2005, 10:38 PM
Preferably Arts and Writing :)

02-23-2005, 10:38 PM
You guys better vote for me when my piece comes out.


Hahahaha, just joking. All the aforementioned suggestions have been great.


02-23-2005, 10:40 PM
The Lounge is far superior to every other category because it has my response.

02-23-2005, 10:46 PM
The Lounge is far superior to every other category because it has my response.


02-23-2005, 11:18 PM
I just want IX over with, after my crappy answers. ~_~;;

02-23-2005, 11:44 PM
I must be the only one not excited about seeing the category I'm in. I don't want to see how bad I got smoked.

Election Booth
02-23-2005, 11:55 PM
I just want IX over with, after my crappy answers. ~_~;;

talk to Meghan, whoever that is...

So I guess I have to post the Lounge now. So I will. The task for the Lounge was multifaceted and compulsory in all aspects. It even includes me, somehow:

Do all of the following:
a) Name one anime series and say one thing you like about this series.
b) For each of the following five EoFF members, name a band or musical act that this member talks about often and seems to like: TheAbominatrix, jrgen, Leeza, DingoJellybean, The Captain.
c) Name your favorite line or segment from a Simpson's episode.
d) Name five movies that star Keanu Reeves.
e) What teams won the 2004 World Series, the 2005 Superbowl, the 2004 NBA championship, the 2004 Stanley Cup, the 2002 World Cup, and the 2004 Olympic Basketball Gold Medal.

(EB note - bonus points for naming five Keanu Reeves movies not in the Matrix series.) anyway...

Rye (representing the ^.^ faction of the BAotW party):
a) Name one anime series and say one thing you like about this series.
Tenchi Muyo just because of the amazing irony. I mean come on, Tenchi has two BEAUTIFUL ladies drooling over him, some
science nerd who isn't bad looking, some 12 year old that has enormous boobs because that's the thing with anime
and those two bad cop good cop chicks, but he doesn't pick ANY OF THEM.

b) For each of the following five EoFF members, name a band or musical act that this member talks about
often and seems to like: TheAbominatrix, jrgen, Leeza, DingoJellybean, The Captain.

TheAbominatrix: Rico Suave
jrgen: Roogle and the Bleys Boys.
Leeza: Ashlee Simpson
DingoJellybean: The Village People
The Captain: Slipknot

c) Name your favorite line or segment from a Simpson's episode.

"I can't be a missionary! I don't even believe in Jebus!"

d) Name five movies that star Keanu Reeves.

The Matrix
The Matrix: Awful Cash-in Sequel!
The Matrix: Even more Awful Cash-in Sequel!
Midget Lust XXX Volume 3.
Dude, where's my Matrix?

e) What teams won the 2004 World Series, the 2005 Superbowl, the 2004 NBA championship,
the 2004 Stanley Cup, the 2002 World Cup, and the 2004 Olympic Basketball Gold Medal.

2004 World Series: RSL
2005 Superbowl: RSL
2004 NBA championship: RSL
2004 Stanley Cup: RSL
2002 World Cup: RSL
2004 Olympic Basketball Gold Medal: RSL

Kirobaito (going above and beyond the call of duty for the #eoff party):
a) Name one anime series and say one thing you like about this series.

I have a dream that one day people will not be judged by their choice of anime but by the content of their posts.

I don't really like anime, but I know that Digimon was cool because it had OMG digivolving monsters!

b) For each of the following five EoFF members, name a band or musical act that this member talks about often and seems to like: TheAbominatrix, jrgen, Leeza, DingoJellybean, The Captain.

Well, bands aside, I'm aware that they are all in love with the songwriter T-Money, and his most popular work, Without Spam, performed by me: http://www.eyesonff.com/BoB/without_spam.mp3

When it comes to bands, TheAbominatrix enjoys Narcoleptic Youth, jrgen's favorite band is Janus, Leeza likes Marilyn Manson, Dingo Jellybean enjoys a bit of Evanescence, and lastly The Captain likes U2.

c) Name your favorite line or segment from a Simpson's episode.

Off the top of my head, I'd have to say the episode where Bart sells Milhouse his soul.

Bart: "Milhouse, there's no such thing as a soul. It's just something that parents make up to scare their kids, like the boogieman or Michael Jackson."

d) Name five movies that star Keanu Reeves.

Well, such a question requires much pondering. You see, to simply name movies that possess appearances of Keanu Reeves would be something a horse would do. A simple dragonfly can figure out who Keanu Reeves is. OK, whatever, I'll just name them.

Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
The Matrix
Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey
The Matrix Reloaded

e) What teams won the 2004 World Series, the 2005 Superbowl, the 2004 NBA championship, the 2004 Stanley Cup, the 2002 World Cup, and the 2004 Olympic Basketball Gold Medal.

The Boston Red Sox defeated the Saint Louis Cardinals, 4 games to none, to claim the 2004 World Series, their first championship since 1918.

The New England Patriots won their third Super Bowl in four years with a 24-21 defeat of the Philadelphia Eagles in the 2005 Super Bowl.

The Detroit Pistons upset the Los Angeles Lakers, 4 games to 1, to win the 2004 NBA Championship.

The Tampa Bay Lightning, led by Martin St. Louis, beat the Calgary Flames in 7 games to win the 2004 Stanley Cup.

Back in 2002, the Brazilians, led by Ronaldo, defeated Germany 2-0 in South Korea to win the World Cup.

Thank you all for your time, and go #eoff!

Not at all Reno (krissifying the Fluffy Pink party):
a) Name one anime series and say one thing you like about this series.
Cowboy Bebop. Music.

b) For each of the following five EoFF members, name a band or musical act that this member talks about often and seems to like:

TheAbominatrix, The Buzzcocks.

jrgen, various german heavy/hard/industrial/death metal bands.

Leeza, I dunno, kittens meowing or something. Marylin Manson.

DingoJellybean, Anything from an iPod commercial. Also Vanessa Carlton.

The Captain: U2.

c) Name your favorite line or segment from a Simpson's episode.
Erotic Cakes.

d) Name five movies that star Keanu Reeves.
The Matrix, Constantine, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, Speed, The Replacements.

e) What teams won the 2004 World Series, the 2005 Superbowl, the 2004 NBA championship, the 2004 Stanley Cup, the 2002 World Cup, and the 2004 Olympic Basketball Gold Medal.
Sports teams.

The Man (arsing up the Unne Avatar party):
Anime stuff - Cowboy Bebop. The music in particular is fantastically done, and the characterizations are superb.

Music stuff - We don't even get to talk about the music we like? This sucks.

TheAbominatrix - The Buzzcocks.
jrgen - I recognize the name, but I can't remember ever reading any of this person's posts. But Metallica.
Leeza - Marilyn Manson, obviously.
Dingo Jellybean - Green Day.
The Captain - The Chieftains.

I found all of these except one with the search function :smash:

Simpsons stuff - Aw jesus, do we have to pick just one? Fair enough. "Hi Supernintendo Chalmers, I'm learnding." -Ralph Wiggum.

Keanu wtf - The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, The Matrix Revolutions, Constantine, Speed.

Sports stuff -

2004 World Series: Boston Red Sox
2005 Super Bowl (it's two words mother*trout*er): New England Patriots
2004 NBA championship: Los Angeles Lakers
2004 Stanley Cup: Tampa Bay Lightning
2002 World Cup: Brazil
2004 Olympic Basketball Gold Medal: Argentina


Election Booth (quite improbably representing the Elitist party):
a) Name one anime series and say one thing you like about this series.

Love Hina. the best thing about this anime is I have never seen it.

b) For each of the following five EoFF members, name a band or musical act that this member talks about often and seems to like: TheAbominatrix, jrgen, Leeza, DingoJellybean, The Captain.

The Abominatrix: I Hate You When You're Pregnant
jrgen: Kein Mehrheit für die Mitleid (at least he should!)
Leeza: The Who
DingoJellybean: Vanessa Carlton
The Captain: Dave Matthews Band

c) Name your favorite line or segment from a Simpson's episode.

