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  1. Katawa Shoujo: Hanako Ikezawa's Route Thoughts

    by , 01-07-2015 at 11:46 PM (Karifean's Blog of Visual Novels)

    I did have somewhat high expectations for Hanako's route and it was nice to not see them betrayed. It even caught me off guard a few times and the ending was pretty good.

    First about Hanako herself. She is the shyest of the heroines and has great difficulties interacting with people. She has rather obvious scars over the entire right half of her body, but it's something she apparently prefers not to talk about. She is good friends ...

    Updated 01-07-2015 at 11:54 PM by Karifean

    Video Games , Internet , Miscellaneous
  2. Hi.

    Okay I made it a resolution to become more active on this forum. I frequently have creative episodes and random thoughts, it's really cool. Problem is I don't write them down so sometimes I forget them and it's kinda hard to write when you're in the shower.

    To be continued.. . . . . . . . . .
  3. Katawa Shoujo: Shizune Hakamichi's Route Thoughts

    by , 01-07-2015 at 01:08 AM (Karifean's Blog of Visual Novels)

    From left to right: Misha, Shizune, Hisao

    Shizune is a character I wouldn't have thought I'd appreciate much. She is a deaf girl who is also student council president. In the early parts of the story, Misha - who acts as the interpreter for her - and Shizune are on your case all the freaking time and it can be quite annoying. That is unless you go for Shizune's route in which case Hisao actually ends up appeciating their attention as it ...

    Updated 01-07-2015 at 01:14 AM by Karifean

    Video Games , Internet , Miscellaneous
  4. BoB and I are having a race

    For Top Poster.

    I will be the number one spammer!