View Full Version : I have no words

12-19-2006, 02:51 AM
Holy freakin' hell... (http://www.ffxionline.com/forums/657444-post6.html)

Markus. D
12-19-2006, 05:43 AM

12-19-2006, 05:54 AM
They are making PLD unstoppable. However, people are still gonna complain and before long PLD will get Haste, Refresh and Voke naturally lol

That seems like a pretty gamebreaking change. However, a lot of the Salvage gears they added seem absolutely gamebreaking as well.

They essentially made Dalmatica and Osode both worthless for all jobs that can wear them. I'm sure countless others have been affected as well, though I haven't looked through them.

I'm not complaining about the new gear though. This game seriously needed some progression instead of people still fighting over 3 HNMs that are 3-4 years old. I'm sure they'll still be camped as hell, but they no longer drop the best loot in the land (cept Ridill).

12-19-2006, 11:02 AM
While one can say this is overpowering, lately alot of jobs are going through overhaul. DRK definety got one, and PLD are now getting one too. In a way i wish SE did do alot of these types of changes that dramatically affect gameplay. Alot of things certains jobs can do lack a specific type of use that really matters and seem to be lackluster...Sentinel before was a DEF boost that didnt last long enough for any real good reason(and at higher lvls did nothing but just gather hate), same with Rampart, DEF bonus(which doenst do alot in this game compared to others) for everyone...but it also gathers hate so it felt stupid...just use Warcry. Now its more tactically usable and unique. Its these types of patches that i hope every job gets that will help make it so every job's abilities isnt just necessarily a novelty and can affect gameplay in a huge way.

New HNM gear thats worthwhile? Finally @@

12-19-2006, 01:52 PM
You cant argue with this either...



12-19-2006, 01:55 PM
Whoa these sets would be so awesome for end-game meriting...i bet alot are like "where have you been all my life!?" O_O i also expect mad assaults to be done now too.

One of the most notable things i have to say is that: It is PLD and DRG Equippable. DRGs were not shafted from this awesome set of equipment, and PLDs have a good set to use when not tanking and exping in meritpt/tp burn.

12-19-2006, 06:28 PM
They are making PLD unstoppable. However, people are still gonna complain and before long PLD will get Haste, Refresh and Voke naturally lol

Yeah but that Sentinel boost only lasts a matter of seconds mind you. So we might be able to take significantly less damage for a few hits, which is nice, but not in the least overpowering considering how short a time it lasts, and is on 5 min recast. It's a luxury but nothing more. Now if it lasted 30sec-1min then it'ld be breaching the realm of unstoppable. =P

Really though they don't need to keep buffing PLD's if they just lowered the damage mobs did so that even with all my max def+vit set up I don't take rediculous amounts of damage, and then somehow alter NIN. If it wasn't for NIN being the "efficiency tank" there would be no need to keep buffing PLD. Really NIN are the main problem here because they don't tank, they dodge, and any good ninja will barely take damage, and any decent one will still take less healing then a PLD, and in the end elities want a tank that is more efficient when fighting, then one that was actually meant for it. :/

Really they just need to add more tanks, or make some older jobs more viable for tanking past 30, and make them able to be fairly efficient as well as a NIN is.

12-19-2006, 07:25 PM
If you think about it, WAR was a huge tank before NIN became popular. They can still tank very viably with a MNK sub and i even assume with Refresh and the right gear, BLU sub as well. Even SAM i believe has the power to. Just no one does it Dx.

12-19-2006, 07:29 PM
Honestly, I think NIN are fine right now. True they are awesome "tanks" but if I was a DRG or a WAR or a BLM, I wouldnt care what they did to make PLD better. They could give PLD a 4:30 invincible ability with a 5 min recast allowing you to use it 30 secs after it ends and I wouldnt care. The fact of the matter is that SE is making adjustments so that people have options. If you want to blink tank, then be a NIN. If You want to be a badass looking character that can take hits like no other job in the game, then be a PLD.

If you ask me, they are trying to make the "tanks" more balanced when comparing the 2.

12-19-2006, 07:29 PM
True. But doesn't help that SE doesn't push for it, after NIN became a tank they dropped all support of SAM and WAR's as tanks. Sam never even got to see the light of day tanking before they were made DD's. T_T

Really they just to throw in some new armor that WAR and SAM could wear at lower-higher levels that are pretty good tanking gear, then sort of push players to try them like that. God knows if they don't push us to play a job correctly someone will screw it up (I.E. Debuffing/DD NIN initially, becoming tanks, SAM tanks becoming DD, SMN becoming ghetto WHM's, etc.) Really the FFXI community isn't the best at playing jobs right or allowing new combinations to form. To this day I still get crap for leveling my melee 20-30 with a /DRG sub instead of /WAR, even though I out DD all the /WAR's of those levels. :mad:

12-19-2006, 07:36 PM
To this day I still get crap for leveling my melee 20-30 with a /DRG sub instead of /WAR, even though I out DD all the /WAR's of those levels. :mad:

This is funny cause when I was leveling my RDM to 37, the only other job I could use as a sub was my PLD. I was a debuffer/healer most of the time but occasionally meleed too. Some people complained that I was gimped because I was using /PLD but after scrolling through the text list, my damage was only about 5-10 less than the DDs in the party and I was still curing the people taking damage WHILE I debuffed. Ontop of that, someone once complained that I should level the subs of subs of subs (which I do agree, though at the time I had 3 levels left till I was 37 and then it was back to my PLD so no point) and mentioned something about me not being very good for the pt, when he had a friend PL us. Hmm, with a PL it shouldnt matter whos in the pt.

12-20-2006, 05:54 AM
All very nice, can't wait to try these out! I got my computer set up at g/f's place so I can play a little now. <3

12-20-2006, 07:17 AM
From the looks of it these are related to Salvage as I've heard. Damn not to get 2k Assault points and find some people to start doing Salvage with. >.>

I want me that Ares Cuirass so badly. T_T

12-20-2006, 03:26 PM
Well, Looks like there's a way to survive AV's Meteor now (as long as sentinel works for all types of damage) so even subbing paladin would be enough to take only ~300 dmg or so from that thing.

The rest of the salvage armor sets I found here (http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/Armor_Sets/Salvage_Armor).

12-20-2006, 05:17 PM
Well, Looks like there's a way to survive AV's Meteor now (as long as sentinel works for all types of damage) so even subbing paladin would be enough to take only ~300 dmg or so from that thing.

I believe Sentinel is physical mitigation only. Though I havn't tested it out enough, but it would make sense as all it did was give physical defense before anyways. And I believe Meteor is magic based damage. Though Rampart would do the trick now with the new Magic Stoneskin effect it gives.

12-20-2006, 05:39 PM
Yep. Sounds like Rampart is the ability to use against AV. Cant wait till I fight it :p

12-20-2006, 09:01 PM
There are a lot of reasons this wouldn't help with AV at all.

1) AV casts Meteor more often than the ability timers are up.

2) Meteor cast is nearly instant so there's essentially no prep time.

3) Meteor AoE is so big that there would essentially be nowhere for any DD to stand. As soon as DD got close enough to hit or nuke AV he would do isnta-Meteor and wipe everyone even if the tank could survive.

4) Meteor isn't the biggest problem. AV uses a ton of other things like Aeroga V that will wipe you just as badly as Meteor.

5) Even if you could survive Meteor and do damage, unless his 2hrs can be locked, it is just a matter of time before he uses Benediction and completely erases any work you've put into him.

The only thing that will make AV beatable on a regular basis, is for SE to stop 'fixing' him every time a group seems to figure him out. As soon as people made a connection of how to lock his abilities and 2hrs and started doing it regularly, the November update came and since then nobody has been able to replicate what so many LSs were doing before then.

Del Murder
12-21-2006, 01:47 AM
Well, isn't that the point? Isn't he supposed to be the ultimate beat all end all boss? If people are figuring out to beat him, they'll need to make him stronger. If he keeps getting beaten regularly then he's not so ultimate anymore.

Anyway, I'll probably never get that far. I hope to level PLD again soon so I can try out these goodies.

12-21-2006, 03:09 AM
I think it's pretty ridiculous to make a monster with good drops and continue to make him more and more unkillable. The game ceases to be fun when you have no shot at beating such a monster.

It's good to have a challenge, but making it impossible is just stupid. Sea offers very little to the player as it is. It take about a month of prep work to fight JoL. Even after beating him, AV seems to only pop about 1/10th of the time. Beyond that, they make him absolutely impossible to beat?

How is that fun? SE needs to learn a good reward for work ratio. Outside of what AV would drop.

Each of the the Jailers can drop a torque. You wanna know what the drop rate is like on them? My LS is

0/17 Fortitute Torque
0/21 Temperance Torque
0/7 Prudence Torque

That's just a little run down. The only other drops are virtue weapons, which aren't very good for anyone. Also, the pop items to pop higher tier jailers aren't 100% drop either. It's frustrating to farm several tier 1 NMs to pop a tier 2 NM that doesn't drop the pop item for JoL, which forces you to start over from the beginning after getting zilch to show for hours and hours of work.

The other decent drops in sea are the 3 mage capes (horrible drop rates from Ix'Aerns) and Novio/Novia (which are a horrible drop rate from JoL).

Overall, sea is just messed up. It isn't even so much of a challenge as much as it is a job. Making an NM hard is one thing. Making him in possible is just stupid game design.