Worker and Parasite (from Krusty gets Kancelled)

d) Name five movies that star Keanu Reeves.

Point Break, Johnny Mnemonic, Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey, Devil's Advocate, Chain Reaction

e) What teams won the 2004 World Series, the 2005 Superbowl, the 2004 NBA championship, the 2004 Stanley Cup, the 2002 World Cup, and the 2004 Olympic Basketball Gold Medal.

Boston Red Sox, New England Patriots, Detroit Pistons, Tampa Bay Lightning, Argentina (maybe), and Argentina (maybe again)

gokufusionss1 (Britain's Ace in the hole):
A) Name an anime
Neon Genisis Evangleion, the epic scope of this series which at it's heart explores mans realtionship with God, symbolised in the Father son relationship at the centre of the story. The Giant mechs fighting "angels" was kinda cool as well.

B) Five members fav music
TheAbominatrix loves the musical stylings of Irvene Berlin, well know Jewish entertainer.
Jrgen loves all german metal with at least 3 drum kits and a harspsecord in the band.
Lezza loves westlife.
Dingojellybean doesn't have time to listen to music, but the man he pays to listen to music for him does like Emo.
The captain listens to ABBA every night before he goes to sleep.

C) Play out a simpson Sketch
Homer: "i'll have you know i am not easily distracted.........OH MY GOD! that dog has a puffy tail."
homer then chases the dog down the street.

D) Name 5 keanu reeves films
The Matrix
Devils advocate
My own private idaho
Bram stokers dracula (worst British accent ever

E) Who won these sporting events.
I care nothing for any of these sports, only football matters in life and hence the lounge should be mostly football related.
2002 world cup- Brazil
Superbowl 39-Not philladelphia

Aceness is allways achievable in the Ace party a vote for us is a vote for you.
(disclaimer: It is only a vote for you if you are Ace all non ace people will simply be voting for us)

bennator (standing tall with the Anti-Eoff party):
a) Cowboy Bebop, Everything was great.
b) Beethoven, Bach, Bruckner, Motzart, Handle, and Chopin, right?
c) "And yes, we will be serving pasta."
d) Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, That sequel to bill and ted's excellent adventure, and some new fangled series of flicks that just came out.
e) World Series: Red Sox
Superbowl: Patriots
NBA: I hate basketball
Stanley Cup: They still play hockey?
World Cup: Who knows, it's soccer.
Olympic Basketball: See NBA

02-23-2005, 11:57 PM
Rye clearly wins. RSL won all that stuff and more!

02-23-2005, 11:58 PM
Oh there's going to be some serious flaming, soon!
Take cover everybody!

02-23-2005, 11:59 PM
nice work gokufusionss1 *claps*

Election Booth
02-24-2005, 12:01 AM
why can't everyone all just be happy that <i>their</i> sport was included. Unless of course your sport is cricket, in which case you suck! BURN!!!!

02-24-2005, 12:02 AM
The winner here is obvious. That's right. The winner here is me, for posting in this thread. I'm going somewhere else now.

02-24-2005, 12:04 AM
e) What teams won the 2004 World Series, the 2005 Superbowl, the 2004 NBA championship, the 2004 Stanley Cup, the 2002 World Cup, and the 2004 Olympic Basketball Gold Medal.
Sports teams.

Oh come on, you have to admit krissy wins that one! The kid knows what he's talking about ;)

02-24-2005, 12:04 AM
What NBA is The Man watching? The Pistons won the championship last year.

02-24-2005, 12:04 AM
Oh come on, you have to admit krissy wins that one! The kid knows what he's talking about ;)It wasn't sports teams. It was RSL and you know it!

02-24-2005, 12:06 AM
I forgot to say who won the Olympic Basketball Medal.

Argentina did.

02-24-2005, 12:07 AM
This is news to me.

02-24-2005, 12:08 AM
See, RSL agrees with Pink -- it's sports teams! *huggles RSL* ^_-

Election Booth
02-24-2005, 12:08 AM
hah, it actually was Argentina? See the secret, kids?? If you keep guessing the same answer, eventually the right question will come along.

And I laughed at The Man's Lakers thing. Hah.

02-24-2005, 12:10 AM
Yes, but you insult all the non-US people by not knowing that Brazil won the World Cup. I made sure to put lots of information in that anwer to prove that I really did watch it (and I did; Ronaldo scored both goals and ended up getting the Golden Boot).

Election Booth
02-24-2005, 12:11 AM
I watched it too, I think. I just don't care enough to remember. At least I looked up what year it was held.

02-24-2005, 12:11 AM
I think Kirobaito clearly shows he's the best person to fill the Lounge with his presence. Or something. Look at all the hard work he poured into crafting his answer. Plus RSL is in #eoff, so Rye is using mateiral from an opposing party. Shame, Rye!

02-24-2005, 12:12 AM
Plus RSL is in #eoff, so Rye is using mateiral from an opposing party. Shame, Rye!But Leeza is in Fabio, and so by mentioning her name, despite her being part of the question, everyone is using material from other parties. :)

Besides, you all need to go rent a copy of Midget Lust XXX Volume 3. Keanu Reeves was awesome in it.

02-24-2005, 12:12 AM

Loony BoB
02-24-2005, 12:14 AM
Volleyball is the most played sport in the world (oddly enough) but that wasn't listed! And none of the sports listed were big in New Zealand, so MY sport was not listed. *complains*

However, Kiro wins that by so much, particularly for his rendition of Without Spam, which was brilliant considering that was only his second try. I've tried recording myself singing that before and believe me, it's not easy.

Finally, I noticed that Rye had RSL as the winner for everything... that's not even following the correct tradition of voting RSL for everything. Unless Rye votes RSL for everything, I will consider her to be nothing but a PHONEY.

02-24-2005, 12:15 AM
FF7 DoC plskthnx.
I don't even remember who I'm going against but I do know I'd like to see people rejoice in the awesome power that is Steph.
RSL pwned all those events and you know it! His most memorable time was when he took that vault with a hurt ankle and won the USA the gold in the olympics.
Makes me want to cry everytime I think about it.

02-24-2005, 12:16 AM
Finally, I noticed that Rye had RSL as the winner for everything... that's not even following the correct tradition of voting RSL for everything. Unless Rye votes RSL for everything, I will consider her to be nothing but a PHONEY.BoB, I hate to break this to you, but not every single mention of RSL is a reference to your Ciddie things. :ciddie:

02-24-2005, 12:19 AM
Besides, you all need to go rent a copy of Midget Lust XXX Volume 3. Keanu Reeves was awesome in it.

Yeah, I don't wanna spoil anything but it was a great film. :p

Election Booth
02-24-2005, 12:22 AM
you can request forums all you like, but the fact still remains that I don't have any more forums that are fully answered. If I were a party leader, I'd be askign every member of my party if they'd finished their task yet.

02-24-2005, 12:24 AM
you can request forums all you like, but the fact still remains that I don't have any more forums that are fully answered. If I were a party leader, I'd be askign every member of my party if they'd finished their task yet.
I request FF7 DoC, plskthnx.

Oh and I propose you send out a mob squad to poke big sticks at all the people who haven't replied with their answers.

Loony BoB
02-24-2005, 12:24 AM
BoB, I hate to break this to you, but not every single mention of RSL is a reference to your Ciddie things. :ciddie:
Voting for RSL in everything isn't strictly Ciddies, either. :ciddie: Screw Tony Blair - vote RSL!

02-24-2005, 12:25 AM
Voting for RSL in everything isn't strictly Ciddies, either. :ciddie: Screw Tony Blair - vote RSL!Can I vote for RSL and not screw Tony Blair? I don't know where he's been. :(

Loony BoB
02-24-2005, 12:26 AM
you can request forums all you like, but the fact still remains that I don't have any more forums that are fully answered. If I were a party leader, I'd be askign every member of my party if they'd finished their task yet.
Doing my best... 19/30 have replied and only three of them haven't confirmed that they've read their PM and will do something about it.

02-24-2005, 12:27 AM
How many more people need to send in Arts and Writing?

