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View Full Version : Yeah, we need another pranks thread.

07-06-2005, 08:24 AM
So, talk about the pranks you've done. I'll tell you one I just did right now.

1. I crapped in a bag.
2. Two other friends lit it on fire in front of a friend's house, then rang and ran.
3. Not before we stuck a note on the front door saying "DON'T PUT IT OUT WITH YOUR BOOTS, TED!"

It was pretty funny. Some guy (not our friend - that slightly messed up) comes out, puts a trash can over it, and yells out loud, "YOU BASTARDS!" We got it all on videotape, but due to security reasons, I won't reveal it. :p

07-06-2005, 08:35 AM
Prank thread, okay.

Scat thread, no way.
"DON'T PUT IT OUT WITH YOUR BOOTS, TED!"Don't tell me what to do, devilwoman.

07-06-2005, 08:37 AM
edit: Necro for the save, then.

07-06-2005, 08:40 AM
The biggest prank that I ever did was play FF7.

07-06-2005, 08:47 AM
I still like this one:
Video Camera
VCR + TV set up
Group of friends

Go into your bathroom with a video camera and set it up at some weird angle pointing at the toilet, record for a good 10 minutes to be safe, just the empty toilet, obviously. Put the tape in the VCR and have everyone in the group aware of the prank beforehand except for one person, who you will be tricking. At some point during the party, that friend will go to the bathroom, so get everyone huddled around the TV and press play on the VCR, when the friend comes out of the bathroom have everyone start busting up laughing and let the friend see that the TV is now broadcasting an empty toilet. Panic and embarrassment will shoot through the victim, so make sure they can handle the stress for a little while, before giving away that you didn't just watch him/her use the restroom.

Lost friendships, massive hilarity, etc.

07-06-2005, 08:58 AM
What a great idea. I'm gonna try that on one of my really insecure friends.

07-06-2005, 09:37 AM
"Call the fire department, this one's out of control!"

Anyway, I havent played many actual physical pranks, just messing up a friend's room a lot. I managed to convince my mom I was pregnant on April Fools, that was pretty funny.

07-06-2005, 10:14 AM
Once, my mum went to sleep in the evening, & 'cause it was late in the year, it gets dark earlier, so what I did was record the morning news at 6am [at an earlier date before when I thought about this prank] & then when I woke my mum up & 6, I put the taped news on so it looked like it was the morning & I told my mum "Quick, you'll be late for work, you've overslept!", so she quickly got up, got dressed & went to work in the eveening. Only to find out that the bank was shut because it was the evening. Haha.. She wasn't very pleased when she got up though.

07-06-2005, 03:04 PM
Once I stole my neighbor's hat. That was a two part episode!

boris no no
07-06-2005, 03:12 PM
ii'm a good girl. i don't play pranks on anyone :angel:

07-06-2005, 03:16 PM
Every plays a prank once in a while boris no no.

boris no no
07-06-2005, 03:23 PM
Every plays a prank once in a while boris no no.
i don't! seriously. i'm not smart enough to :(

07-06-2005, 03:28 PM
If I do pull a prank, its rare. I usually say something funny than do something funny

07-06-2005, 04:19 PM

1)steal m.r clock from maths teacher
2)take it to the woods and smash it up
3)leave a bit of the clock on his desk each lesson
that was our most recent m.r clock is my maths teachers prize possesion

07-06-2005, 04:23 PM
Take doughnuts and hide them in random places such as glove departments, inside mailboxes, or on front doorsteps during holiday mornings. Be sure to do that last one at night so it's there waiting for them in the morning.

07-06-2005, 07:30 PM
Annoying neighbour? Bored? Asian? Do this!

*sneak into neighbour's yard*
*turn up backyard water faucet*
*run away*

the next day the poor guy's back yard will be flooded AND he will have a huge water bill. Repeat until neighbour moves away.


Grab weed killer and draw/write stuff on your neighbour's yard. Just like Bart Simpson did. It's hilarious.


Feed choco laxatives to your neighbour's dogs. Yay!


Fake your death in an online forum ^_^

07-06-2005, 08:18 PM
My friend has two refrigerators: One in his basement and one in his kitchen. Well, his basement one has all of his Hungry Mans. Now, get this. I took a Hungry Man from his basement fridge, then put it in his kitchen fridge. xD

07-06-2005, 10:07 PM
My friend has two refrigerators: One in his basement and one in his kitchen. Well, his basement one has all of his Hungry Mans. Now, get this. I took a Hungry Man from his basement fridge, then put it in his kitchen fridge. xD

Ah, that made me giggle. XDD :D

07-06-2005, 11:19 PM
Made me giggle, too. Boy was HE surprised to find that his BBQ ribs Hungry Man was in the kitchen and NOT in his basement. I got 'em good.

07-07-2005, 12:07 AM
I replaced a whole bottle of Sprite with salty water once.