Loony BoB
02-24-2005, 12:29 AM
I know black orb was having difficulties getting his task done (his access to his art-tools went goodbye and he's also on vacation) so Spaceman Spiff has now taken up that position, and I'm sure Spiffers will have his in soon.

Election Booth
02-24-2005, 12:32 AM
here's the stats on what fraction of each party slate has responded:

BAotw: 24/30
#eoff: 18/30
Pink: 16/21
Fabio: 2/8
Unne Av: 9/12 (was 10/13 until Linus was banned)
Elitist: 6/10
Ace: 25/29
Anti-Eoff: 2/13

here's the stats on responses/candidates for each forum:

Gen Chat: 5/8
EoEO: 5/7
World Events: 3/7
Lounge: 7/7
Gen Gaming: 4/6
A&W: 1/6
Site Staff: 2/2
Help: 4/5
Feedback: 4/5
Gen Archive: 1/4
FF 1-4: 5/5
FF5: 5/5
FF6: 5/5
FF7: 4/6
FF7DoC: 2/4
FF7AC: 2/3
FF8: 4/6
FF9: 4/5
FF10: 3/4
FFX-2: 4/4
FF11: 3/5
FF12: 3/5
FFT: 3/5
FFTA: 3/3
FFCC: 2/4
Gen FF: 4/7
Music/TSW: 1/3
Chrono: 2/4
KH: 4/6
Gen Squee: 4/6

02-24-2005, 12:34 AM
Not bad for a country boy. In fact it's pretty darn good. :)

Ashlee Simpson?! :rolleyes2

02-24-2005, 12:35 AM
When voting finally comes around, how long are you going to leave that open? I'm going to be gone after tonight until late sunday...

02-24-2005, 12:36 AM
I hope EB posts Linus' answer all the same...

02-24-2005, 12:37 AM
I have a feeling it'd be a certain picture he posted in his LJ. xD

Election Booth
02-24-2005, 12:40 AM
Yea I'll post Linus's answer. The voting will be open beyond Sunday, RSL. At this rate, I'll still be posting in this thread.

02-24-2005, 12:42 AM
Okay, Kiro wins. I just listened to his song. It was terrific!

02-24-2005, 12:44 AM
FF7 DoC plskthnx.
I don't even remember who I'm going against but I do know I'd like to see people rejoice in the awesome power that is Steph.
RSL pwned all those events and you know it! His most memorable time was when he took that vault with a hurt ankle and won the USA the gold in the olympics.
Makes me want to cry everytime I think about it.

Me too. What an inspiring picture. :'(

02-24-2005, 12:55 AM
Wow, I'm the only one to send my thing in for VGN/TSW. Crap, that means they're all taking thier time!

Lord Xehanort
02-24-2005, 01:55 AM
Ansem: Who're the 2 who still need to reply for the uber-easy KH question? I'll go bother them for you.

Kounetsu: I'll make them an offer they can't refuse...

02-24-2005, 01:59 AM
I'm still wondering how four haven't responded to the World Events question. it's not like it'll make your head explode, you can answer jsut about anyway as long as you justify it well enough.

02-24-2005, 02:24 AM
Wow, Kirobaito's rapping was great. :D Sounds like it's hard to keep up with the music on that one.

Fate Fatale
02-24-2005, 02:24 AM
Can we PLEASE get on with the FF tactics... We can just x out the other parties that didn't answer... PLEEEASE! I want to get my answer out there... it rocked... heh heh heh... -_- I'm not odd...

02-24-2005, 02:50 AM
There, I sent mine in. You can all stop "encouraging" me to hurry up now :aimwink:

02-24-2005, 03:01 AM
That's funny, I thought pink only had 20 members o__0 *goes to check*

Agent Proto
02-24-2005, 03:19 AM
Rye's answer concerning RSL as the winner of each sports championship is an endorsement to the #eoff Party from the BAoTW. xD

Del Murder
02-24-2005, 03:27 AM
KB sounds more like Dale than Boomhauer.

Election Booth
02-24-2005, 03:40 AM
at least he doesn't sound like Bill. Or Luann.

02-24-2005, 04:04 AM
Apparently all the people running for Lounge are absolutely the same in their way of thought in more ways than one.

02-24-2005, 04:05 AM
Yeah. We almost all got the same answer for #5.

The Captain
02-24-2005, 05:11 AM
I have a much more eclectic taste in music than I thought.

Very entertaining thus far! Keep up the great work everyone, and may the best party come out victorious.

Take care all.

02-24-2005, 06:39 AM
Oh great. KB will kill us all.
*listening to the spam song!*

02-24-2005, 06:58 AM
Yeah. We almost all got the same answer for #5.

There was no #5. It was e). DISQUALIFIED!

02-24-2005, 07:14 AM
feh, when is everybody else gonna hurry up with general gaming.

02-24-2005, 07:23 AM
Hey, we're still running Linus. If Ashcroft can be beaten by a dead guy, whoever the hell is in whatever Linus's forum was can be beaten by a banned guy.

Azure Chrysanthemum
02-24-2005, 08:05 AM
But would the great Unne support such actions? WWUD (What Would Unne Do?)

02-24-2005, 10:06 AM
In his greatness, Unne has chosen to speak through me, a random psychopath wearing a barrel! He says, "Make my lo, JELlo."

Heed this warning, and fear the nearing end!

boris no no
02-24-2005, 01:31 PM
well done not all reno! that was funny!
i was surprised that noone really knew all the films mr kuana was in! :eek: even i know more! and thats a surprise!

:love: :love: :love:
well i know that the fluufy pink party posted their FFIX one because i did it! :D

better go kick some people up the bum get them to move on! :D
gently of course!

EDIT: *looks* well some of the people in my party havn't been online since the 7th soooooo dunno when they'll be back. i pmed them anywhos o get them to hurry up!
post the FFIX answers! :D

02-24-2005, 06:49 PM
congratulations Rye for your mentioning of Midget Lust XXX Volume 3. I had almost forgotten about Keanu Reeves' great acting in it.

02-24-2005, 07:27 PM
congratulations Rye for your mentioning of Midget Lust XXX Volume 3. I had almost forgotten about Keanu Reeves' great acting in it.

Thanks! I can't believe no one else has seen that. They've been living under a rock or something. :screwy:

02-24-2005, 07:29 PM
No one mentioned Sweet November xD I happened to like that movie.

I wonder who I am running against ;o hehehe.

More, more... ^_-

02-24-2005, 07:56 PM
I see I'm the only one left to enter in FFX. Won't be long, I promise. :)

02-24-2005, 07:58 PM
>:O @ Cz do it now plz:D

02-24-2005, 09:16 PM
hmmm, if I'd known that they were expecting jokey answers to this I would have done one? how long till general gaming and can I edit my submission?

02-24-2005, 09:19 PM
>:O @ Cz do it now plz:DNo.

Oh crap, I already did. :(

Election Booth
02-25-2005, 01:50 AM
the responses continue to trickle in, so here's another one for you. The forum for now is Final Fantasy X. You might need a <a href=http://www.ffextreme.com/ff10/albhed/albhed_trans.html>translator</a> for this:

Taclnepa ouin vyjuneda lrynyldan eh drec kysa. Bmayca fneda ouin nacbuhca eh ym prat.

Czech. Republic (representing the BAotW party):
So vyjuineda lrynyldan eh Vehym Vyhdyco Q ec ihtuipdatmo Piddruma. Oui sekrd hud nalukheca dra hysa, pid ra femm pa paddan ghufh du syho uv oui yc Detic. Luhvicat? Ymmuf sa du aqbmyeh.

Ibuh cdyndehk so vencd haf kysa uv Vehym Vyhdyco Q, E fyc luhvnuhdat po y clnaah dryd bnusubdat sa du hysa so lrynyldan. Drec ec ymfyoc y dneym, yc drana yna cu syho buccepemedeac. Yvdan ymm, E ryja du meja fedr drec hysa vun dra haqd rihtnat ruinc un cu, sygehk ed y dnelgo taleceuh. E cyd vun dah cumet sehidac yht druikrd, pid fedr hu talahd etayc vundrlusehk E kyja ib yht tet fryd yho Ahkmecrsyh fuimt tu eh cilr y cediydeuh: E fahd tufhcdyenc syta y lib uv day.

Ibuh so nadinh vnus dra gedlrah E teclujanat dryd so meddma pnudran ryt syta dra taleceuh vun sa. So ranu, cmyoan uv veahtc yht cyjeuin uv dra funmt, fyc du pa vunajan ghufh yc Piddruma. So cepmehk vuiht drec remyneuic ihdem E buehdat uid dryd rec ufh hysa fyc Zanaseyr, yd frelr buehd ra mavd sa ymuha fedr Piddruma du pakeh so xiacd.

Silr du so cinbneca dra hysa uv Piddruma yldiymmo ahryhlat dra lrynyldan'c tajamubsahd hu aht. Rec lremtecr frehehk yht rydnat uv rec vydran fana silr suna ihtancdyhtypma frah oui luhcetanat rec yfvim hysa. Yvdan ymm, ev ouin bynahdc hysat oui Piddruma oui't fyhd najahka, fuimth'd oui?

E vuiht dryd dra hysa kyja dra lrynyldan yh aqdny tesahceuh, yht ajah yttat du dra kysabmyo eh cusa nacbaldc. Ibuh ahdanehk y nyhtus ahluihdan, E luimt esykeha dra veahtc aylr chekkanehk xieadmo du drascamjac. 'Rao Synmpunu,' drao fuimt chaan, 'oui'mm hajan kiacc fryd drec kio'c hysa ec.' Draca dyihdc kyja sa yttat ehlahdeja du payd dra kysa, yht dra lmajanmo bmyhdat yhde-pimmoehk saccyka fujah ehdu dra kysa'c bmud ec du pa lussahtat.

Dra lrynyldan'c tajamubsahd ec caluht du huha, dnyhcvunsehk vnus y freho get fedr y cdibet hysa ehdu y freho get fedr y cdibet hysa fru lrubc ib suhcdanc. Rec namydeuhcreb fedr Oihy ec acbaleymmo duilrehk, yht ran vyclehydeuh fedr Piddruma ec cilr dryd cra ec ypma du muug bycd rec vmyfc yht ehdu dra dundinat cbened fedreh. Draen namydeuhcreb ec mylat fedr dnykato rufajan, yc hu sydddan ruf silr cra mujac res cra lyh hajan xieda payn du cbayg rec hysa. Eh vyld, rec vneahtc veht ed cu aspynnyccehk dryd ec hysa ec hajan cbugah drnuikruid dra ahdena kysa.

Piddruma'c cdydic yc dra knaydacd lrynyldan ajan fyc tavehedamo lasahdat eh dra vehym clahac uv dra kysa druikr. Yvdan cu syho oaync uv dundinat aqecdahla ra ec vehymmo ymmufat du tea, yht vnaat uv rec runnahtuicmo cdibet hysa ra ec vehymmo yd bayla. Po cyjehk dra funmt ra hud uhmo kyehc drec vnaatus, pid rec hysa ec ymcu anycat vnus recduno, du pa nabmylat po yh ???? vunajan suna, yc aqrepedat eh VVQ-2. Palyica uv drec dra ahtehk du VVQ vamd suna nafyntehk dryh yho udran eh dra caneac du tyda, yht nuihtat uvv dra kysa banvaldmo.

Piddruma ec vyn paouht dra knaydacd VVQ lrynyldan, ra ec dra knaydacd lrynyldan eh dra ahdena caneac. Banrybc eh dra vidina y lrynyldan femm lusa ymuhk fedr yh ajah cemmean hysa (VVQEE'c Jyyh muugc bnusecehk) pid vun dra desa paehk Piddruma naekhc cibnasa. Rec sana bnacahla syta Vehym Vyhdyco Q yh ycduhecrehk kysa du parumt, yht ed ec aqdnasamo tuipdvim dryd kysehk femm ajan aqbaneahla y bancuhymedo mega rec ykyeh. Fa lyh ymm etahdevo fedr res uh y bnuvuiht majam, cu silr cu dryd ra palusac ymsucd y bynd uv ic. Ra ec ouin Piddruma yht so Piddruma.

Cu E pak uv oui du camald drec ahdno. Hud vun sa, pid vun Piddruma. Dryhg oui.

SonicYouth (representing the #eoff party):
Well, you see, it all started this one day at band camp.

My counsellor brought in this rock. Except the rock was different from all the other rocks. This rock had an ear growing out of it. And into that ear, you could make wishes. So I blows into the ear and i says "Hey Mabel, where's the boeuf?". Anyways, the point is, the rock ended up being the long lost Olsen triplet, malformed at birth, and recieving none of their ridiculous royalties. So I started on a campaign to "free the rock".

My campaign led me to Bodaggit, Arkansas, where I posted flyers around town proclaiming "Free Rock!!!" along with an address and time for the rally. Well, I guess my message was taken wrong, cuz when I shows up to the arena, there's like 40,000 riled up Arkansians chanting "We wants rock! We wants rock!". So i get out there and start playing some wicked guit box, but there all like "MAGIC BUS!". And so then Jimmy Carter comes up to the front, trying to help, but he gets pelted with rotten fish and diapers. Just when it seemed like It had all ended, Led Zeppelin, the Rolling Stones, Nirvana and the Smashing Pumpkins fly down in this massive spaceship and hop out and are alll like "We're here to....ROCK!!", which is totally weird since John Bonham, Brian Jones and Kurt Cobain are dead...but whatever. Anyways, they all get onstage and start rocking massively to Sweet Home Alabama. But I guess that song isnt too popular in the south or something, because they started throwing bowling shoes at the stage, and one hit Jimmy Page square in the eye. So he like, electrocutes the whole audience with his rocking solo power, and all the hillbillies scatter.

Anyways, I succesfully got Mick Jagger and Billy Corgan to lobby in Supreme Court to free the rock, and (s)he recieved a third of the Olsen's perfume, movie, tv,, commercial, book, teenage-girl-angst-ridden-pink-flower-laden merchandise. And we all rocked on, happily ever after.


Little Miss Awesome (representing the Fluffy Pink party):
So vyjuineda lrynyldan eh Vehym Vyhdyco Q ec Neggi! Cra ec vevdaah, so yka! Neggi ec vihho yht gaabc dra kysa rybbo yd desac frah ed fuimt pa cyt, e ahjo ran druikr, cra ryc ymm dryd ahanko yht hajan fyhdc du ced tufh!

SeeDRankLou (representing the Ace party):
Yc ra yclahtc dra cdyenc, pnuutehk fedr dra sucd vaynmacc uv vaynmacc muugc ajan du pa ryt, hud drfyndat y ped po dra fiends fnaygehk ryjul uh dra baubma uv Spira, druca fru caa res ghuf drec lyh pa pid uha syh, Auron. Cdyhtehk pavuna y Vouivre y hunsym syh fuimt nih vun rec meva, un yd maycd pa clynat, pid Auron cdyhtc vyla du vyla fedr drec fiend, yht myikrc eh edc vyla, ghufehk pavuna dra pyddma ryt ajah pakih fru dra jeldun fuimt pa. Crnuitat eh y nat luyd, mavd yns tyhkmehk ypuja rec pamd yc ev eh y cmehk, y sycceja cfunt eh rec nekrd ryht ceddehk uh rec cruimtan, yht uha luum byen uv cihkmyccac byndeymmo lujanehk rec clynnat nekrd aoa dryd ec syta suna hudelaypma po dra cdnyht uv ryen ryhkehk tufh ujan ed, oui tuh’d fyhd du sacc fedr drec syh. Yht yho summoner fuimt pa ruhunat du ryja drec syh yc y guardian. Yht dric ec rec cduno. Rec zuinhao lryhkat res vnus y raytcdnuhk get pahd uh lryhkehk dra funmt ehdu y syh fru ghufc dra dnia vyimdc uv dra funmt yht dryd lryhkehk druca vyimdc femm hud pa yc cesbma yc ra uhla druikrd. Ra ryc baubma’c nacbald yht kejac ed du druca fru tacanja ed. Ra ghufc dra vyimdc yht luhcbenyleac uv Yevon, oad ra ec hud vundrnekrd fedr dra ghufmatka vun ra ghufc fryd ed fyc uhla mega du rumt dra funtc uv Yevon yc dnidr. Ra ghufc fryd haatc du pa cyet yht frah ed haatc du pa cyet. Yht ra ghufc dryd cusadesac cyoehk dra funtc fuimt pa sayhehkmacc eh dra vyla uv aqbaneahlehk dra funtc, yht silr yc ra sekrd fyhd du cyo dras, ra tuach’d. Pid fryd ec dra sucd najanehk ypuid Auron ec rec ruhun yht jymun. Ra syta y bnuseca du rec lusbyheuhc Braska yht Jecht, crundmo pavuna draen taydrc. Yht ra ryt ajano ehdahdeuh uv gaabehk druca funtc, yht taydr edcamv fuimt hud cdub res vnus gaabehk rec bnuseca. Ra muugat yvdan Tidus, yht syta cina Yuna fyc cyva yc famm. Eh dra pakehhehk uv draen zuinhao, ra fyc drana du fydlr ujan ran yc ra ryt bnusecat. Pid yc draen zuinhao fahd uh, fedruid ghufehk, syopa drnuikr dra yet uv Tidus un syopa hud, pid ra cusaruf ghaf dryd Yuna fuimt hud yllabd dra Final Summoning. Ra ryt vyedr eh ran, y vyedr dryd oui luimt hud caa ihdem yvdan dra vyld, yht vyedr dryd oui fuimt hud drehg y syh dryd zytat fuimt ryja. Ra tnaf ruba vnus ran, yht vuiht dra cdnahkdr du bid rec bycd pareht res yht tu fryd ra ryt cad du tu cu muhk yku. Ra ec cdnuhk, lihhehk, hupma, yht y pytycc du puud. Ra ec so vyjuneda lrynyldan eh Final Fantasy X. Ra ec Auron.

02-25-2005, 01:56 AM
SonicYouth *has* to get my vote! He mentioned arkansas:D

'cause there's no bad publicity, right? X.x

02-25-2005, 01:56 AM
Czech. Republic owns this by so much that I'm crying with joy. "Yuna's fascination with Butthole". Genius.

The Captain
02-25-2005, 01:59 AM
Famm Tuha Lwalr, cuhelouidr, yht meddma secc yfacusa!

I think I used that translator correctly.

Take care all.

02-25-2005, 02:03 AM
Duu pyt PS ech'd eh dra Vypeu Byndo. E fuimt ryja judat vun res. Kuut zup. :)

02-25-2005, 02:05 AM
Dryd fyc knayd! Kuut milg ymm uv oui!

Election Booth
02-25-2005, 02:12 AM
I need to post another one soon so people will stop posting in Al Bhed.

How about FF X-2? It seems like it would follow logically.

Agent Proto
02-25-2005, 02:13 AM
Go for it.

02-25-2005, 02:14 AM
&lt;subliminal message&gt; help forum &lt;/subliminal message&gt;

02-25-2005, 02:27 AM
"Yuna's fascination with Butthole". Genius.
Genius doesn't even begin to describe it. *bows*

Election Booth
02-25-2005, 02:27 AM
As a sequel to the last forum posted, here come Final Fantasy X-2. This one is my personal favorite task, so we'll see if the candidates can live up to my expectations:

What do you feel about the sentiment expressed below about this game by one of the members of EoFF?

the only reason y i like final fantasy x-2 was cause rikku was in that very exposing cloteing and cause lulu was in it but if they werent in it i would of hated it

Do you agree or disagree? Explain.

Xander (representing the BAotW forum):
I don't think the above is a very valid reason for liking the game. Firstly, liking the clothing of the characters cannot alone make somebody enjoy a game. On the visual side it may be very appealing to some people that Rikku was somewhat "scantily clad" (although I personally think her clothing wasn't that exposing anyway). Obviously the look of the characters is somewhat important to any game, if they looked unattractive or bad, maybe it would put you off the game. But the point is, FFX-2 is a GAME, it is not something you just sit and look at. The game is about the entire experience, the visuals, the music, the controls but most of all the gameplay.

If this person had played the game and rikku was wearing a T-shirt instead of a bikini top, can they honestly say they would enjoy it any less? Absolutely none of the game would be any different, any better or worse, if any of the character's were wearing a little more clothes.

So, I can accept that Rikku's appearance and clothes appealed to this gamer, and maybe that made them want to play FFX-2 in the first place, but I don't really think it makes sense as a reason for liking the game as a whole, because it has absolutely no effect on the game once you are playing it.

As for liking it because Lulu was in it, the gamer doesn't say whether this is because of her clothing or her as a character. If it is because of how she looks, then the same as what I said above applies.

However if he just likes Lulu and Rikku as overall characters then it is fair enough to say that he might like the game less if they weren't in it. I'm sure there are games where if our favourite characters weren't in them, we'd be less enthusiastic about.

Still, to say he would "hate" the whole game without these two characters is rather a harsh statement, he would have had to enjoy the game itself to like it in the first place, and enjoy playing it for what it is.

So, to summarise, I would say it is true that these characters are important to FFX-2, and it is understandable that this gamer likes FFX-2 because of them (although that is if he likes their character, it is less understandable that their clothing really played an important part). However I don't find it a sensible statement to say he would hate it without them because his experience of FFX-2 would realistically be constructed of all the elements I mentioned (gameplay, story, music, etc), and not just based on two characters.

Dragon Ash (representing the #eoff party):
Oh, how easy it would be to agree with that quote and to get all the X-2 haters votes. However, I have always stood up for what I believe in, so here goes.

Overall I believe FFX-2 wasn't a bad game. So to some people it might not be the best FF (including me) but it's fun, it's sexy (what with all the "exposing cloteing" ) and it's downright sweet. Travelling through all the areas of Spira, reliving the tragedy of Yuna and Tidus, I somehow managed to get swept up in the emotion of the game. Throw in the Lenne and Shuyin storyline and you've got a real tearjerker of a game.

Now, call me crazy but I actually enjoyed the many missions which at first seem pointless and unrelated to the plot, but as Yuna pointed out "Everything is connected." Then of course there's Sphere Break, which I'm pretty sure everyone hated. Ah well, win some, lose some.

So what if X-2 was a girly little adventure? Is it a bad thing that this FF has a more positive view on life? If the only reasons you played this game were for a scantily clad Rikku and a radiantly pregnant Lulu, then I'm sad to say, you're missing out.

Resha (representing the Fluffy Pink party):
Ooooh no, this is so bad. ;_; Anyways...

The answer:

What is exposing 'cloteing'? It sounds like a nice new word. Yummy. If you want exposing 'cloteing', why don't you just do pr0n?! It would be soooo much easier; you wouldn't have to sit through a game you 'would of' hated then. :)

But wait....lemme answer the question!!!!

I disagree.

Everyone's entitled to their own [possibly perverted] opinion, I guess, but I think liking or disliking a game because of 'exposing cloteing' and one character is just...STUUUUPID!!!!!!! :Oo:

*Ahem* No. No. It's shallow, and disrespectful to the great god of RPG that is Final Fantasy. How can you disregard hours- nay months!- of tireless toil by those noble men who are often referred to as "The Creators of Final Fantasy X-2" and instead set your eyes upon only the body of that over-exposed she-thief? For shame. :shame:

[And anyways, it's not like Lulu has THAT big a part in the game. Right?...Right?? Right RIGHT?!] :Oo:

I say: LIKE THE GAME FOR ITS BATTLES, LIKE THE GAME FOR ITS STORY. Like the game for what it is, and accept the rose with its thorns. <3 If your heart were so easily swayed by a matter of some skin and a woman, your heart is not true. Be banished, you!!! :shoot:

Oh and : Note: 'you' refers to the person who made that statement, with no offence whatsoever intended (S'all in the name of the election spirit!!). Not you, Election Booth *sweet smile* :)

Spuuky (representing the Elitist party):
I agree that this is the only reason they liked the game. But really, I have never played FFX or FFX-2, so I don't have much input there. I'm sure I'd like it to a degree on the mere basis that it's an RPG and therefore I get to use a stat-based battle system. I think the spelling in that quote needs correction.

dark_angel (representing the Ace party):
I disagree with this statement..

I know that some people think that FFX-2 is just a game which Square made only for money..So to attract people to buy it they put Rikku with revealing clothes,Yuna too,etc..

I personally view this from a different point of view...

This game is the continue of FFX which somehow left us with a feeling of disatisfaction in the ending..The sequel explains things and show us what happened two years after the Calm..

I find the plot very interesting,because since i was bonded to the characters of FFX,i guess i would like to know what happened to them afterwards..Plus some new characters have been added and some old have been improved so the game isn’t boring..

Also FFX-2 is full of emotions..Everyone can see each character to have his own problems,secrets etc..I believe the game has a deep meaning..If you’re fighting alone you won’t get somewhere..But with friends beside you it becomes more easy and you can finally overcome your problems..

I'm sure that the words of the main character of FFX-2 represent all of us:
“So much has happenned..And i'm sure it's only the begginning..Through the smilies and tears..through the anger..and the laughter that follows...
I know that i’ll keep changing..This is my story..
It will be a good one..”

02-25-2005, 03:09 AM
Pfffft. I didn't like any answer. The qoute was right. Resha has the best one though.

Giga Guess
02-25-2005, 03:24 AM
Well put dark_angel!

02-25-2005, 03:45 AM
Good responses from everyone...especially from Dragon Ash and Xander. Well stated. :)

Election Booth
02-25-2005, 04:06 AM
Somehow the subliminal messaging worked and I will now post the wonderful answers for the Help forum. These answers were surprisingly varied and entertaining:

Explain the uses and benefits of using CSS when designing a webpage.

kikimm (representing the BAotW party):
*cracks knuckles* ALL RIGHT LET'S DO THIS THING! Ah, CSS.....although I have yet to use you, seriously , I compare you to that Xenosaga Episode 1 staring at me on my shelf. I KNOW you'll be good. As far as my knowledge goes on the subject, I believe I am not incorrect when I say that CSS allows you to do whatever you want with the....hypertexty thingers. So you get total control of whatever it is you're desgining. :grinpink: And that's considered to be a good thing for graphic artists; you know who you are. And, if you're a graphic artist, what you do will look good on anyone's screen WITH OR WITHOUT FIREFOX! Anyways. And yes, the HTML is easier with CSS---so why NOT use it?

And I'm afraid that's about as far as my knowledge goes on this subject..... :(

Samuraid (representing the #eoff party):
Using Cascading style sheets when designing webpages is a wise choice for a number of reasons.

First, CSS provides far more options for formatting text, images, and other elements than standard HTML formatting tags do.

Secondly, you can create a specialized style with CSS, give it a name, and apply it to any elements on the page by name instead of having to use long and redundant HTML tags.

In addition, you can also place all your CSS styles in a separate file and link it to all of the HTML pages on your site. That way, if you want to change a font style on every HTML page, you can just edit the CSS file instead of manually updating every page.

Ultimately, Cascading Style Sheets allow for more flexibility, power, and efficiency when designing HTML pages.

ShlupQuack (representing the Fluffy Pink party):
When designing a web page it is beneficial to use CSS because all the nerdface's will think you're one of the cool kids with the magicks and be like "OMG teh CSS am goal" and all that fancy nerd stuff.

And then you could be Unne's girlfriend or something and the two of you could rule the Kingdom of Chewy Gobstoppers, which are inferior to original Gobstoppers but good nonetheless.

Stuffed Regis (representing the Elitist party):
1. You can’t spell ‘classy’ without CSS.
2. Of course, you also can’t spell ‘cesspool’ without CSS.
3. By this time tomorrow, you’ll be lucky if you’re still literate.
3. At least you’ll always have your dignity.
5. <a href="http://home.uchicago.edu/~mfm/seanie.jpg">Like this guy!</a>
4. Nice. 100% recycled material. You’re really doing the planet a service.
7. There has to be some way to give back to the community now that the Get Sean a Whore Fund is just a front for Islamist militants.
44. If the judge sees it your way, I’ll owe you a Bacardi.
$9.30 Something is missing.
29% Something sinister?
76e. Because you just can’t let tired old jokes die…like a fox!
& No. Just…no.
I’d just like to let you all know that you have my full support to be the next pope. (It’s hard to keep track of the number of your posts and your tree-huggers at the same time.)
12. Cooperate with CSS or CGestapo will come for you.
400. I’m happy that boxes of generic oatmeal from the Civil Defense bomb shelter don’t instantly kill you…not so happy about the death threats from that flying Elvis that’s been on my back ever since.
401. I’m happy that I’ve finally found a non-violent alternative to Groundhog Day.
402. I’m happy that you’re happy that you’ve finally found a non-violent alternative to Groundhog Day.
403. I’m happy that you’re happy that I’m…
1065. I can <i>still</i> drink Unne under the table.
0.006 Does anyone really need a reason?
Wait. Tree-huggers?
18. You can’t spell ‘CSS’ without…dammit!
Yeah, it’s like a regular soft drink, only it’s just wood alcohol and Pine-Sol. They’re great for washing down Tav.
It’s getting early. We’d better hurry up.
5079. And that’s why you should cast your vote for Stuffed Regis. Don’t be discouraged that the campaign is being run from prison. Honestly, there are only so many prostitutes in Tijuana, and the human body doesn’t contain nearly as much blood as you might think. All those rumors are greatly exaggerated. I look forward to being able to continue to serve the boards in my traditional role.

o_O (representing the Ace party):
<img src="ftp://biscuit%40ione%2Enet%2Enz:duckfish@ione.net.nz/glow.gif">
<img src="ftp://biscuit%40ione%2Enet%2Enz:duckfish@ione.net.nz/alpha.gif">
<img src="ftp://biscuit%40ione%2Enet%2Enz:duckfish@ione.net.nz/blur.gif">
<img src="ftp://biscuit%40ione%2Enet%2Enz:duckfish@ione.net.nz/flip.gif">
<img src="ftp://biscuit%40ione%2Enet%2Enz:duckfish@ione.net.nz/wave.gif">
I love CSS. I can put stuff anywhere on the page, for instance, wouldn't it be cool if I could put my own awesome picture instead of the EoFF banner every time someone looks at this thread?
<img src="ftp://biscuit%40ione%2Enet%2Enz:duckfish@ione.net.nz/eoffbanner.gif">
Except I can't because they disabled that as well. >:|

For <strike>everyone who had trouble reading this, </strike> everyone, <a href="http://ione.net.nz/biscuit/rubberducky.htm">here</a> is a plain version, sans these stunning effects. ;)</pre>

Agent Proto
02-25-2005, 04:09 AM
Face ro<u>x</u>Ors! That was well done. :D

02-25-2005, 04:12 AM
except he's having problems with his remote linking.

Del Murder
02-25-2005, 04:13 AM
*drinks Bacardi*

02-25-2005, 04:18 AM

FFX - Go <b>Little Miss Awesome</b>! That was awesome, short and to the point ^_^; Not to mention pink.

FFX-2: Yay <b>Resha!</b> for the most creative answer ^_^;; Plus, she smiled at you, EB. <i>Sweetly</i>. Hurry and rig the election.

Help: <b>Shlup</b> is right and everyone should learn CSS cos' everyone wants to be Unne's girlfriend. (Do we earn the Unne party's votes now? xD)

02-25-2005, 04:21 AM
That was the best set yet. Good job. :)

Giga Guess
02-25-2005, 04:45 AM
So what yahoos still have to send in for the EoEO forum....tell me so I can smash their knee....I mean, encourage them to hurry...

02-25-2005, 04:49 AM
So what yahoos still have to send in for the EoEO forum....tell me so I can smash their knee....I mean, encourage them to hurry...
I made up a game that uses a hammer. It involves hitting people on the knee until they say mercy.
I call it 'Crippling'.
Wheres the CT/CC forum! Slackers.

02-25-2005, 05:00 AM
So is the point of this to NOT answer the question? :confused:

02-25-2005, 05:03 AM
It's to say whatever you say to make people vote for you... as EB put it before somewhere ;)

02-25-2005, 06:17 AM
Yay! Little Miss Awesome and Shlup gave such funky cool answers! :love: Short, sweet 'n' simple.

02-25-2005, 12:23 PM
So is the point of this to NOT answer the question? :confused:Well DUH.

XanXan has proved we can totally do serious answers. Rock on, Xan! Rock on.

I liked all of the Help Forum ones, especially kikimm's cause it made no sense and so was awesome, and also I liked Face's because it was crazy also but not as crazy as kikimm's. Yes. :D

02-25-2005, 12:55 PM
xDDDDD @ Cz's answer. "He is your Butthole and my Butthole."

Yeah, Face and Kikimm both had really good answers. :D

02-25-2005, 01:33 PM

02-25-2005, 02:14 PM
i think all members have proved their aceness so far, we continue our domination of eoff next stop the world.

boris no no
02-25-2005, 02:19 PM

FFX - Go <b>Little Miss Awesome</b>! That was awesome, short and to the point ^_^; Not to mention pink.

FFX-2: Yay <b>Resha!</b> for the most creative answer ^_^;; Plus, she smiled at you, EB. <i>Sweetly</i>. Hurry and rig the election.

Help: <b>Shlup</b> is right and everyone should learn CSS cos' everyone wants to be Unne's girlfriend. (Do we earn the Unne party's votes now? xD)
i agree with jojo!
i loved reshas answer! made me laugh! :love:
little miss awsome! well done! nice and short, since we had to translate them all i couldn't be bothered to read the rest! :tongue: plus PINK! :love:
shlup! very cool! again short and sweet! and since i have no idea ANYTHING to do with net stuff....short and sweet means i'll read it! :love: :love: :love:

go pink!

02-25-2005, 02:22 PM
SonicYouth wins because I'm not about to go look for an Al Bhed translator, and plus his story is so much better than everyone else's anyway.

Samuraid wins because he's the smartest.

Dragon Ash wins because #eoff > *+1

Dragon Ash
02-25-2005, 03:41 PM
For <strike>everyone who had trouble reading this, </strike> everyone, <a href="http://ione.net.nz/biscuit/rubberducky.htm">here</a> is a plain version, sans these stunning effects. ;)

Yeah, you tell me this after I try balancing my laptop upside down and playing around with mirrors. Thanks a lot. :mad:

02-25-2005, 05:32 PM
Go BAoTW, CZ, i didnt think i would ever read anything on a forum that would make me cry with laughter, but you managed it!!! :roll: :) :) :)

02-25-2005, 05:40 PM
Go BAoTW, CZ, i didnt think i would ever read anything on a forum that would make me cry with laughter, but you managed it!!! :roll: :) :) :)

Yeah, I was laughing really hard reading that. Cz cleary owned everyone with that answer.

02-25-2005, 06:47 PM
...I'm not about to go look for an Al Bhed translator.

I coded one a while ago:


I think EB also included a link to a javascript one in his post.

02-25-2005, 07:26 PM
Go Ace!!

02-25-2005, 07:27 PM
I think we should all thank little eremiah for winning the FFX forum for Cz. *nods*

02-25-2005, 10:04 PM
It's meant to say Jeremiah, but apparently the translator couldn't cope with that. :p

Election Booth
02-25-2005, 11:00 PM
still waiting on 36 members to send in their responses. hopefully they will get on it this weekend.

02-25-2005, 11:02 PM
Is it possible for an updated list (like the one listing the number of representatives who've sent in their responses out of the total number) to be posted?

I'm wondering who still hasn't posted their response to FF7.

Chibi Youkai
02-25-2005, 11:34 PM
I think everybody who hasn't given their answers knows who they are. Then again,it might be nice to see what fourms are missing how many people.

Election Booth
02-25-2005, 11:40 PM
General Chat is missing two responses, although I'll probably post that forum last anyway.

EoEO: 2
World Events: 4
Gen Gaming: 2
A&W: 5
Feedback: 1
Archive: 2
FF7: 1
FF7 DoC: 1
FF7 AC: 1
FF8: 2
FF9: just finished!
FF11: 1
FF12: 2
FFT: 1
Gen FF: 2
Music/TSW: 1
Chrono: 2
KH: 1
Xenogears: 1

It should be noted TWO party leaders (Mikztsu and edczxcvbnm) haven't sent theirs in yet.

Lord Xehanort
02-25-2005, 11:41 PM
Kounetsu: You-want-to-do-K-H-next.....

Ansem: That didn't work when Rinoa did it, and it won't work now.

Kounetsu: Fine, then how about this!? (a la agrudis) PLEEZE DEW KAY AYCH KNOW!!11A!!!11Q1!

Ansem: For those of you who don't speak crack n00b, theat's 'please do KH now!'

02-25-2005, 11:44 PM
... people get rollin' already.

02-25-2005, 11:48 PM
EB, I am one of those 5 for A & W right?

02-26-2005, 01:31 AM
whoever is missing for Feedback probably doesn't want to answer anyway. just go on and post it. *nods*

Cz: eremiah is a much more embarrassing name though. *nods*

Del Murder
02-26-2005, 01:31 AM
A&W must be a difficult task.

02-26-2005, 01:45 AM
They have good hotdogs there.

02-26-2005, 01:46 AM
A&W must be a difficult task.

It was at first, but I think I managed.

02-26-2005, 01:58 AM
If Wezly's missing Feedback, I'll laugh ;) Cos' that's like, his forum. He's on vacation right now though.

Also, whoever is doing FF7 (elitist party? anti-eoff? o_0) and hasn't turned it in, gogogo ^_^

Del Murder
02-26-2005, 02:13 AM
If Wezly's missing Feedback, I'll laugh ;) Cos' that's like, his forum. He's on vacation right now though.
EB, you know what to do.

boris no no
02-26-2005, 02:28 AM
post FFIX!!! its the best! :love:

02-26-2005, 02:30 AM
I agree!

boris no no
02-26-2005, 02:31 AM
whoop! :D

02-26-2005, 02:36 AM
Yes please EB, post, biatch... *bites* :E

02-26-2005, 02:52 AM
It should be noted TWO party leaders (Mikztsu and edczxcvbnm) haven't sent theirs in yet.

I bet Mik is too busy playing FFXI to answer a question about FFXI. How silly.

02-26-2005, 07:16 AM
Help: <b>Shlup</b> is right and everyone should learn CSS cos' everyone wants to be Unne's girlfriend. (Do we earn the Unne party's votes now? xD)

I like CSS.

02-26-2005, 09:23 AM
So many forums almost done. Hurry up, ya slow jerks. :mad2:

Citizen Bleys
02-26-2005, 02:37 PM
Even I got my slow ass in gear. The Man got his slow ass in gear. What the devil is everyone else waiting for, Christmas?

02-26-2005, 04:15 PM
Everyone sucks, hurry up Chrono Trigger bitches.

Chibi Youkai
02-26-2005, 04:54 PM
I turned mine in, so noone can complain about me being slow.

02-26-2005, 04:57 PM
I don't know if all this business about "Even I turned mine in" is self deprication or immodesty. Starting to sound more of the latter.

Chibi Youkai
02-26-2005, 05:02 PM
No, just saying that people can get off our backs for being slow. It gets kinda annoying, especailly when you have a computer that likes to crash in the middle of something, and you loose all of your saved work.

Giga Guess
02-26-2005, 05:50 PM
I was just kidding....

Election Booth
02-26-2005, 10:27 PM
Sorry, had a bout of sickness and had to sleep it off. I've got a few I can post now. First up is Final Fantasy IX. This task is another trivia based question, although there are a few correct answers depending on how you interpret my question, as you shall see. Plus, this forum features a rare matchup of party leaders, boris no no and Genius Lynx. They are probably the least well known of the leaders, but both have a lot to offer the world of EoFF.

Answer both of the following:
a) What is the only tetra master card that can only be obtained at one point in the game at once specific place? Where do you get this card?
b) Who do you meet living in Madain Sari on disc 4?

Phil (representing the BAotW party):
a) Pretty sure that'd be the Namingway card found in Kuja's room in the desert palace.

b) Not too sure- I know the mogs live there. I never actually went there when I played through disc 4. If this is a typo and you meant disk 3, then its oviously everybodys FAVORITE little snot, Eiko Carol.

Meghan (representing the #eoff party):
a) What is the only tetra master card that can only be obtained at one point in the game at once specific place? Where do you get this card?
There's like, 3 cards really hard to get, ya? But I think the rarest is the Fenrir Card. That you can only get by challenging Oliver while in Lindblum, in disc 3.

b) Who do you meet living in Madain Sari on disc 4?
Um... that would be Lani.

boris no no (representing the Fluffy Pink party):
a) What is the only tetra master card that can only be obtained at one point in the game at once specific place? Where do you get this card?

The Namingway card. You find it in the desert palace in that room where kuja talks to you! I wish I had one of those teleport thingys…I love the sound they make! Whoooooooosh! you can only get it after you’ve come back from oielvert and given kuja the gulug stone and after eiko has been kidnapped by zorn and thorn. Its by this purple flower thing…is it a flower?? Anyway. Its near the front in the middle!!
I’m so glad I made notes on this bit!

b) Who do you meet living in Madain Sari on disc 4?

Lani! When you go into eikos kitchen and down to where she keeps her earrings all the mogs are gathered there. You see Lani for a brief moment before she jumps away!

Genius Lynx (representing the Unne Avatar party):
a) Isn't it Bahamut, and you get him from Eidolon Master Leyra at the Card Stadium in Treno?
b) Lani? I forget.

Leene (representing the Ace party):
a)I think you are reffering to the Mog card which you win only from Rare phantom at Memoria.

02-26-2005, 10:32 PM
:thumb: for mentioning how annoying Eiko is, Phil. :)

boris no no
02-26-2005, 10:44 PM
hurray! thanks for posting that! hope you get better EB!
well done to everyone! i dind't know there were so many rare cards!
*takes more notes*
thanks! :love:

02-26-2005, 10:52 PM
:thumb: for mentioning how annoying Eiko is, Phil. :)I'll second that.

Get well soon EB!

And haha,

Plus, this forum features a rare matchup of party leaders, boris no no and Genius Lynx. They are probably the least well known of the leaders, but both have a lot to offer the world of EoFF.Last year I was the least well known leader (vs BoB, Mik, Bleys, HOOTERS and Del Murder) It was a great advantage if you ask me...and now I have lost it. Oh well :D

Election Booth
02-26-2005, 10:55 PM
Let's do another! Got a lot of forums to go through. Next up is Final Fantasy XI. This question hits directly at the heart of EoFF, the advertising bar in the banner!

Discuss your feelings on people who buy and sell FF11 gil online.

Hardwood Hank (representing the BAotW party):
Gil sellers, eh? Well, seeing as how I've QUIT PLAYING FFXI, (Yes, I'm insane) I kind of admire them. It's not many people who can make a living out of people's nerdiness, with the exception of square-enix, of course. I can't believe more people haven't tried to live more of nerdiness, after all it's a growing resource, or something. :cool:

ANYWAY! If I ever returned to ffxi, I guess I wouldn't like them much, seeing as how I'm a level 8 whm and that THEY KILL ALL THE HORNETS. :mad2: Oh, and I never will get level 9, and that's because MISFIT WON'T PL ME. And everytime she says she will PL me, she decides to abandon me instead, or stand next to me and cheer the enemy on UNTIL I DIE. :cry:

Ok, and then I had to express my feelings about people who BUY the gil. Hmm, ok. MISFIT BUYS GIL. I hate her. That's not related to the gil issue, of course, but more other stuff like that she smells like fish.

The moral of this story is: gil sellers are ok as long as I don't play ffxi, and misfit sucks.


Bert (representing the #eoff party):
I think that people who buy/sell gil online are just ruining the game expreience for themselves and everyone else. When a level 1 character can just go out and buy 500,000 gil it makes the game very easy. But, it can also help a new player be able get get better equipment so they havea better chance of sticking to the game since they've spent more money on it and they don't have to worry about a little rabit killing them because they have crap armor on.

Mikztsu (representing the Fabio party):
I'm too busy playing FFXI to answer this. Also, minä rakestan cucumbers!

Citizen Bleys (representing the Unne Avatar party):
I guess I should answer this now so I can get back to reading Shadows of Doom -- it's the feel-good book of the year!

What IGE refers to as the "secondary market" is something a book could be written on. Fortunately for those of you who have to read this, I'm a lazy, lazy man, so I'll make it short.

There's really not much I could say that I haven't already. Although it's not technically illegal (because there is no such thing as law enforcement in Hong Kong), it remains morally reprehensible, as all of the gil on all of the servers is the intellectual property of Square-Enix. What it boils down to is that trading in gil is trading the property of someone else not only without their permission, but after it has been expressly forbidden by said party. That aside, most people don't care, and I can live with that. Hell, I steal MP3s myself. I've even bought gil before, but it's not something I'm proud of, and I don't try to justify it--nor do I plan to repeat the offense, unlike the case with MP3s. In both the cases of stealing music and buying gil, it is wrong, plain and simple. Even taking the principle aside, look at the effect the buying and selling of gil has on the game: You have gilsellers camping rare NMs 24/7, making it impossible for legitimate players to claim them, and thereby interrupting the legitimate players' enjoyment of the game--and it's a self-perpetuating cycle. Gilsellers camp the mobs with lucrative drops 24/7, meaning actual players can't use those same NMs to get gil for themselves. However, with food and crafting, leave alone armor, every player has a need for an ingame income. If all other sources of such income are removed, the legitimate player has no recourse save to purchase gil online, thereby feeding the very gilsellers who are preventing them from gaining gil in a legitimate manner. Even beyond the simple matter of monopolizing NMs, there is the MPK; Should a party try to level in an area where lucrative NMs spawn (Kuftal Tunnel and Boyahda Tree both have such NMs, and they are pretty much the only effective places to level within the 50-60 level range), gilsellers will train aggressive monsters onto that party in order to kill them off so that they can't claim the NM from gilsellers. These gilsellers never seem to care whether a party is in an area to compete with them or just level, they just kill everyone, causing people to lose massive amounts of experience which it takes a long time to recover--even assuming the same gilseller doesn't MPK them as soon as they start trying to level again. The majority of gilsellers also add insult to injury by being the rudest sons-of-whores in the game. Gilsellers are the reason that I know what "Cao ni ma" means.

Ultimately, whether it's buying or selling gil, one who participates in the secondary market in any way, shape, or form, is contributing to the ruin of the game for legitimate players, which is why so many have left for WoW even though it is a vastly inferior game.

demonsdragon (representing the Ace party):
The feelings I have on people who sell gil for FFXI online is that it's like a scam. I'm not even sure if the people who sell gill online actually play FFXI.

I've met some people who have bought character's and tons of gil because they didn't want to work for it. It's like a new form of cheating. I don't think it's fair to the people around them. I can honestly say if I had bought something like that from online I'd feel a lot of guilt within me.

Now on the other hand people who have bought gil online they can get started really quickly. They could be an elemenetal staff, or get all of their equipment for that level.

They could give some of their gil to a n00b if they are kind at heart but let's not push it. If they are a mage they could buy all of their spells if they bought a lot of gil online.

But really buying gil online is a bad thing. I don't know how it got started but I don't think it's a good thing. Buying gil online is like their own little GAMESHARK or ACTION REPLAY.

02-26-2005, 10:57 PM
Go Hank! Your moral of the story was cool. :cool:

02-26-2005, 11:01 PM
Everybody hates Misfit. :)

Del Murder
02-26-2005, 11:15 PM
I've been keeping score and here's how I have it through 11:

Ace Party - 3
#eoff Party - 2
Fluffy Pink Party - 2
Unne Avatar Party - 2
BAotW - 1
Elitist Party - 1